Looks like the police are clearing the blockade at the bridge

Report from Ottowa are that the bridge is being cleared. It’s a good thing that the people of Ontario are decent and don’t want to harm police, as a single line of policemen are keeping the supporters at bay.

It is a shame that the police are following illegal and immoral orders, but cops do follow orders. SO far, no one hurt or arrested (yet).


In other news, it appears that there are other, similar protests, in Germany other parts of Europe, and Australia.

Folks are getting tired of the bullshit, the lies, and the restrictions.

I just hope no one is hurt in these protests. Ultimately, I don’t think they will accomplish much…at least not in the short term. Elections will, however, and that will be the deciding change.

One thought on “Looks like the police are clearing the blockade at the bridge

  1. elections? you’re dreaming. if they were legit we wouldn’t be in this mess. that’s also assuming there will be another election.

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