Kinda goes along with what LawDog said
Monthly Archives: February 2018
How come
Seriously, he was a decent man, apparently a great pastor, but, in the end, just a man. Why do they give him the honor, and deny so many others?
Ultimately, what makes his corpse so special?
How many times can they stop?
Their firearms department had, as far as I knew, given up AR-style rifles and high round count magazines years ago, in some Virtue Signalling display after, either the Aurora Colorado shooing or perhaps another one much earlier…..I forget. (ETA: it was the Sandy Hook shooting)
But, either way, they gave up AR-15 style rifles once already. I’ve not been back to a Dicks since. I refuse to patronize places whose management uses tragedy to Virtue Signal.
Yet, oddly, they are giving them up again. How is that? I don’t remember there being a sunset provision of the sales of “Weapons of War” or whatever they called them then. Is profit a motivator that trumps Virtue Signalling? Or did they think that all their customers would forget? Is there a repeal date for this decision? Do they think it will help them get a boost selling Yeti cooler knockoffs and semi casual stylish workout wear and expensive boots and outdoor wear to their millenial customers for a while?
ETA: apparently they are serious this time: “This time it’s permanent“…One wonders why they don’t simply stop selling all firearms?
Expect their stock to fall….unexpectedly. They are all ready having issues. I expect them to fail soon.
Let’s be consistent and all….
Ok, then, if deporting all illegals saves just one life, wouldn’t that be worth it?
(Editors note: The discrepancies in the official report are many, and odd, and the actions of the ATF agents and subsequent FBI agents show that they considered these citizens to be subhuman, not worth basic human considerations. I am ashamed that I and my fellow citizens allowed this to happen and failed to exact punishment of or exact retribution from, those agents responsible)
If ever there was a reason every man (and woman) should own a rifle and have the ability to use it, this is one.
Trust your government?
Not hardly. Not me.
I’ll remember this with the intensity that I remember 9-11,
Is your church approved by the Government?
Are you?
If all else fails, the Feds will burn you out to remove you as an embarrassment. Remember that too.
Never forget, this is a day where the “Government” chose to ignore the rights of the citizens, and, ultimately, killed those who would not comply with the orders of bureaucrats.
13 hours
20 minutes loading. 7 to unload.
The rest was driving. I only walked (according to the pedometer) 3800 steps today. Burned something like 9 calories…..
And now I have the symptoms of rhinovirus. Which sucks.
Expect little on Wed.
Willie be singin’
Go read the folks on the sidebar, they know more and are more interesting anyway.
“On Wednesday, Twitter Safety released a statement regarding the Parkland students. Anyone ‘harassing’ (disagreeing with) the students will be banned.
Twitter also said something very interesting. They are using ‘anti-abuse tools to weed out malicious automation around these individuals and the topics they are raising.’”
So, only the “right” people with the “right” message get to be heard. Dissent will be deleted.
I always thought that 1984 was a novel, not a prophecy.
Is everybody in the Broward County Sheriffs department a fuck up?
But things like this keep surfacing, and I cannot help but wonder.
EMS first responder shares harrowing account of how botched Florida shooting response was
Terrible, if true. ‘Tisn’t like one deputy with a rifle couldn’t secure a hallway….or, as they cleared one floor at a time, then let the EMS in.
This is why, by the way,

Do a google search for the image to find out his name and why he is the example….
Stolen from WRSA