But will the biased press ask why FEMA isn’t there fixing everyone’s issues?
Having pointed that out, I gotta say that many folks chose to have their own issues:
I mean, if you were unaware that there was gonna be a hurricane hitting Florida’s gulf coast and then moving more or less directly north…..with pretty much the predicted path forecast a week ago…with incredibly heavy rain, then you are either hiding under a rock (now flooded) or just plain not paying attention…or stupid. I knew a week ago that Hurricane Helene ‘s remnants would hit Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina. likely Virginia and maybe Kentucky and Tennessee. And that was just from watching the nightly news in my area. I don’t live in any of those areas. I realize that the devastation is incredible in some areas, and I feel sorry for those folks who lost homes to damage, or flooding. But if you didn’t fill your gas tank, didn’t stock up on food, and didn’t plan for extended power outages, then you kinda deserve the misery, assuming your house is undamaged.
3 days in, and people are beginning to starve and run out of water. No power, and, apparently “roving gangs” are stealing generators (hint: Tie those suckers down with a cable or chain…..and if you don’t have the means to defend it or your other supplies, you really don’t own it)…
But if your home is intact, and if you didn’t prepare, and are starving or dehydrating after only three days, I find it somewhat difficult to feel sorry for you. I mean, gas cans are relatively cheap, you can use the gas in your car later if you don’t need it for storm outages…fill those gas cans a day or two before the storm hits, realize that canned food stores for a long time, etc. A gallon of water per person per day (prepare for a week) isn’t that hard to store and is relatively cheap. A tiny bit of preparation makes for a much less taxing existence until you get your power back. Propane stoves are inexpensive, and likely most people have a propane grill, so cooking isn’t that hard…I mean you can boil water for food and for drinking if you need to….
You can’t, perhaps, prepare for damage to your home from winds or floods, but you can prepare for a loss of power and the resultant issues. Food/water/medicines/ etc shouldn’t be a problem after 3 days. Same for gasoline.
But back in the days of Katrina, when thousands of people failed to prepare in New Orleans, the press was screaming that President Bush had not prepared properly and that FEMA had somehow failed the black people…. When it was their local (Democrat run) governments that had failed them.
“Where is FEMA” isn’t the question people should be asking 3 days in…But rather “Where is the State?” and Where is my local government?”
Will the press castigate Biden and Harris this time for the same thing they did Bush? …that FEMA isn’t there already handing out food and water and ice? ? Or will they choose not to mention that?