Liars are ok but only in the Democrat side

Funny, how the double standards fall differently, isn’t it?


While I personally, feel that liars such as George Santos should be removed from office, he is not my Representative, and it is up to the members of his district to remove him, I am amused (yet again) by the double standards of the Media and the Democrats (but I repeat myself). They supported folks like Liz Warden The faux Indian Native American who lied and has continued to lie for many years.

But, hey, look at it this way…..the DNC types have twice the standards than the rest of us do…one set for them and another set for the rest of us.

Remember the push for $15 per hour to make a “Living Wage”?

Yeah, now the socialists want an increase to $20 per hour….Because (oddly enough) inflation has made it so that “$15 per hour is no longer a living wage”….just like $7 wasn’t a living wage a few years ago.

Just as predicted.

Funny, innit? Raising wages causes prices to increase….and that causes any “gains” made by the folks working lower paid jobs to simply disappear into the new, inflated cost of living.

But I guess, when you have no economic sense (and little education, which is likely why yer working a minimum wage job….there is an overlap in the Venn diagrams) just getting a raise looks like a good deal, even if it is short term.



Can anyone explain

Why Biden’s staff didn’t get around to “cleaning out” his office until the end of 2022? I mean, his office was used when he was VICE President…which ended in 2016…Why did it take 6 years to close his Vice Presidential office?

What happened during those 6 years? Who paid for the rent on an unused office? Who had access to the office (and the Classified documents (most of which were reportedly concerning Burisma and other Ukrainian businesses, their principles, and their dealings…you know, the folks that gave Hunter a large amount of money)) carelessly left unsecured in that office.

It is almost like the Clinton server, where lots of files were essentially left unsecured….

And, like Hillary, Biden will get a pass.

But seriously, why leave an office unused for 6-ish years?

So is The Dream alive?

Seems to me that it is….when the politicians let it be.

We are judged, in this country, mostly, not on the color of our skin, but rather our deeds and actions.

“judged by the color of their skin but by their character”.

And mostly, that is true. While some people (generally white Liberals and aided by Black power mongers) try to make excuses for black criminals, generally black people and white people and hispanic people are judged more or less the same. The fact that different racial groups have different level of good and bad deeds and good and bad actors, makes little difference when judged under the color of law, at least.

Individuals may not do so, but our system of laws mostly does treat everyone equally. It isn’t perfect, and there are exceptions….but we have come a long way from 1963. The equality of opportunity is there, if people are willing to do the work required. Often, aspiring black people have an even higher level of opportunity than whites.

There is a path upwards for all races, for all people, from whatever economic status….. the path is no longer “from a smaller ghetto to a larger one”.

Despite what the DNC says when confronted with voter verification, it is no longer true that “a colored person in Mississippi cannot vote and a colored person in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote”.

In today’s reality, it is possible (assuming the Black hatemongers will allow it) for “little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers”. For the most part, the white racist militants have been squelched, if not silenced. Sadly, not so the other way….but not that many people listen to those folks, no matter what their race.

Is it perfect? No. Are there prejudiced whites? Yes. Are there prejudiced and racist black people? Yes. Are they the majority? Not in most places.

Mostly, the Dream is alive and well and gaining ground. Is there more to do? Yes, and much of it must be done by black people, black culture…..Whites cannot do everything to make the change. Everyone needs to step up. Many have, on both sides.

If the Race Baiters would shut up, progress would be even greater.

Bears are dangerous….

True story:

So I am at the usual Thursday range meetup/hangout/Bullseye shoot/bitchfest….

One of the guys, Bob, is eating Gummy Bears. He has one go down the wrong pipe and starts coughing, trying to get it out of his trachea. He’s not choking, but he does have an airway restriction. He’s still able to breath, but not fully.

He doesn’t want me to do the Heimlich maneuver (and honestly, he’s a really fat large dude, not sure I could do it on a guy that big around), so we all watched him carefully until he finally coughed up the Gummi Bear. .

He thanks us for the concern, and we all go back to what we were doing before

We told him that if he had died we were just gonna tell everyone that he was “killed by a bear” and leave it at that…..


Like votes for Democrats on election night

They just keep finding more and more “Misplaced” classified documents.around Slow Joe 

One wonders how they all suddenly appear at once. I mean, 6 years after Biden was VP and they are just now cleaning out his office? (first batch) His garage (second batch) and now “In the Biden Home” (third batch…All within a few months. Strange, innit?

While I expect nothing will come of it (this is Joe Biden, after all) the timing is strange. All at once….almost as if someone was setting up a campaign to make him look bad. (not that he needs help, but still). This is looking like the destruction of Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby. Slow, methodical, and deliberate discoveries after discoveries in the press, with only a few days in between.

Could they be getting ready to get rid of Slow Joe? Or are they simply neutering him so he won’t run again?


Either way, like the vote counting on election night, something doesn’t look right here.


The other half of the problem:

It was bad enough that the Feds, under Biden, sold off our Strategic Reserve of crude oil… to keep pricing down to make the economy look good….it weakened the country…

But now there is another problem:

It seems that no one is willing to meet the Federal Government’s specifications for oil to refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.…in either oil quality OR price. (Plus the fact that the budget from Congress for refilling will only allow purchasing enough oil at today’s prices to pay for about a third of what was sold)

So there is gonna be a (probably very longish) delay in refilling the first 180 million barrels of the 220 total that were sold to artificially bring prices down so that people wouldn’t be (as) angry at Joe, the Ho, and Congress in the months leading up to the Mid-Term elections.

The easy and best way to have done it (we shouldn’t have done it at all, really) would have been to have sold the oil to DOMESTIC oil companies at a set price…and part of that sale (should have been a public auction!) should have been a promise (and a requirement) for those buyers to sell oil of the proper grades back to the SPR at a (much lower) set price within a set time frame.

As it is, oil was sold on the open market….to lots of companies, including those of our adversaries…..But hey, 10% and all that, right?

Whiney little bastards

California can’t seem to ever be happy. This past week or so they got the rain they have been asking for.

Now they are unhappy about it.

Seems that it is always like this.

Then: Whah! we aren’t getting enough rain. Drought! Unfair!! Klimate Change! We need Federal Help!!

Now: Too much rain! Landslides! Mudslides, Unfair! Klimate Change! We need Federal Help!

It never stops, does it?

I mean, places like Arizona and New Mexico are consistent. “Too Dry!” and Washington (state) is ‘Too Wet!….but they say that all the time.

California is NEVER happy. Plus it is always Climate Change/Glowbal Warming/CO2/Ozone/etc causing the issues that they don’t like…..It could never be what the rest of us call “weather”…sometimes it is hot, sometimes it is cold, sometimes more water falls, some years less….But not in California.


I just wish they’d stop whining about it.

(Of course, if they’d manage their stormwater in Southern California, they’d have lots of water to work with, but they just let it run into the ocean.….)