I just can’t help but wonder

That all the coverage, all the news people and talking heads, all the time spent by the Media anchors,….all the supposed surveys and other prognostications…


Are they really just a bunch of noise to make us think that there is actually an election taking place??…. that the American people really are making a choice, a decision, and that our votes really count, or are we being misled and the selection process has already taken place and the decision has already been made and this is just sugar coating the truth? Telling the little girl that she did good when it was really Mom who made the cake? Telling thee young boy that he built the doghouse when all he really did was hand nails to Dad?

Telling the rest of the citizenry that they really chose their “Leaders” for the next 4 year?



38 minutes

That’s 38 minutes door to door, from entering the facility, standing in line, showing my ID, getting my ballot, standing in another (shorter) line, voting, putting my ballot into the counter (who knows if it was counted properly?) and them walking out.


38 minutes. On voting day.

Of course the demographics of the people in line were mostly of European descent , so there as little time wasted, and everyone was polite and decent, which helps a lot.

Now, at 7:30 AM, I would bet the line was significantly longer, (there were more than twice the cars in the parking lot then) but the polling place workers were dong a decent job, and the voters weren’t dawdling at the machines.

The poll workers said the turnout had been fairly heavy so far, more than 40% over the las presidential election. Not sure how much of that is actual interest or if it can be chalked up to population growth.

Still, so far, a decent turnout. I just hope all the people who moved from Chicago to Northwest Indiana didn’t bring their voting preferences with them…..

If you haven’t yet voted

and are undecided (unlikely for most of my readers, I am sure)  then you might want to think about this.

This is a perfect example of the Democrats, both the ones we had in office, and the ones that are trying to get into office:


They are bent on “Fundamentally changing the country” the Barry Soetoro wants to. The people running Joe Biden worked hard at it, the same people running Kamala Harris will work even harder to totally and fundamentally change us to a socialist state, even if they have to break the US to do so.

They’ve lied and cheated about illegals, about taxes, about energy, and about freedoms.

Why would anyone think the Harris regime will be any different that the Biden regime?

Today’s the day

Do the American people choose Socialism or Capitalism?

Does the Margin of Cheat, run by the Democrat Machine win, or are there enough protections in place this time to give us free(ish) and fair(ish) elections?

Do we have a truly Democratic Republic, or will this be the last time that we have a real vote? Can we trust the election, the count, or not?

Will we be forced to take to the streets and tear this country apart?


May the gods have mercy on this country and its citizens.

‘Tis interesting

They re showing lots of Blue cities and also Washington DC businesses and even some government building being boarded up with sheets of plywood for the expected coming riots.


It is implied that it will be Right leaning folks who riot. Possible, (but unlikely)


It is always, however,  in Blue cities that this happens, and Right leaning folks generally don’t randomly riot and vandalize entire blocks of cities….That is more the left that does that sort of behavior.

The start of the cheating:

Seems that in Nevada, they will count un-postmarked, un-signed ballots for three days after election day. Seems to be an opening for cheating, ya know?

And yet, they tell us the election is secure and cheating CANNOT happen. Just like they told us that it never happened last time….


If they really gave a shit, they’d have better systems in place and they would make sure that there could be no question.


Americans trust the lottery system more than their election system.

And for good reason.


all three major broadcast networks

CBS, NBC, ABC… are all telling us (with, oddly, nearly exactly the same words) that OUR ELECTIONS ARE SAFE AND SECURE.

There is no issue with Election Integrity. The Voting Machines are NOT ATTACHED TO THE INTERNET and CANNOT BE HACKED.

Plus, of course, they point out that 94% of the votes are cast on some sort of paper ballot…..But who ensures that the count is accurate?  Who ensures that we can trust the vote-counting machines?

I certainly no longer trust any part of our voting process, no matter what the propaganda news programs tell me.

Joe Stalin: “It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.”

“As long as I count the Votes, what are you going to do about it. say?” — William M. “Boss” Tweed



They are pushing the whole “your husband, your friends, nobody at all, has to know how you vote” thing. Implying that women will lie who they vote for, and that they will vote for the woman because they also have a vagina…

It is shameful, really, Not only the message, but that they think it is acceptable for women to lie and that women should vote for a woman simply because because they are women,

Sadly, there are a large number who will vote that way, for just that reason

The lying is a part of the culture.


It is interesting though how the Democrats think about the average woman. Under control of her husband, sneaky, lying. Strange, I must hang around the wrong people, most women I know are strong independent, able to think for themselves and would NEVER allow their man to tell them now to vote or to think.

But then again, I onlyy hang around conservative women, Maybe Lineral types are different.

Government at it’s finest

So the wildlife folks in Albany decided that a pet squirrel and pet raccoon needed to be removed from the owners care…despite that he had raised both from the time they were babies.

Ok, unlicensed wildlife, I can sorta get that. Taking them for the animals welfare or something was the excuse.

But then, rather than just quarantining the animals to check for rabies before releasing them (or finding them a home in a zoo…..)

They killed them in order to check their brains for rabies.

Yeah, that did a lot of good for the animals. They claim that a wildlife official was bitten, but there was no reason to believe that the squirrel had rabies, having no indication and having lived in captivity for months

Wildlife officials at their finest. One might make a case for just plain vindictiveness. You have to wonder what kind of people they employ there. Even most modern cops are not that bad.  Maybe they are just assholes. Either way, their actions failed, however to look out for the welfare of the animals, which was the excuse for the whole action.

If ever there was a case for a dark alley (or a well lit public street) and a baseball bat and steel toed boots, this is it. It might be lesson for others. I’d pay his bail. Hell, I’d help.

If the New York Governor lets this stand, allows the people who made the decisions for those animals, to continue to be employed, he too should be fired. Or join them in the street for punishment.

ETA: And all the Karens who complained to the State of New York abut the squirrel: Did you improve his lot in life? Make it better? I hope you can live with yourselves.