How strange: More power plants bring electricity power prices down

Who would have thought?

Finland’s electricity is currently so cheap they can’t even charge for it, mostly due to a new Nuke plant that is supplying all the electricity that they need.

Hydro and other “Renewables” just couldn’t cut it, but a new thermal nuke plant means an abundance of electricity….and it can make up for things when the solar and wind won’t get the job done.

Funny how that works, innit? Now if only our people could figure the economics out.

have ya noticed?

It’s gone from “Illegal Immigrant” to “Undocumented Migrant” and now to “Asylum Seeker”.

The media is preparing the battlespace for blanket amnesty.

A question:

How is reaching the debt limit (and refusing to raise it to yet another, higher level) get to somehow be “Default” of the debt?

If I rack up $20K in my credit card and reach the limit on that card, I am not in default. What I am is at my spending limit and cannot increase the balance on that card….I cannot go rather into debt. I can’t spend more until I pay some of that debt down. I am not bankrupt and am not in default until I fail to make the payments on that card (Principle and interest according to the terms).

So how is failing to increase the debt limit of the United States in any way a “Default”?


I expect better propaganda than this,

So do you really really think that some dude rented a U-Haul, drove towards the While House, slowed to near walking speeds, then hit the vehicle barriers in an attempt to get past the security….?

And then took the time to drape a Nazi flag around himself and subsequently drop it on the pavement near the truck?


If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge I can sell you. Good condition, you can charge tolls and make big bucks.

Small unmarked bills, non sequential serial numbers only though. Gotta be cash.

Anyone older than 6 years old who believes this propaganda needs to be institutionalized for their own good.

Whoever came up with this story needs to be fired. I expect my propaganda from the Government to be better crafted than this

Well. yeah, but besides that

Seems that the NAACP has been caught out…yet again.

This time it’s because they are trying to damage DeSantis….because he opposes Critical Race Theory being taught in Florida schools. and, of course, because he isn’t a Democrat.

But they don’t even follow their own recommendations.

They’ve advised their members to boycott Florida because of the “racism”….and “It’s Hostile”.  Except that they don’t seem to feel that it bothers them. Vacations and junkets to….Florida.

Their Chairman lives in Tampa. He’s originally from Virginia.

Funny how the politics get trumped by their desire to party and live in a state that has much to offer. Even funnier that the Republicans (both black and white) have “Offered to help with moving expenses: “If you think our state is so bad, the Florida GOP will gladly help with moving expenses”.

Once again, the NAACP shows that it is no longer for the Advancement of Colored Person, but simply a tool of the DNC, helping the DNC use black people to further the DNC’s power.




Depends on your point of view:

So this visitor at the range, guest of one of our members…dude from Germany, has an issue with the pistol he is shooting. The sight of his borrowed pistol is loose.

As I generally take the truck to the range with the large toolbox, they ask me if I have a set of Allen wrenches.

I asked
“Metric or Standard”.

The response from the german dude:
“Metric IS standard”.

We all laughed and I let him use my tools to tighten the screw and more shooting ensued. Then followed by a discussion of tools and it is apparently true that everyone detests Whitworth specifically and pretty much all British engineering in general.


They’ve spent more on Jordan Neely’s funeral than they have spent on him when he was alive for the past 10 years.

I feel for the dude. Mom killed when he was 14 years old, and he had ….”Issues”. But his family wasn’t helping, he lived on the streets, and had substance abuse problems.

Until he died after attacking people on the subway, his family had no idea where he was, nor did they care.

But once he was used as a symbol by the Black movement, then he got the Treatment. His family misses him, he got a funeral he would not have gotten had he simply died on the streets, and much money is spent on his casket….More on his casket than anyone spent on him for many years.

Sad, really. If they’d spent half that money getting him help, then perhaps he wouldn’t have been wandering about on the subway intimidating people for money and other behavior that led to his demise.

I feel for him that he was only cared about and wanted as a symbol rather than as a person.


And yet they keep making it harder for real power plants

Thermal/steam turbine types, I mean.

How far the democrats have caused us, as a nation, to fall.

Blackouts not caused by weather or other natural disaster were unthinkable when I was growing up in the 70’s. Unheard of.

Today we are expecting them to happen during the summer months.

Power Blackouts Will Be Part Of This Summer In The U.S.

What a terrible thing the Democrats have done in the name of Climate Change (Once called Global Warming). Placed the welfare of the citizens behind an unproven, scientifically sketchy and poorly researched and modeled climate religion.

What was once a great nation, where loss of power due to a lack of generation capacity to today, where there simply aren’t enough power plants due to the reliance on “Renewables” and simply a lack of construction to meet demand.

I was told in the 90’s by people I respected that the Left would attempt to bring the country down, lower the high standard of living and attempt to make this country less and weaker than what it was then. They were correct. The methods and avenues used are not what was expected then, but the result is as predicted.




Expect more Arkancide to happen:

Not like the reveal is a surprise…


The FBI has been corrupt for many years. A tool of the DNC….

Report reveals FBI top brass shut down FOUR criminal investigations into millions of dollars in foreign donations and speaker fees

It seems that the Democrats, all of them, are simply using their office for a way to enrich themselves at the expense of the American People. Sell out to big business and big corporations and outside governments and corporations.

And the FBI ran interference for them while lying about their political opponents to influence the vote to get the Democrats into power.

I wonder if the Dems will admit they were wrong?

Oh, c’mon, stop laughing. Some of them have principles…

(Ok, I can’t name oven one, but surely some of them do…..It could happen, you know…) I mean folks like Ms Misfit and her ilk. She used to be rational, so maybe ….I mean, this could shock her out of her Trump Derangement…..It could happen….

Ex-CIA chief admitted that the ‘Dirty 51’ letter ‘WAS political’ as agency conspired with Biden campaign to produce it and falsely claim emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop were Russian disinformation

At the end of things though, none of the LEFT will ever admit wrongdoing. ‘Tis a womanish behavior…immature and shameful….and most Leftists act like women, no matter what their DNA says….

Plus there’s this from the FBI:

“The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that Special Counsel Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time,” the FBI said in a statement. “Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented.”

“This report reinforces the importance of ensuring the FBI continues to do its work with the rigor, objectivity, and professionalism the American people deserve and rightly expect,” the statement added.

My question is who in the FBI gets fired for their misconduct? Firing and demoting people would go a long way towards engendering trust that the American People lost for the FBI. Most of us will never trust the word of the FBI ever again….At least not unless and until they show some real reform. There is no “Fidelity” no “Integrity” left. Not sure about the “Bravery” either.