Somewhat unsympathetic

American Ryan Watson stuck in Turks and Caicos jail and facing 12 years in prison after airport staff found four rounds of ammo in his luggage as he tried to return home – ‘It was an innocent mistake!’

I am sure that it was a mistake. I am sure that he meant no harm, nor did he intend to break the laws….and one wonders how he could be so stupid as to make that mistake. How did the rounds get into his carry on? Further, how did he miss them while packing for his latest trip? 4 rounds in a ziploc bag is not a tiny thing.

Having said that, If you are that stupid to have brought “Hunting Ammo” on a trip,,,,IN YOUR CARRY ON, from a previous trip, you sorta deserve what you get.

Why would ammo be in a carry-on (domestic or international) in the first place? AFAIK, the TSA discourages the carriage of rifle rounds in domestic carry-ons as well. Which leads to make me wonder how he got it on the plane FROM the US in the first place.. If his story is true, then the TSA had to have missed these rifle rounds TWICE….once when he flew home from his hunting trip, and again when he left to go to on this vacation.

The Turks and Caicos is not the US. He is learning a very valuable lesson.

If I should “accidentally” bring pot back from Amsterdam, then that is on me…..”It was in my backpack and I was carrying it for a friend and forgot to take it out before boarding” isn’t gonna cut it with Customs in the US, is it?

Either way, it is up to the traveler to make sure his possessions are legal where he is going.

Stupid should hurt. and it is apparently casing him pain right now.

Now, isn’t that just an interesting tidbit of information???

It would seen, oddly, that against the official policies of the ATF, the agents that shot and killed Bryan Malinowski in a pre-dawn raid upon his home in Little Rock a few weeks ago were not wearing their body worn cameras.

One would ask why the agents chose not to wear the department provided devices  against department policy. Almost as if they were planning to do something they wanted to hide…..

So we essentially have only their word about the events that led to the shooting of Mr.  Malinowski….Strange that, innit?

It makes the questions even more stark…..As we all know, had they wanted to arrest him, they could easily have done so while he was on his way to work…they knew that he was employed as an executive at the Little Rock Airport….or they could have done so at his office as well.

I gotta ask: Was this an execution?

Not having a Body Cam, we have to wonder if the raid was so poorly executed that if, as claimed, Mr Malinowski fired first…did he understand that the people braking down his door at 6:04 AM were federal agents?

Why no Bodycam? Are the agents fired for such an egregious violation of policy? (NONE of them were wearing an body camera, which means that they had to have conspired amongst themselves to “forget” them. One camera being forgotten or not activated, I can (possibly) see, all 6? A very strange coincidence.

But the ATF has a history of this sort of thing. It would seem that they have a cadre of this sort of agents.

Some town officials are just assholes

Respec’ Mah Authoriteh!

Girl Scout, 13, is fined $400 for selling cookies on her grandparents’ driveway for three very bizarre reasons

With only about 2000 people in the town, I am sure that the folks there can make the “Officers” (notice they aren’t giving her name?) life miserable…..Make it hard to buy gas, buy groceries, etc. Perhaps refuse her any and all services….Make it hard to get her car fixed, stuff like that.  The town can do a lot to discourage such behavior. Shunning works.

Unless, and until, these folks learn that there is a limit to their Karen-Like behavior, this shit continues. If it was a man rather than a woman issuing the fines, an asskicking might be in order.

Elections are happening too, and anyone who supports the “officer” in the local government needs to face consequences as well…

Innit funny

(ETA: Guys, we have all had bad experiences with some women. But keep the comment decent. Please, like the ones that have been deleted, don’t go too far over the line.)


Got a kid that hangs out with the old guys at the airport sometimes. He’s learning a valuable, but VERY painful lesson.

Not about planes, mind you, but about life…and women.

Ferinstance… He’s learning:

If you do something wrong in a relationship with a woman, if she thinks it is bad enough (or simply is feeling pissy that day) then she will never forget it. (She may forgive, but probably not). She’ll probably never forget either way.

Yet everything you do that is good for a woman is easily (and frequently) quickly forgotten and ignored in the balance of things.

Bought her jewelry? Yeah. that was yesterday. Spent money you couldn’t afford on something she wanted…..Meh.

Took her on a trip? Yeah, that was then. Took care of her parents, or family? Yeah, that was so last year.

Worked 70 hour weeks to pay for the house she wanted….She forgot about that.

Held her, protected her, comforted her in a bad time, yeah, that is in the past.

Committed to her, chose her and only her as your only one? Yeah that was then.

Gave her your love and devotion and fortune? Yeah, so what. ….yesterday.

Funny how ungrateful and unrepentant a women can be once she already has the gain from it…and/or no longer needs you. …or desires your presence,… Once she decides, then nothing is the past really holds any value. All discarded like trash. (but she won’t give the jewelry or other material possessions back, either)

My younger friend is learning this lesson (and bleeding for it) right now. She can’t even behave towards him as she would like him to behave towards her….that double standard that women always seem to have…..

He’s amazed how very, very little all the things he did right (then) actually matter (now). It’s killing him. He thought doing the right things and sacrificing and things that made her happy might get him a tiny bit of gratitude. Poor dude. This divorce may break him…and not financially.

Out of the 10 of us who were there listening to his tale of woe, none of us, not one,  could say that their experience was actually that different. 80 years old to 30 years old, wealthy or not, we all had to learn how ungrateful and short term women can be. And how cruel their behavior can be.

It’s no wonder that young men today are simply Going Their Own Way. They see….they notice.  Things like the internet make it harder for women to hide their behavior. (and honestly, I think women born before 1960 or so just behaved better…and the closer to today they were born the worse they behave)

One of the old gents said ” Son, if you treat a dog decent, they’ll remember that and at least be nice to ya and probably not bite you…. probably stick around….. Not so for other critters…better you learn that lesson sooner than later”.

No one could argue with that. Sad reflection on women, really. At least she didn’t trap him with a kid. But she’s gone, he’s heartbroken.

I feel for the kid.




So Biden has so far removed the :Student Loan” debt of $153 BILLION for 4.3 million people. That’s an average of 35 Thousand dollars per person who had their debt removed.

Thirty Five Thousand Dollars. That’s a lot of money for an education that won’t  give you a job that earns enough to let you pay back those loans. Hard to make a living with a  degree in 17th century French Literature, i guess. Bad planning.

However: I’d bet that if those folks had even TRIED to pay down some of that debt, they’d be half paid off by now. Of course, that would require fiscal responsibility and fewer lattes….less partying, maybe a second job, though. Even working at Starbucks some payments could have been made.


He’s buying votes with our money.



Since Joe Biden (and his handlers) are pushing so hard to force the rest of us to get rid of our dinosaur burning internal combustion engine driven cars…

When will he change his entourage from gasoline and diesel burning cars to an all-electric fleet. I mean, his motorcade must burn about 40 gallons per mile what with all those cars, limos and other fuel efficient vehicles and all that.


Go ahead, Joe, show us the way. electrify.

Can anyone explain to me

How the fact that Trump (or at least his “people”) trying to downplay his affair with “Stormy Daniels” AKA Stephanie Clifford somehow illegal as “election interference”?

I mean, if acts like downplaying the negative parts of any candidate before an election are illegal, do we get to charge Biden for hiding his son’s crimes? For the fact that they have been downplaying Slow Joe’s cognitive decline? His apparent incest with his daughter? These are not supposition, they are facts. Yet many people worked hard to downplay and outright hide those facts before the appointment election. How many FBI agents will be jailed for hiding and slow-rolling the investigation of the Hunter Laptop and it’s negative reflection on Joe and his family?

Or the irregularities with the Clinton Family finances and their “Foundation:….

I mean, I am good if those are also illegal…..and the trials start soon.

Or do we have a two-tiered justice system?

Not the Swedes.

Nor the Amish.

(they’d likely clean up after themselves)

Spring break celebrations devolved into chaos at the annual Orange Crush gathering in Savannah as shocking videos show topless brawls and mounds of garbage washing into the ocean.

Is it selective reporting? Or is it just one demographic?

These can’t be real lowlifes, it takes money for travel and hotels and such. They have to have jobs and such to earn that.

But it’s nearly always one group.