The fact that they feel they have to refute this

Tells us a lot, don’t it?

I mean, it is not impossible, and is, in fact, a likely as not. I mean, they cheated in a national election 4 years or so ago, so why wouldn’t they do this?

Kamala Harris, who has claimed to believe that Bluetooth headphones are a ‘security risk’, was accused of wearing earphones disguised as pearl earrings to aide her during the 90-minute debate against Donald Trump

I mean it was obvious that the two “Moderators” for the debate were in the tank for her, and likely so was the entire production team…..why should we believe that they would not overlook something like this?

They moderators lied in their ‘Fact Checking” (vehemently, did you notice?)  so why should we think that this sort of cheat  would bother them?

On the other hand, how would you prove or (disprove) the accusation?

So when they “Fact Checked” Trump….

At the Trump-Harris debate, it turns out that they lied (is this a surprise?).

The (apparently some of) Hattians ARE eating geese and ducks from the park, and there has been an increase in the loss of domestic pets, especially cats.

Let us not forget that in a community of 80,000 there have been added 15,000  immigrants, nearly all Hattians..

If that won’t “Fundamentally Change” a community, I don’t know what will.


One wonders why the immigration folks bring all of one demographic, rather than a mix, so that the immigrants have to adjust to the community rather than the community adjust to them?

Wednesday words of Wisdom (1)

This will, I hope, be an ongoing thing…..These were gathered from many sources.


“The people who love you for who you are, and not for what you can do for them are the best kind of people in your life”

“The greatest gift you can give yourself is freedom from what others think”

“Time alwys exposes what you truly mean to someone”

“When someone walks out of your life, let them. This makes room for someone else to walk in”

“If your partner is gonna listen to the relationship advice of whatever toxic friend in their life… the one who has failed in every relationship, and who will not suffer the consequences of their advice…. then you need to let them go. They have chosen that person over you”

“No one is “Too Busy”…it is simply a matter of priorities”

“There will come a day when there will no longer be time to do the things you always wanted. Do them now instead”





23 years ago….8:46 Am (ET), the first plane strikes the  North tower.

Your countrymen were killed by a bunch of radical Muslims. Financed by members of the House of Saud.

They were killed because the perpetrators hated our way of life, our freedoms, and the fact that we did not worship they way they did……And because we allowed our women freedoms that they did not allow theirs.

They were able to do the attack mainly because the people in our government supposed to be watching them, looking for threats, were complacent and simply failed to do their jobs. Many people failed their job of protector in the months leading up to the actual attacks. None were punished for their failure.

The attack changed our way of life, Spawning a whole new bureaucracy…giving us the TSA and the Department of Homeland Security….. Decreasing our freedoms here in the US. Their attack was used by the State to hobble our freedoms.

While the US did punish some of the conspirators, none of the folks who enabled them, the members of the Saudi family (and others in the region) were ever brought to justice for their participation in the attacks that killed our fellow citizens. Not a one.

Never forgive. Never forget. Not just the Muslims and their enablers, but also our own government.

If you allow yourself to forget, you are part of the problem.

Watching the news this moring

I gotta wonder if they saw the same debate that I did last night.


‘Tis interesting to see how the spinmeisters analysis is now that they have had a few hours overnight to massage their narrative….

At the end of it though, neither candidate was spectacular

Liveblogging the debate.

So right out of the gate, Kamala has chosen to avoid the question “are you better off today than before?”

Sadly, Trump failed to poke her on that. He did correct her on the Tariff vs Sales Tax.

Her rebuttal was just an attack, but was weak. Lacked substance.

His rebuttal was decent.

Her rebuttal was, again, lacking substance and weak. “no plan for you!”

“She doesn’t have a plan”.

Tariffs: Nice. “Not gonna have higher prices” …”my tariffs still exist…if they thought they were bad, why did they keep them?” “They destroyed the economy”

“Trade Deficit”. she has no answer, she only has an attack. (I find this sad, I expected better from her, to be honest) “Lets talk about this” is starting to grate.

“They bought their chips from Taiwan”…”We hardly make chips here because of the Democrat policies.” .Heh. Policies and called her a Marxist. Immigration Bad policies destroyed our economy. Pretty good response

Abortion rights: 9 Months. That is a hard hit. Nice that he mentioned Ronald Reagan. (Of course, the moderator had to use her position to do her best to discredit him on abortion)

Kamala is using emotion to tug at women’s hearts about abortion. sad, no real substance. At least she took a position for once.

Good, he points out that it is now the state’s choice, not the feds. “I will not do a national abortion ban.”  Of course, he is prevaricating on “Would you veto a national abortion ban”

Of course, she brings up IVF treatments. Nice way of mixing that with abortion.. But she keeps falling back to slogans.

I like the fact that he took the firm position and demanded the chance to respond. I also like the fact that he made her obviously fail to respond to his question about abortion. That was telling.

Border security: A hard question. She is doing her best to not answer the question. She blames Trump for the failure to secure the border. Nice, Fail. Rallies are not part of the question. Fall back to the slogans….”He doesn’t care about you”.

Trump is getting angry though. Frustrated. Looks bad. I think she struck a nerve about the rallies.

“Extreme” …she is doing her best to make him angry. It is working. Attacks but no substance, but it is getting under his skin.

“i fired those people” Nice rebuttal to those who she used as examples. “I fired him and then he wrote a book”

Immigration: Deportation. 11 Million undocumented. How will you find them and deport them? “Destroying the fabric of our country”

Ah. Yes. “Prosecuted” ….nice diversion. Fail to answer on immigration or deportation. Glaringly obvious that that was a prepped response. Sad.

Trump is getting angry.

Harris is using her chance to answer to pontificate and tell us what she thinks Trump will do…She isn’t answering her question.

Hard question for Harris: Asking why she is flipflopping. ::Why have your policies and beliefs changed?: She danced and fell back to “I was raised a poor child” …failed to answer. It appears all she has is slogans.

Trump scored big “Excuse me, I am talking now: Sound Familiar?” But at the end, he is, again looking rattled.

Jan 6th. “Anything you regret”    “I said Peacefully and patriotically”. Nice Ashley Babbit? Nice.” When are the people that burned down Minneapolis gonna be prosecuted.?”

“Incited a violent mob” This one will harm him. She used Charlottesville narrative to stab him. Nice use of the Democrat narrative rather than the truth, but it was a telling blow.

“Falsely claimed you won” Nice. “We need walls and good elections” And the moderator is losing his appearance of impartiality Nice rebuttal by Trump re: vote fraud.

And this question for Harris was as partial as it gets. Leading, and presumptive statement. Trump should have called him out on that.

Trump’s response is a decent one….”This weak pathetic man”.

Another hard question to Harris. “How would you break through the stalemate with Hamas and Israel?”  “How Israel defends itself matter”….But she doesn’t answer the question. Nice dancing. She must think she needs both the Palestinian votes and the Israeli votes. But her answer likely pissed everyone off.

“She hates Israel” 2 years until Israel disappears.  “Iran had no money for terror when I was president.”  “I will get the Ukraine war stopped”

Harris goes to the :”It is well known” trope. Attacks but no real substance. “They can manipulate you”. Trump should have asked her to name ONE person one leader who said that. Make her call someone out.

At the break she seems nervous,…He seems angry and unsettled. I fear his ego will cause him to lose it.

Ukraine: “I wanna save lives” “We are in for 250 Billion. where is Europe?” “I will get it settled before I am even president if I am elect” “Never would have started if I were president.”  “Where is Biden”

Harris: Nice  “you aren’t running against Biden, you are running against me”. I met with Zelensky. I net with NATO”.

“Quiet please”  That was telling. “She was the emissary and she failed”

Fall back to a prepared statement. She knew that the question was gonna be asked and how and that was a prepared statement.

Afghanistan: Do you believe you bear any responsibility? No answer, af=gain, a prepared statement. “Does not understand the role and responsibility ofthe president of the United States” Invited the Taliban,

“I sent him a picture of his house”  :That’s why Russia attacked Ukraine, because they knew she was how incompetent”

“I don’t care if she is black”

Harris: “attempts to use race to divide the American People” Funny that. Then proceeds to do just that. Hypocrite.

Trump is flailing in his answer here.

“Believes what is possible” “Let’s talk about our plans” Like “hope and change” only relabeled.

Trump is losing it.

Obamacare: “We are working on it”. “Do you have a plan to replace it?” “I tried to fix it, it still will never be great” But then he failed :”We have the concept of a plan” That was a bad response.

Harris: ‘What is your plan today?” She sidesteps. Attacks Trump, but doesn’t answer the question as to how to fix Obamacare”? “access to healthcare should be a right”

Climate change: What would you do? Harris: “Not a hoax” “Invested in clean energy. But not an answer on climate change.

Trump: you didn’t create manufacturing jobs, you sent them to other countries. Biden is bought by China and Ukraine” Actually a good statement.

Break time.

Of course they let Harris go first in the closing statement. “Chart a New Way forward….Have a Plan. Opportunity economy…..Lots of slogans. :cares about you, a president for all Americans”

Trump “Why hasn’t she done it? They’ve had 3-1/2 years….Why didn’t you do it? We are a nation in decline….What these people have done to our country. The worst in the history of our country”


At the end of it, I don’t think either did a decent job. Harris failed to look presidential, and failed to show why she should be chosen. She did get Trump a bit angry. It showed.

Trump had some good points, but in the end, he failed to strike a killing blow, and failed to make her look bad. Despite the obvious bias of the moderators, he didn’t fail too badly.


I doubt that this debate helped either side. No clear winner. I strongly doubt that either candidate swayed anyone enough to change a vote or win aby converts.

It was interesting that the questions were carefully tailored to avoid the real issues that could have harmed Harris.. It really looked to me that Harris had the questions, or at least the substance of the questions, beforehand.


Interesting that the post debate folks are doing their best to discredit him. Lots of fail there too. The bias is obvious, b ut I doubt if anyone is really listening. The governor of Pennsylvania  (on NBG)as a surrogate for the Harris campaign is doing his best to do damage control for Harris, but he is such an obvious hack that he looks bad.

Having said that, I think we are so screwed.











Even the Germans

Are tired of unregulated and illegal “Immigrants’. (Hint: they are not immigrants, they are invaders)

Germany’s government ordered temporary controls at all land borders Monday, expanding checks it already has in place at some borders, saying that it was responding to irregular migration and to protect the country from extremist threats.

Like most Americans, the German people are tired of the crime, having to support, house, clothe and feed these people that are , essentially, uninvited and who do not, in any way, enhance the country that they have invaded, but rather have decreased the quality of living, increased crime, and made the cities dirtier and less safe.

One wonder what influenced all these world leaders to suddenly welcome third world people a few years ago? Did they really think the results would be different than what they got? Did they even care? What philosophy caused the change from
“Protect our borders and our way of life” to “Everyone come in and freeload and do as you wish” in the “Western” world leaders?

Much like Scottie Scheffler

Tyreek Hill got arrested detained because he was not properly obedient.

“Upon being stopped, Mr. Hill was not immediately cooperative with the officers on scene who, pursuant to policy and for their immediate safety, placed Mr. Hill in handcuffs. Mr. Hill, still uncooperative, refused to sit on the ground and was therefore redirected to the ground,”

At no time was there ever a reason or excuse for the behavior of the cops, simply not proper obedience, deference and humility on Mr Hill’s part.

ETA: Here is more of the cops bodycam footage.

If this had been joe average, we’d never have heard about it, but do you think that the cops are any less stupid and arrogant and power-mad in any other stops like this?

This was a stop for SPEEDING. The cops went out of control and massively escalated the situation, just like the Scotty Scheffler incident….because not enough deference.

They fail to understand their place in our society, and their training to have control for “Officer Safety” in situations where there is no threat of safety has led to incidents like this, where there is no need. The fact that the police officers, their supervisors, and the police administration condone the behavior demonstrates the depth of the problem. If they cannot handle themselves better than this, they should not have the powers they are given to them by society.

Much like the Scheffler incident, any officer who was on scene and allowed this behavior to happen without trying to stop it needs to have some retraining at best, and be disciplined and/or fired at worst.

But none of that will happen because Thin Blue Line and Officer Safety.

(and if you bother to look at the statistics, being a cop is NOT , despite what they believe, even close to being a dangerous profession compared to many others….if they are that afraid, then they need to find another profession)