So you might remember the UPS driver who was hijacked and kidnapped by some robbers in Florida…
You know, the one where the robbers, the UPS driver, and some dude in a car were all killed?
The one where the cops claimed that the diver and the guy in the car were shot by the robbers?
Yeah, not so much. EVERYONE at the scene was killed by the cops weaposn. All of ’em.
Spray and pray was the order of the day. over 200 shots fired by more than 20 cops. Damned lucky, really, that the cops didn’t shoot or kill anyone else around the scene. This was a fuckup of epic proportions a perfect example of what we term a ClusterFuck.
So an innocent UPS driver got shot by the cops who were supposed to serve and protect him…..and some poor schlub who happened to get caught up in the scene was shot through the windows of his car by the cops….Poor dude was like 15 feet away, but the cops got him too. OF course, they got the robbers too, so that made it ok….
The officers are under indictment, but I expect lots of leniencey in the courts………and I expect the lawsuits are gonna fly.
This is an example of what is wrong with cops and their training and culture today……and the fact that they tried so hard to cover up the screwups for YEARS, rather than just admitting their failures. Cops before everyone else…..Everyone who was involved in the coverup should be part of the indictment as well, and none of those people should be allowed to ever work as cops again.
Progressives & their policies corrupt/destroy everything they touch.
So what to do about that?
I share a similar viiew on “Progressives and their policies”
But what does that have to do with the cops going wild and shooting everything in sight as in the above?
police had a good reputation for many years due to the greatness of many law enforcement people in early days. But that changed over time. police are no longer out to protect and serve the public
Remember the Dayton/Oregon District shooting from 2019?
Out there, on the interwebs, was what certainly looked like the official PD police report(some 50+ pages).
The gunman shot 41 times and the police 68 times. The shooter was hit 30 times and there was something like 57 gunshot wounds recorded on the victims.
Official admit that two victims were struck by police – one being minor and the other would have been fatal if the victim hadn’t already been fatally struck.
The hit ratios both of cops and shooter seem VERY high. Some 90 out of 109(admittedly, one police projectile was a shotgun round).
This is all from memory, so it might be off-a little.
Still, the police were paraded around as heroes and were interviewed by the local news affiliate with really softball questions and it just seemed cringey to me.
I’m not saying this is a coverup, but the math seems a little off to have happened the way the narrative is presented.
I have a feeling a lot of the wounds on civilians were likely caused by friendly fire from our boys in blue.