Well, I was going to work on the ramps for the trailer (making new ones to replace the set that were stolen) but instead, as the forecast for Sunday was scattered showers and windy, but today (Saturday) was overcast but calm, I decided instead to shoot (or at least practice) for the postal match, whose deadline was fast approaching, and likely Saturday was the only day I might have a chance to have the time to shoot.Plus the nerve in my wrist wasn’t acting up too much….
So I packed up 2 rifles and the range bag and made a range run. I live only 2.8 miles from a private range (of which I am, of course, a member). This range allows rimfire rifles, as well as any pistol up to 44 magnum. They have a 50 yd and a 25 yd outdoor range, so I shot my targets there. (living that close to a range like that makes for an hellacious ammo budget, let me tell you….) Normally, I only shoot pistols there, killing bowling pins or paper at 12 or 25 yards (or 50 feet indoors).
Anyway, I went to the range after printing out 15 targets (so I could practice) and after about three practice targets, I realized that my offhand shooting skills were….let us be kind and say “rusty”. I was wobbly and shakey and kinda twitchy. My shoulder cramped up enough after 3 targets that I had to put the rifle down and rest, as my groups opened up a LOT.
So after a rest, I tried again. One thing that was a pain during practice was adjusting both the scoped rifle and the open sighted rifle to shoot at 25 yds. Normally, I shoot from a rest or kneeling or prone at 100 yds… not at 25! It took 25 rounds to walk the point of impact down far enough using the scoped 10-22. 34 clicks down. 1 entire target just to adjust for the short yardage.
Finally, having the scope adjusted enough I was able to actually sight ON the target rather than below, I rested for about 15 minutes and shot my target for score:
Not too bad, but Boy Howdy, my offhand shooting has greatly deteriorated in the past 6 months or so. This is from a 3×9 scoped rifle. A 10-22 that can put 5 in the size of a quarter at 50 yards, and a half dollar at 100 yds.
So I put that rifle away, and rested for a bit, and then took out my J.C. Higgins model 30. One of my favorite rifles, and one that I have a great deal of sentiment about, as it was the rifle that my dad and grandfather taught me to shoot with. Having laid broken in a guncase for many years, (the rifle, not me!) I finally, with the help of a friend, learned about Numrich, and got a new extractor for this rifle. With a bit of fitting and a great deal of help, I was able to make this fine rifle shoot again. And shoot it does. Not bad for a rifle 12 years older than I am.
Again, I had to adjust the sights WAY down, took 25 shots to find the target, and by then I was shakey again, so I rested, and walked a bit. 20 minutes later I walked up, loaded 5 rounds and began shooting for score. 25 rounds later, my shoulder sore from holding that rifle up, I had this target:
While I am not sure how he is gonna score them, (or even if I can enter 2 different times, one scoped and one unscoped) I present these for scoring.
Here is, perhaps, a better set of pics for scoring:
The 10-22…. Scoped: I score this as 23.
The JC Higgins….Open sights: I score this as a 10.
I actually used to be able to shoot better. Either I am out of shape, or just getting older. Or maybe it’s the drinking.(or lack thereof?)…I really don’t know. But I can hit the paper at 25 yards, at least.
You still have time! If you want to enter, HERE are the rules.
Hey, after seeing these, you know that you aren’t gonna come in dead last. I think that I have that spot covered. ETA: Apparently I hold first place. I thought that this would be a poor showing. (You folks should see the guys I shoot with!…this wouldn’t even be a target that they’d let anyone see)
The sad part is that I could likely shoot this well with my .22 Bullseye pistol. It is all a matter of practice….And I am way out of practice with a rifle.
ETA: this was shot using Federal bulk ammo from Wal-Mart.