Protecting and serving the crap out of the public…..

So you might remember the UPS driver who was hijacked and kidnapped by some robbers in Florida…

You know, the one where the robbers, the UPS driver, and some dude in a car were all killed?

The one where the cops claimed that the diver and the guy in the car were shot by the robbers?

Yeah, not so much. EVERYONE at the scene was killed by the cops weaposn. All of ’em.

Spray and pray was the order of the day. over 200 shots fired by more than 20 cops. Damned lucky, really, that the cops didn’t shoot or kill anyone else around the scene. This was a fuckup of epic proportions a perfect example of what we term a ClusterFuck.

So an innocent UPS driver got shot by the cops who were supposed to serve and protect him…..and some poor schlub who happened to get caught up in the scene was shot through the windows of his car by the cops….Poor dude was like 15 feet away, but the cops got him too. OF course, they got the robbers too, so that made it ok….

The officers are under indictment, but I expect lots of leniencey in the courts………and I expect the lawsuits are gonna fly.

This is an example of what is wrong with cops and their training and culture today……and the fact that they tried so hard to cover up the screwups for YEARS, rather than just admitting their failures. Cops before everyone else…..Everyone who was involved in the coverup should be part of the indictment as well, and none of those people should be allowed to ever work as cops again.

So I was shopping at Home Depot

And I saw this fat, lesbian-looking chick with half purple and half red hair crying outside of her car. The car had “Biden-Harris” bumper stickers on the back,

So I asked her if she was crying because of her looks.

Just trying to be helpful and sympathetic and all.




Huh, who woulda thought that the Socialists would be broke?

I mean, the city of Chicago is set to have nearly a Billion dollar deficit.

Nine Hundred Eighty Two million, to be exact….

Giving things to people without a plan to pay for it does that. Letting the unions run the city does that, espcially when it is the city services unions that do the magnagement rather than actual, you know, managers…..and when there are no standards for productivity. Gnerally, city offices have more “supervisors” than workers.

Of course they are looking at taxing the “wealthy” even more….which will likely result in more “Wealthy”  people leaving the city.

Or they can cut “services”…so they get the defunding of the police that they wanted…..and lots of other services that are really already poorly mamged and lack funding and good management.

Of course, the city found lots of money for the illegal immigrants and all that, often at the expense of the black population, But that funding deficit went even further than just taking tens of millions from the African population… It comes down to the fact that the city is run by a bunch of socialists that were elected because of their DEI scores rather than competence…..or a grip on reality, for that matter.

Now they have to come up with something, some way, to find nearly a Billon dollars.



Have you noticed:

There is a sudden uptick in reporting on infectuous diseases,,,things like Covid and Bird Flu…that might require a lockdown.


Interesting timing if you ask me…

Hey, it worked last time.


Innit interesting

The World Health Organization is decalring an “Mpox Global Health Emergency”

Yet at no point are they admitting that Monkey Pox is a disease spread by gay men.

Much like AIDS, it is mostly not a threat if you are heterosexual. If you are, or live with, or have sexual contact with a man who has sex with other men, then yes, it should be a  concern. If not, then no, you likely have nothing to worry about. (there have, of course, been exceptions). If you stop the promiscuous sexual practices of the Gay Male likestyle, most of the issues go away.

But the fact that is a disease spread by homosexual male sex practices is, for some reason, underplayed, if it is mentioned at all. It’s almost like they are, like with AIDS, trying to hide the facts.

Why is it that the gay men have such power over government agencies and in other parts of society?


An odd disconnect:

So the news can tell us that the Kamala Harris campaign raises $40 million over the weekend.

But come election time, they won’t be able to tell us who won the election for several days afte the polls close.

One wonders why?

(that last was sarcasm)

Boeing fails yet again

Their “Starliner” crew capsule has so many problenms that they have given up, NASA has said they want the docking port back, and so the crew will return on a SpaceX capule. 

I expect that the Starliner capsule will be tossed away, to burn up on reentry.

The McDonnel Money men have, apparently, once again damaged beyojnd repair a Boeing project. Not just planes and military contracts, but the space stuff too.