Looks like the police are clearing the blockade at the bridge

Report from Ottowa are that the bridge is being cleared. It’s a good thing that the people of Ontario are decent and don’t want to harm police, as a single line of policemen are keeping the supporters at bay.

It is a shame that the police are following illegal and immoral orders, but cops do follow orders. SO far, no one hurt or arrested (yet).


In other news, it appears that there are other, similar protests, in Germany other parts of Europe, and Australia.

Folks are getting tired of the bullshit, the lies, and the restrictions.

I just hope no one is hurt in these protests. Ultimately, I don’t think they will accomplish much…at least not in the short term. Elections will, however, and that will be the deciding change.

They had the money, they simply used it elsewhere

“People paid the gas tax assuming that money was going to roads and bridges and $4.2 billion was diverted and it’s inexcusable,” former Auditor General Eugene DePasquale said.


That’s pretty much the Leftist thing, innit? Live on the legacy of the past and let it decay  while spending money on Causes….


They failed to properly fund police departments, so they took gas tax money to pay for that ’cause they needed to have some police presence……..Then they chose not to fund the bridge repair ’cause the money had been diverted.

(Note, the bridge wasn’t the property of the state, but rather the city of Pittsburgh,….but the grants that could have been used for the bridge repair vanished as the money was spent elsewhere)

I’ve got Two-Foot-Itis

or the aviation equivalent, anyway.


Two-Foot-Itis in boats is where the boat owner wants a boat that is just a bit bigger, has a bit more horsepower, etc.

I love my 340A. But I’d like a faster airplane that will carry more. Which means, really, upgrading to a turboprop….and there’s the rub.

Lots more fuel (like 2.5 ish times) to go from 200 knots to 280 or so knots. Bigger plane means higher hangar cost. Maintenance is probably a wash. Fuel cost per gallon is a bit less, but the engines take more per hour. Insurance is a big increase.

I’m trying to justify that to myself. On the one hand, I am a speed and performance freak, On the other, I am a cheap bastard.

I dunno. Right now I haz a serious case of the wants. We shall see.

AAANND more support for the Freedom Protest

Seems that a bunch of folks, not truckers, decided to do a Slow Roll and clog up the lanes leading to and from the airport in Ottowa.


No law against driving around, and yet it shows how much support the anti-Trudeau-policies movement has.

The quiet resentment has been seething for a while. Even the Canadians are tired of the shit.

Amazing how much chaos such “Spontaneous” movements can cause, innit?

(yes, I know these are not spontaneous, but that is what the Left used to tell us when their people showed up at a protest with pre-printed signs and matching t-shirts, so if it was a good description then, it fits today too)

Funny how the Truckers jobs didn’t matter…..

Apparently Toyota is having to shut down Canadian production. The truckers are cauing the effect they wanted.

Toyota halts production at THREE Ontario plants after Freedom Convoy truckers block the Ambassador Bridge in protest at COVID mandates: Trudeau accuses drivers of ‘endangering jobs, impeding trade and threatening the economy’ 

SO shutting down the Toyota assembly line is a Bad Thing, but shutting down the truckers by mandating that they get “vaccinated” or not work was ok….


That’s pretty much a “Fuck You”

The harder they squeeze, the more they recruit people against them.


Apparently, the Ottowa police told the citizens “Don’t you dare bring fuel to the truckers doing the blockade or we will arrest you”

The video speaks for itself. Not all those gas cans are full, bit not all are empty, either.



So we have cops getting nervous ’cause even the Canadian people (normally pretty polite and easygoing) are now defying the orders of the government….and the government is acting ever more totalitarian. The cops, like cops everywhere, follow orders, even when they know they are illegal orders or just plain morally wrong. But they follow orders. To expect them to do anything else is foolish.

“‘Aggressively’ arresting”

Yep, some cops shouldn’t be cops.

Thing is, folks in Ottowa felt the arrest (and the handling) of the old man was wrong…..But no one did more than protest.

Canadian police filmed ‘aggressively’ arresting great-grandfather after he honked at ‘Freedom Convoy’ protest


Cops  are a needed part of society….But cops are cops, and they do tend to pick on those who are most easily forced into compliance…


And I think the cops in Ottowa are kinda scared right now. People simply aren’t being compliant like they used to be. But the cops who did this need to outed….and beaten……as a lesson to others.


The laptop keeps leaking secrets…..too bad the press squashed the story before the election

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden tried to broker a $120million oil deal between Chinese energy firm now under US sanctions and former Kazakhstan prime minister who has been accused of treason in hopes of pocketing a fortune, laptop emails reveal

Emails from Hunter’s abandoned laptop show he traveled to Beijing and Kazakhstan to forge a blockbuster oil deal between the two countries in 2014 and 2015.


Read the whole thing. Apparently Young son Biden even ditched his Secret Service detail to take these meetings….and the current Secret Service administration is tying to hide the fact when asked.

Why does it take a foreign news service to give us real news on the DNC affiliated folks??