Could happen to any of us…..

So the very elderly man is sitting on the park bench crying.


A younger man  just out of his teens walks by and asks “Hey, Old man, what’s wrong?

The old man replies: “I’m crying ’cause I’m in love with a beautiful younger woman”

“How is that bad?” asks the young man

“Dude, I mean this lady is 45 years younger than me, she’s beautiful, long legs, beautiful face even without makeup, boobs that don’t quit, firm and high…. and a body to die for….Hot as hell”

He goes on in a shaky voice

“Every morning, she wakes me up by making love to me, then a bit later, she gets up and cooks me breakfast…after bringing me a cup of coffee while I am still in bed.”

“Then she does the dishes, gets dressed, goes to work…she’s a model, by the way, and also a professor of physics, so she stays busy……She sends me saucy texts and racy photos all day long, and when she comes in the door, she jumps my bones, and makes sweet love to me until it is time to cook dinner.”

He goes on with a tremble in his voice, taking deep breaths as if to keep his composure

“After dinner….and she is a gourmet cook, by the way….she does the dishes, maybe some laundry, then sits down next to me, puts her head on my shoulder, tells me about her day, and asks me about mine…then at night, before we go to sleep, she makes passionate love to me as many times as I can….If it is a weekend, we don’t stop after breakfast (if you know what I mean), unless it is to go somewhere sightseeing  or shopping with her on my arm, dressed up and smelling beautiful…then a nice dinner or a play or a movie and then home for more loving”

The old man breaks down in tears, sobbing uncontrollably.

“I don’t get it, old man!” says the younger one “I would kill for a relationship with a woman like that who treats me like that….what are you crying about? ”


The old man takes a deep breath, and lets out a wail and cries  “I can’t fucking remember remember where I live!”

I must be close to the target….

I deleted over 600 spam in comments today.

Over 400 yesterday.

(If you commented and I accidentally deleted it, please re-comment, or email; me and I will look in the Spam and re-allow it).


I wonder which post triggered the onslaught?

Here’s a thought:

If you can’t separate facts from an emotional response when it comes to evaluating  things like vaccinations (and Global Warming) and you are relying on what someone else (who has no science, no background, no data)  told you then it isn’t science, it is a religion.

If your fears and emotions override actual facts, or make you ignore actual facts, then you can’t make a rational judgment.


Just because you heard it from your coworker who heard it from someone at her Yoga class who  heard it from her hairdresser who heard it from her roommate who got it from her landlord’s wife who heard it from someone at church doesn’t make it true…..

THis will make things interesting

If you are any kind of manufacturing.

China is banning export of lots of “Key Minerals” 

I still think making China step up is the better idea. Of course, it’s gonna make things difficult for some people and is gonna mean that they have to find other sources of supply….and there are other sources, they just aren’t as cheap or easily available.

But If Donnie can break the hold China has on manufacturing, and bring it back to the U,  it’s gonna be better for the country



Have you noticed

That the Anti-Vaxxers use (nearly( as much intelligent thought as the Flat-Earthers?


Jesus, some of the people you’d think would be smart enough to us the tools they have, like deductive logic and simple cause/effect and such to look for the truth about vaccines and side effects.

But no, they repeat what other anti-vaxxers say, without ever examining the facts. With out ever looking a the claims with logic rather than emotion. Whatever fits their Confirmation Bias…and they repeat it for others to listen to.

Like Flat-Earthers, they refuse to see what is in front of them, and just believe what they are being told. .


You’d think they’d be smarter, and actually qualify their sources for information.


(Image stolen from MC …I have no idea where she stole it from)


So the media and the Anti-Gun folks (But I repeat myself) are making a big deal about the fact that the (alleged) shooter had some sort of “Ghost Gun” in his possession at the time of his arrest  ‘Thing is, at best, it is a plastic frame. Maybe 3d printed, maybe not. But the rest of parts had to be metal.

And apparently a homemade silencer as well. OMFG.

I strongly doubt that not having access to the plastic frame would have made a difference to him doing the deed. The fact that it was “unregistered” and “Untraceable” would have made no difference. The victim is still dead.


But they got to use the term “Ghost Gun” in a news story, so they are happier….


I still don’t know why a silencer was used.



They will probably catch him


But it is amazing that a person who takes some simple precautions can essentially (for a while, at least) get away with murder in the most surveilled city in the United States…with the full might of the NYC police department seeking clues.

One wonders of he even tried to hide his identity all that hard.

If one were to make a few less mistakes,  take a few more simple precautions, then one could likely never be caught.

ETA 12;40PM: Someone saw him in Pennsylvania and called the cops. They caught the suspect not with hard  police work and great investigation skills….Instead, someone saw his photo and called the cops in Pennsylvania.

The cops are congratulating each other, but it was a simple phone call that got him, not the thousands of man-hours they spent looking for clues.

Fun times

So both Aaron and I needed to get with it, IFR currency style.

Plus I hadda drop something off for him, and so on Sunday, I flew the 340A up to KPTK and met up with him

We flew my plane from Pontiac to Flint, did the ILS 27 with him as safety pilot and me under the foggles, then went back around and did the RNAV 27 approach to Flint.

Then the 27R approach on the RNAV to Pontiac.

Parked the 340, got into his Archer, and did it again, only this time with the roles reversed.

His approaches were better than mine, he nailed the localizer on the first intercept and held it, whereas I wandered left and right before getting my stuff together. I got better on the RNAVs though, and all of them were good enough. But competency comes as a part of currency, and IFR approaches are like shooting well….. if you don’t practice, you lose the edge.

We then had a late lunch at a Mexican restaurant that was very good.

Then, way too soon,  it was time to leave before my home airport got weathered in: Low IFR expected after dark, so I filed a flight plan and took off for home.


The flight out was beautiful, what with the tailwind, I was hauling ass across the ground.


The flight back, of course, I had a killer 58 knot headwind, so I was only going 150 knots or so ground speed, 205-ish kts airspeed.

But one thing was pretty cool. If you look closely, you can see the glow of the turbocharger at the left side (back of the louvers)in this picture. EGT was about 1550f or so, (RAM engine specs are for 1600F  but I always run just a bit under that.)…. But the turbo runs damned hot. Hot enough that you can see it sometimes when it is dark.

Either way, it was a beautiful flight out, and a smooth and clear flight back.

Right after I got home, the cloud cover began to descend. For once, my timing was good.

All in all a good day of flying.

Plus time with a good friend that I don’t get to see very often.

All in all a really good day.

3.4,  3 approaches, 2 landings….one night, one daytime.

Lots to log and more importantly spending time with a friend.



‘Tis a shame

That the New York Police cannot spend even 3% of the resources they are spending on investigating the murder of Brian Thompson on other murders in the city….Hell even 1%.

If they would spend even a fraction of the manpower they are spending on the search for evidence for THIS murder, they could likely solve many other crimes.

I realize that this is a big deal, a wealthy and powerful man murdered…..but really, is it any different than any other murder in the city?


I find it shameful that they cannot even try when it comes to other murders and crimes.