
6 months ago, Democrats and the News Media were telling us that  “Illegals and non-citizens do not vote in our elections”


“Our Elections are secure”

The same bunch, the Democrats, sued states that were trying to remove non-citizens from the voting rolls to stop the removal.

The lies and cheating never stop.

Can’t be, the 9-11 conspiracy nutballs told us that fire can’t affect steel beams.

So a major fire under a bridge near Cincinnati has led to the bridge being closed.


The fire “warped a few of its steel beams” and damaged concrete forcing the bridge to be closed for repairs.

It looks like arson because of the size of the included mulch and plastic playground equipment.

But we all know that a fire, even a jet fuel fire, can’t melt or even weaken steel.

Must have been a “special” fire or something…


That has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard

So the city of Chicago has a new slogan:

“Don’t trash ’em, smash ’em”

They want people to smash their Halloween pumpkins and compost them rather than put them in the trash, where they will end up in a landfill…“Because that way they won’t contribute any greenhouse gasses that make for climate Change”

Just what do they think happens when the pumpkin is composted?

If they cheat enough

That this time, despite the polls, Trump “loses” again, then at what point is the illegitimacy enough?

At what point is the illegitimate government illegitimate enough that I no longer recognize them as a government?

No longer recognize them as representing me.? (I didn’t vote for them, the majority didn’t vote for them…… how can I and my fellow citizens recognize them as our leaders?)

When they are no longer my ELECTED “leaders” (when we know that the vote count was a cheat, when we know the election is rigged….. Are they legitimate? )

Enough that I stop paying taxes?  (after all, those monies they have spent were spent without my permission, without my consent….because I know that the decisions were made by people who were not illegitimately chosen as leaders or administrators.)

Enough that I stop following Federal laws? (if the Federal government is no longer legitimate, is there any part that is legitimate? Are there any laws that are valid at that point?)

At what point is the Department of Justice  which has been an arm of the Democrats for several election cycles, illegitimate enough that I no longer care what they say or do, are also illegitimate enough, and should they try to arrest or detain, will defend my person, friends, and family with deadly force?

At what point does the illegitimacy cause a breakdown of our system of government and of our society?

No one wants that, but at some point, enough will be enough…and then the next question:

When does the civil war start?

I trained yesterday

And three times last week.

Rifle, pistol and hand to hand.

And I think I need more training.


Are you ready? There are people coming over the border who are ready, who trained harder, much, much harder, than I did. If you are not in training, not in decent shape, they will find you easy meat.

If it isn’t them, then are you ready for when the election goes the way it did 4 years ago? Are you gonna let ’em get away with it this time too?

Get your ass off the couch. Get as ready as you can in the time you have left.


‘Tis amusing:

The Media is suddenly talking about “Election Violence”….and is implying, but not saying outright, that it will be from the Right.


Yet in all of my memory, the “election Violence” was when a Republican was elected and it came from the LEFT. Bush, Trump, etc. Never the Right.

(I exclude Jan 6th ’cause there is a lot of reason to believe that the protesters were Right leaning, but the actual violence came from provocateurs and Left leaning people.(I get that information from people I know who were there, and have suffered the consequences, even though they never entered the Capitol))


The Democrats must really think all you women can be swayed with fear.


The “He’s an Extremist and he will ban abortion!!” ads are thick on tv.

Quotes taken out of context, fearmongering, they must really think that you women are all emotional and easily swayed with ads like this. It’s almost like they think you have no brains and can’t reason or think for yourself….

Please tell me they are wrong?