even more classified documents found

Second batch of classified documents that Biden apparently forgot about as they clean out his offices from when he was VP.……..Are they gonna raid all of Biden’s offices and homes?

Where is the “Special Consul” like they had for The Donald about the documents at Mar-A -Lago?

Or is the DOJ determined to be as blatantly partisan as we all believed they were?


And innit funny how only find out about the documents AFTER the midterms…..?


And there ya go, no more 10% for “The Big Guy”

Congress is set to vote to stop sales of Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China.

This should have been part of things from the start.

On the one hand, oil is fungible, and putting that oil on the market did decrease the overall price of oil (and therefore gasoline and diesel and heating oil) by creating a surplus.

On the other hand, since much of the oil sold went to Chinese companies, they bought it for use in China…..no doubt garnering some money for Hunter Biden and other cronies….(and “The Big Guy”).

Using the SPR in the US might be arguably (although a stretch) a Strategic move economically…selling it to our adversaries is not. Of course, at this time, thanks to Slow Joe, our strategic reserves are very low…and China’s reserves are very high…..which may be feature, not a bug.

Hopefully, our legislators will put a stop to this. We shall see.

And “Mayor Pete” Buttplug wasn’t anywhere to be found.

Seems that the FAA has some sort of IT issue. The NOTAM system has broken.

Without NOTAMS, a pilot cannot legally fly anywhere, as this is part of the “All available information” that he/she is required to have before flying from anywhere to anywhere else….commercial flight or private flight.

But Transportation Secretary “Mayor Pete” is, as usual, nowhere to be found and as useless as ever.

I like how they try to hide it

So the Illinois government is passing (has passed) an “Assault Weapons Ban”… Apparently the cities and blue counties were able to garner enough votes to overcome the rural areas….

And part of the ban will require that the existing “Assault Weapons” in the hands of legal, law-abiding citizens must be “Certified”…..call it like it is. Registered.  (I expect that the downstate areas…outside of Chicago and the collar counties… will have a very low compliance rate) 

But they lie and use different words…..because the real intent can’t face the light.

Here is one of the ads supporting the legislation. I bet it plays well in Chicago where few know anything about firearms outside of TV, Notice how it connects “Certified” with “safety” and “reduced Gun Violence”. Liars.

So where is the outrage?

I mean, Biden forgets he has classified documents….leaves them unsecured in an unoccupied office.

Trump knew he had the documents, he just wouldn’t return them. And they were in a locked closet that had people around….


Now, I wanna know where the Leftist outrage is? The foaming at the mouth, outrage that they put forth about the Orange Man for his (mis) handling of the documents at Mar-A-Lago…..Where are the calls for Biden to have criminal charges, the claims that he should be jailed, the cries of treason, etc? (Yeah, I’m looking at you Ms Misfit)…


Look, let’s at least be consistent, OK? I think that mishandling and mis-storage of classified documents is wrong, but then again, lots of stuff is classified that isn’t secret and really doesn’t need to be classified in any way….

But sauce for the gander and all that. If yer gonna (faux) Outraged about Trump, then you should be Outraged about Biden for the same reasons…..unless your outrage was all a sham, and just theater…..Histrionics rather that real.

Plus, of course, it appears that all the documents that Biden had mishandled and (supposedly) forgotten about were all related to (Surprise!!!) happenings in Ukraine.…Funny coincidence, innit?  I wonder who looked at  those documents while they were :forgotten” about in the empty offices?



Getcher tickett

I mean, if you can buy a Mega Millions ticket where you live, go spend Two Bucks and get one.

(you probably won’t win, but there is a chance….) The cutoff times for ticket sales vary by state,,,,,Beat the rush, buy ’em early

If you do win, I’d appreciate if you’d throw me a bone for reminding you.


Yer welcome.


So what is the real goal?

Agency to Consider Ban on Gas Stoves Amid Health Fears
The US Consumer Product Safety Commission will move to regulate gas stoves as new research links them to childhood asthma.

You know, for over a hundred years we’ve had gas stoves. Now, suddenly, they are deadly to children. Gas stove do use combustion, and that does have byproducts….But the duty cycle is low, and the amount of gas burned is also low. There are a LOT of greater threats to our lungs in our houses. Solvents in household items that become airborne once opened, for example. VOC’s in carpet, furniture, packaging, etc.

I find the premise odd, and I find it strange that suddenly “gas stoves should be banned”. I think there is more here that we are being told…..

What is the real goal?


Update: Seems that they are walking the claim back now.

Mostly symbolic, as it will die in the Senate….

But, the Republicans in the House passed a bill defunding most of the $80 Billion for an expanded IRS….even though it is a useless gesture.

(Not that I think they care about the IRS, as they are (mostly) RINOS anyway, and don’t care how big the government gets or how much they damage the average productive citizen, but they did keep a campaign promise…even if it is meaningless in reality.)

I’d be more impressed if they would pass some actual meaningful, useful legislation, and if they would actually you know, shrink and defund a bunch of government.

What ever happened to “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.”


“The house of representatives can not only refuse, but they alone can propose the supplies requisite for the support of government. They in a word hold the purse; that powerful instrument by which we behold, in the history of the British constitution, an infant and humble representation of the people, gradually enlarging the sphere of its activity and importance, and finally reducing, as far as it seems to have wished, all the overgrown prerogatives of the other branches of the government. This power over the purse, may in fact be regarded as the most compleat and effectual weapon with which any constitution can arm the immediate representatives of the people, for obtaining a redress of every grievance, and for carrying into effect every just and salutary measure.”

If the Republicans would use the Power of the Purse properly……

If it looks like a Duck

walks and talks. flies and floats like a duck, is there an effective difference?


I had a cold. Sniffles, somewhat congested…. dry throat, slight fever, drainage..

Then it turned thick. Sinus infection.

Then, in conversation, someone said “Sounds like RSV”…so I looked it up

No real difference in symptoms or how to treat for it. So is there any real difference? Does it matter? At the end of it, is it just another name for a common respiratory virus that we all used to generically call a “Cold”?

I honestly don’t know if it is Rhinovirus or RSV. And it doesn’t matter, really.


(and I tested, it ain’t Covid 19 either. Not that it would matter, the treatment for THAT is also pretty much the same)



Why is the US Media giving Harry (the ‘Spare”) any coverage? He is acting like a petulant child who didn’t get his way.

Why are they supporting him in any way? Giving him a platform to air his grievances?

He used to be a person I admired, since he met Meghan, he’s become a little turd with no honor and no class. .