It is done.

 Legitimate or not, Joe Biden is now the (current) President of the United States.

So  all of you who are full of hate, anger, and remorse….

Let it go. We can’t do anything about it without starting a war….and a Civil war might well be worse than 4 years of Harris/Biden. I see no way to unscrew this. There is, effectively, nothing to be done. 

Hate burns us up inside….look at what it has done to the folks with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Let it go. Don’t waste time with what might have or should have been…..Go forward with what we have. Deal with it. Don’t let it take up residence in your head. 

Go forward. Live. Live Well. Deal with what comes. Prepare, yes. But above all, let it go and Go Forward. Expect the worst, prepare for it, but don’t let hate blind you to the act of Living. We may have lemons, let us make lemonade. We may have gotten screwed. Deal.With.It and go forward. 

I fear there are Dark Days ahead for many of us. So be it. We shall survive.  Don’t live in the past. Live. 

To live in the past is to fail. Succeed going forward. Don’t forget, but Let It Go. 

I intend to. 

Joe’s promises:

 So Joe is gonna get inaugurated……As the First Illegitimate President. 

Having said that, I wonder how much of what he says in his speech we can count on? How much will be lies and hollow, empty words? 

So far, in my lifetime (And that is over a half-century) we haven’t been able to count on anything that the Democratic Presidents have promised in their Inauguration speech….Legitmate or not. 

We shall see. 

Anyone want to start a pool to see how long Joe lasts in the office before the Dems find a way to edge him out for Kamala? 

I’ll take a square for somewhere between 3 and 6 months. 

I sincerely hope

 That no one, Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative, traitor or Patriot, does anything stupid today at the Inauguration. 

Sadly, it is possible. 


Via Insty….

Yeah, but it’s ok when a Democrat uses words like that….

As I’ve said before, if the Democrats and Press (but I repeat myself) didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all…..

If words matter, then they matter….if they are just words, then they are just words.

If it is Rhetoric when a Dem says it, then it is Rhetoric when others say it….I fully expect this to be used as an example at the idiotic Revenge of Pelosi Impeachment hearings

Most Flak when over the target

 The continued “deplatforming” of anyone who dares make statements that are not in alignment with the current Liberal standard party line tell me that many of the statements are close to the truth. 

If there was no fear of the statements, what with all the “fact checkers” denying the truth, simply ignoring folks with a contrary viewpoint would be enough…But the Left needs to silence those who dissent……Which tell us all we need to know about the veracity of those non-approved viewpoints and claims. 

Makes it hard to recover your brass

 So it was a cold and damp Saurday. About an inch of snow on the ground. Right at the freezing point. 

A great day to go to the range, and spend some time hitting steels, killing the dueling tree and knocking over bowling pins. 

Mostly gloveless too. I mean, it isn’t gonna always be warm, and sunny, and dry when or if you need that pistol. and that coat and sweatshirt is gonna get in the way of your draw…..

Plus I got to make sure the ammo and my firearms were happy in lower temps (nine are but not all guns you can buy are are, all the time). 

Besides, it was time to change my carry ammo. 

My hands got cold, I was cold, and my feet were frozen from standing in the snow.  I figure my performance fell off by about 25% or more. 

I can, however, still get the job done. Sadly, I only recovered about a third of my .45 brass and even less of the 9mm.