From CBS News :

On the evening news 2/7/25 Margaret Brenner:

“Because of the USAID shutdown there are THOUSANDS of Tons of food sitting in warehouses that are unable to be delivered, People are starving!”

Seems to me that if the food is already there, and is already paid for, that the governments of the peoples and countries that are the recipients of said food could muster up enough labor to deliver it rather than let it sit in a warehouse…

Of course, this presumes the statement is true, and that the people are actually on the verge of starvation or that the government’s care about their citizens. And that after only 3 days the people have begin to starve….

Either way, if the food is in the warehouse and the expected recipients can’t be bothered to find a way to distribute it, then they really need to rethink their priorities….


As far as I can remember, and I am pushing 6 decades, the same countries have been receiving the largesse of the United States….Thing never seem to improve there. Are we really helping?

Is this a good use of the taxes paid by the US citizens? Or is it simply a way for some people to receive kickbacks from the suppliers of the grain and the companies that transport and store it?


First half of the training done:

The MU-2 is a BEAST: two 715 HP Garret/Honeywell turboprops.

A heavy airplane, but that is offset by the engine power. Flies, climbs and cruises like a real badass machine…. 290 knots true at FL280.

Great flyer, handles REALLY well. So much so that I had issues with overcontrolling it. Lands fast, and at an odd attitude, but is very doable once you get used to the hard nose-down attitude and sight picture on short final.

Fast as hell too: 280+  knots all day long. Yet flies 135 in the pattern.

I’d still be training except the trainer had to go to his other job as a corporate jet pilot…but that is ok, as now I have more time to study and internalize the stuff that I learned. It was, for a while, like drinking from a firehose, but I managed to absorb enough, I think.

Once I get certified I’m gonna burn a LOT of jet fuel.


So it appears

that all the major media outlets have been paid to publish (or not publish) stories and news unless the Left approved it.


Lots of tracking of the monies, apparently via USAID and the State Department and or their contractors, went to most, if not all, of the major newspapers, the Media and other outlets that “inform” the public…all supporting the Left agenda.

This explains such stories as the Biden Laptop, and lots of other oddities.

And now the Media is freaking out

about the possible “Dismantling” of FEMA…


There must be a lot of opportunities for graft there as well. I bet these same people that are losing their rice bowl at USAID are also involved as FEMA contractors…..Bet those contracts are very lucrative as well.

Maybe a good way to live, too

“A race car, a good one driven well, will always be either accelerating as hard as possible, or braking as hard as possible. Never coasting, never wasting time.”


Folks that live this way generally get ahead….if they don’t burn up along the way


Sure hope he has good security

I mean, Elon Musk and DOGE have cut off, literally, BILLIONZ of taxpayer dollars that were being grifted under aid and other programs.

And he ain’t done. It may well end up being most of  Trillion dollars before he is finished.

Someone is gonna want revenge for their Gravy Train being derailed.


The money (and bribes, and graft, and rake-off) from the USAID “efforts” must be HUGE.


All 3 major TV networks are pushing the USAID program, and are showing all of the people that (might) be forced to actually fend for themselves if (when!) the United States stops giving away food as we have for decades.


The only reason I can see for the Media to be standing with USAID is that the powers that be are upset at the thought of loss of all that revenue. I find it hard to believe that any of the news anchors, or the folks in the networks really give a a shit about the dirty sand people in Sudan and other places. It has to be the amount of money that is siphoned off along the way to the points of distribution.

Preventative overkill

So the weather guessers say we might get as much as a half inch of ice tonight, temps at about 31 F for a while with rain….so possible supercooled droplets making for Freezing Rain with some accumulation. before it warms up later and melts the ice…


1/2 inch of ice predicted…maybe…so the county road folks put about 1 inch of salt on the road as a preventative measure. Seriously thick.

But it’s better than nothing at all on the roads like the folks down south had a week or more ago, I guess.

Notice something:

The folks on the Left Coast did a fundraiser called “FireAid” to raise money for the victims of the wildfires that burned many homes and businesses on the West Coast around LA….Which is a wonderful thing (although I would like to see the books to see how much actually goes to the victims and how much is absorbed internally)…


But no one raised any money, never even tried, to raise money for the poor people who were flooded out in the Appalachias during Helene.


Interesting, innit? If it happened near their home, then these stars were willing to be bothered to spend n hour or two to help raise money. But out in the hills, where they’ve never been, they couldn’t be bothered to help.

Odd, that.