248 years ago

One can argue that the beginning of the country happened.

The Battle at Lexington Green.

The colonists decided not to be disarmed, not to give up their powder and shot. THey resisted “Lawful Authority”…

The famous quote from Captain Parker says it all:

Stand your ground; don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”

And thus, it did. The beginnings of the beginning of the United States.

April 19 is a somewhat special day. Lots of momentous things have happened on this day over the years.

But the start of our country is one.


Interesting dissonance

In coverage of these two similar stories.

On the one hand, stories about this incident are all over the media and internet. White man shoots black kid.,,, Note: 10 PM. Dude is on the porch.

Then there is this: man shot while repairing mailbox by two men who “Just wanted to kill someone”

Now, innit interesting that the kid who was shot by a white homeowner somehow had a cell phone, but oddly chose to bang on the door of a dark house when the people he was supposedly picking up didn’t come out? Hardly normal behavior for a young kid with a cell phone wouldn’t ya say? Lots of other questionable details too…

Then we have a story, not all over the national media, where two black men killed a white guy in broad daylight. Not a word from the national media. Were it not for the internet, we’d have never heard about it. I only heard about it from Phil’s blog

Look: both are tragic (if the first one is actually as reported, which is not assured, as it wouldn’t be the first story like this where the media ignored details to make a story). But the difference in coverage is huge. One, (if true) is tragic, the other is monstrous. One puts a white guy in a bad light, the other shows the worst side of black men. Ignoring the second won’t make the first any worse, and highlighting the first won’t make the second any less terrible. Unless, of course, you are trying to make whites look bad and hide the crime level of black people and make black hate and fear whites.

And then, of course, you have this tragedy.….Black on Black. The girl and her dead brother may be innocent, but other family members were criminals and gangbangers….

If you bother to pay attention, you can see that the media, especially National TV, is highlighting black people being killed.by whites and cops. Expect a long summer of unrest, fueled by media with biased coverage.



There is nothing better to make the rest of the population believe help reinforce the stereotype that a segment of a people are animals than for that segment to act like animals…..To believe that that segment is uncivilized, than to act, as a group, like a bunch of animals, in an uncivilized manner.

Especially so when that segment has obvious physical characteristics like skin color to help easily identify them as “animals”.

This weekend in Chicago is a perfect example



So a bunch of (oddly unidentified) “teens” caused chaos in downtown Chicago on Saturday night….Smashing store windows looting  jumping on cars and beating drivers who objected.

Lots of frightened tourists were escorted back to hotels by police and at least 4 people were hospitalized from beatings by the crowd.

Interestingly though, none of the local news stations bothered to identify the teens, doing their best to hide their faces and race. My sources in the Chicago Police tell me that they were all from the South and West sides…Few whites in the unruly crowd, and the “Teen Takeover” was organized on Social Media.

I am also told that the police were told not to “provoke” the crowd and that no arrests were made, even though the cops witnessed many incidents that were worthy of arrests. They have figured out that if they act as a crowd, the police will stand by helplessly rather than act to enforce Law and Order.

It oughta be a wonderful summer in Chicago if this is just the start. Decent people afraid to be out on a Saturday evening for fear of violence……

Oughta do a great deal of good for race relations…..everyone knows the race of the troublemakers even if the Media won’t come out and say it.


Update: 6:04 AM 4/17 According to CBS News Chicago, some  arrests were apparently made. 9 “Yoots” and 6 adults. Apparently the chaos started on FRIDAY, which is when no arrests were made. On Saturday the miscreants were even more bold, and Something Had To Be Done…



Crappy sampling, but still….

So I took the tractor to a place a couple of miles down the road today. Walked back so I can take the truck in the morning to have tools and crowbars, and torches and sawzalls and other implements of destruction should I need ’em….down a fairly rural but well-used two lane road,

I walked back simply because I need the exercise and the 3 and a half mile walk was good for me….. I need to reduce my carefully built up Winter Mode Modular Portable Food Storage….(often confused with plain old belly fat by those not in the know) to a more reasonable seasonal level….I stretched out my stride to 1 meter steps and set a good brisk tempo…I did 2.6 miles in 28 minutes, so a decent pace….Not yet up to ERJ standards, but hey…..


Anyway, walking along the edge of the two-lane about a foot and a half or so off of the pavement, I observed something interesting. I was passed by about a hundred eighty cars. I was walking in the direction of traffic so I could see and (if necessary) avoid the cars coming at me…

With one exception, every car driven by a person identifiable as white (the majority) moved over as much as possible in order to give me some safety room. So did the cars driven by hispanic people. (Say 17 or so after I began paying attention to the race of the drivers)….The cars driven by the black people (5) without exception failed to move over at all. No identifiable asians were observed. (Note that the default, minus positive ID otherwise, was “White” so there may be some error…..But I was able to observe the drivers fairly well so I think that error is low)

Now, maybe they are city born and simply don’t know the difference. Maybe they are unaware of the culturally normal and just plain decent thing to do…Maybe they are just assholes and don’t care (I am betting, honestly, on the last)…Maybe the sample was low enough that the results were skewed….I dunno.

But for some reason, 100% of the (identifiable) black drivers chose not to bother to give any safety room. Nearly 100% of the identifiable white and hispanic drivers DID choose to.

Is this a scientific study? No. Merely casual observation. But it does coincide with many other observations that I and others have made. There seems to be something missing there that caucasian and hispanics are not lacking when it comes to courtesy. I guess that is why the inner cities are such shitholes.

Not as clean and green

As they’d like us to think:

How Clean Are Tesla’s Cars Really?

A real analysis shows that, while “Greener” than a gas or diesel engine powered car, they aren’t actually all that non-polluting in their lifecycle.

In fact, when one takes all the factors into account, they aren’t Green at all, really.

No surprise to anyone who actually pays attention. So people are buying relatively small, expensive cars to save the environment….but they are not succeeding all that well. Just virtue signaling by folks that have to be Greener-than-Thou as a bit of their fashionable lifestyle.

That’s a lot of rain all at once

20 inches in an 8 hour period in Florida.

Lots of flooding. Enough to close the Ft Lauderdale airport.

Lots of cars flooded. (Hint: Don’t drive into water that is over halfway up your tires. Never drive into moving water.) “Don’t drown. turn around”….People trapped in their cars in the water…(that’s their fault).


But 20 inches in an 8 hour period is a lot in any location. It can’t run away fast enough that there won’t be flooding, no matter where you live. Thing is, in Florida, there is no high ground to retreat to either.



How did that happen?

So the asshole in Louisville who shot up his workplace was under care for mental issues. No surprise there…

But he was ALSO able to buy a firearm just a week before the shooting.

How is that? Did he pass a NICS check? If so how? Did the mental health folks not report him? Did NICS fail?


Enquiring minds and all that.


3 Billion

Apparently, InBev/Anheuser Busch market value was down about $3 Billion dollars.

“B” for Billion. Plus sales of all A-B products have, apparently, fallen off the cliff. Might be that the Clydesdales are gonna have to go to work plowing or something.

I am betting that some marketing people (and any management that approved this ad campaign) are looking for some cardboard boxes for their office stuff right now.


3 Billion. The Price of Woke just went up.