
They’ve spent more on Jordan Neely’s funeral than they have spent on him when he was alive for the past 10 years.

I feel for the dude. Mom killed when he was 14 years old, and he had ….”Issues”. But his family wasn’t helping, he lived on the streets, and had substance abuse problems.

Until he died after attacking people on the subway, his family had no idea where he was, nor did they care.

But once he was used as a symbol by the Black movement, then he got the Treatment. His family misses him, he got a funeral he would not have gotten had he simply died on the streets, and much money is spent on his casket….More on his casket than anyone spent on him for many years.

Sad, really. If they’d spent half that money getting him help, then perhaps he wouldn’t have been wandering about on the subway intimidating people for money and other behavior that led to his demise.

I feel for him that he was only cared about and wanted as a symbol rather than as a person.


2 thoughts on “Sad

  1. There you go with facts again. Simply put, his death became a money machine for the family… sigh

  2. “They’ve spent more on Jordan Neely’s funeral than they have spent on him when he was alive for the past 10 years.”

    Which demonstrates what the Assessed True Value* of people like Neely offer to the deranged Left. I suspect all of us offer about the same value.

    Anon 2

    * Apologies to the hardware store chain.

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