The laptop keeps leaking secrets…..too bad the press squashed the story before the election

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden tried to broker a $120million oil deal between Chinese energy firm now under US sanctions and former Kazakhstan prime minister who has been accused of treason in hopes of pocketing a fortune, laptop emails reveal

Emails from Hunter’s abandoned laptop show he traveled to Beijing and Kazakhstan to forge a blockbuster oil deal between the two countries in 2014 and 2015.


Read the whole thing. Apparently Young son Biden even ditched his Secret Service detail to take these meetings….and the current Secret Service administration is tying to hide the fact when asked.

Why does it take a foreign news service to give us real news on the DNC affiliated folks??



2 thoughts on “The laptop keeps leaking secrets…..too bad the press squashed the story before the election

  1. Because the media is well and truly in the tank for the Dems and they were not about to let these unsavory bits of information leak out before the election, nor now while Biden is President.

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