So Biden says he is “Willing to shut down the border” right now…..If the border deal passes (With Ukraine funding).
(read that again….the security of this country hinges on him getting taxpayer money for Ukraine)
Why isn’t he willing to shut down the border RIGHT FUCKING NOW?
Why is he holding this COUNTRY, the United States, hostage, in order to make sure that Ukraine gets it’s funding…more free money from the United States taxpayer? Why is that more important to him , higher in priority, than the sovereignty of our country’s borders and the economic health of our citizens? (How much are they kicking back to him and his family?)
Who, exactly, is he working for? The people of the Untied States, or the Government of Ukraine?
This is the question that EVERYONE should be asking. Every single person, Republican, Democrat, Independent,….Black, White, other.,,,,, Straight, Gay or whatever. Man, woman or unsure. Every citizen of the US should ask this question. So should the media, but they aren’t. So we should ask it of everyone we know, everyone we meet, everyone we can get to listen? Make ’em think. Make ’em question.
If you are reading this you should point these facts out to everyone you know and ask them….Make them ask that question until Biden answers it…..
If you own a blog, or do Twitter or Facebook or whatever media platform… should be asking this question there as well.
ETA: Thanks to CederQ at Bustenuckles and Irish at the Feral Irishman for spreading the word. Every single person should see the question and ask themselves what Biden is doing and why. I don’t care if you give me credit or not. But put the word out there any way you can and make everyone ask why this is happening.