Hegseth to NATO:

“You had better step up ’cause we are stepping away”

Both from the money sink (to Ukrainian powerful people) that is Ukraine, and from NATO as well.


Again, about fukking time.


This is more of what I voted for.

America First and stop spreading the wealth of our nation, our citizens, to people who won’t step up for themselves. Let the NATO countries take it out of their social programs that they love to lord over us…. We always hear about how their social safety nets are so great, but they spend money that should be paying for defense on those programs, and have let the US pay for NATO. Hiding behind the US’s skirts, as it were. Enough of that.

A profundity


Once it goes, it’s gone

‘No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.’

True for people too. We can’t ever find them again, for they are not the same person they were, and neither are we.

A sadness, sometimes.

Funny, innit?

I mean really really strange…

“tariffs burden consumers with higher prices” as corporations simply pass the cost onto consumers….

But somehow, all those corporate taxes levied during the times when the DNC types held sway never caused the same issue of rising prices…..Those taxes were Good Things.

Really really odd, that.

No more games for Ukraine:

And it is about time, for Ukraine as well as the rest of Europe

They are gonna have to go it without the US, mostly.

America will no longer front the lion’s share of aid to Ukraine, the Trump administration said today in a devastating blow to Kyiv that will pile pressure on Europe to fill the void.

Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth said that Washington will ‘no longer tolerate an imbalanced relationship’ with its allies, adding that ‘Europe must provide the overwhelming share of future lethal and non-lethal aid to Ukraine’.

He stressed that the United States was no longer ‘primarily focused’ on Europe, and said that the old continent would have to fund most of Ukraine’s defense itself in a turn away from a 75-year role as the ‘primary guarantor of security in Europe’.



W. W. Wizdom-21

“Nothing in this world that’s worth having comes easy.”

“Truth is, everyone is going to hurt you….the thing is, you gotta figure out which ones are worth suffering for”

“How people treat you shows their character, their worth, not yours.”

“When you have given nothing, ask for nothing.”

“Standing alone is better than standing with people who undervalue you”


U.S. District Court Judge Paul Englemeyer

Is, apparently, owned by some important people who, it would seem,  don’t want to have their finances looked at regarding payments form the Treasury Department…..

He issued an emergency restraining order to keep Musk and his minions from examining any additional payments….Without a real reason, nor any possibility of arguments from anyone.

Odd, that, innit? Almost like is in the pay or control of someone who would benefit from the delay…..


Innit interesting

How the Federal Government, via FEMA is paying the states (New York is the one that is recently highlighted in the Media stories about DOGE) millions of dollars to “House” the “Migrants” in hotels…..during the “Migrant Crisis” that is CAUSED by Joe Biden’s (and the Democrats) policies at the border….


So they are spending your money to house people that are here illegally. Using FEMA funds to do so, funds set aside for helping American Citizens during times of crisis…like hurricanes, floods etc., rather than spending it for or on on the citizens of the US…..a manufactured crisis. One wonders how much was kicked back to people approving the payments?

At least someone got fired for approving these funds. Now their bosses need to be fired for allowing them to do such egregious acts.

Work up until there are no bosses who allow such crap to happen.