Christ on roller skates

So it is bad enough that the “Social Distancing” has caused the NASCAR race to be cancelled in an “Overabundance of Caution”…

But they were showing the 1986 Richmond 400….Which was kinda entertaining…seeing the older cars (back when they were really “stock” cars) and the terrible resolution of the then state of the art TV cameras…

But then the Governor of Illinois pre-empts the channel to bloviate about the efforts to….something and the fact that something else was being done and blah blah BLAHBLAH BLAH. and then he talked about AMAIRHGHROEWNBSXDS and then some other person came up and spent 5 minutes saying nothing about MLKJFFAJDP{WQNF and then the Governor came back and discussed the fforts in reducing the alkfjads;kfja;kfjalskf.

thank god they are done. So much hot air wasted to say essentially nothing that has not already been said about a (apparently, it appears) non emergency disease “outbreak”.

I think he is just trying to get as much camera time as possible.

Thank god I didn’t miss much of the race rerun.

(Yet another) Question:

People are (mostly) complying with the “Shelter in place” request from our State governments.

These precautions are…inconvenient for most of us, but not unreasonable. Social Distancing, greater awareness of handwashing, all are good things, reasonable precautions…. things we likely should do every cold and flu season. Now that we have this additional disease, we should all take precautions to not spread this and other diseases, despite the inconvenience….

To a point…..

At what point will we decide, when the tens of thousands of cases of CoronaVirus DON’T appear at the hospitals, when the health care system ISN’T overwhelmed, when the inconvenience stretches for weeks (or months)…when folks can’t pay their rent, their car payments…..When the economy in which they live is destroyed around them….when will they say “Ok, this has gone too far”.

The infection rates of this virus don’t appear to be even as high as the “Swine Flu”/H1N1 of 11 years past. Yet the reaction by our government is greatly more….in fact, it is bordering outrageous and over the top. (I think they are doing what they can to emphasize the stats to scare us, actually)

Effectively holding people prisoner in their homes? Closing restaurants and stores? Putting hundreds of thousands (or more) out of work?  Effectively destroying our economy? Over the fear that this virus, with a rate of sickness that is lower than the “Normal” seasonal flu, with a rate of death that is near to or lower than the Swine Flu of years ago, that this “MIGHT” grow greater?

At what point will enough be enough?

What happens then?

Especially since we are probably “Flattening the wrong Curve”

Plus there’s this:

Now part of this may simply be the testing…what percentage of the population gets tested vs deaths.
But there may be a LOT more to why Italy is approaching 3 times the rate of the US or Australia or even Japan. And it appears that the Italians have pretty poor health care facilities…and even there, the rates are still actually pretty low…

Either way, at what cost are these precautions?

(Note: These precautions MIGHT be valid,…if the federal government knows something about the virus that they are’t telling us….But so far, this whole debacle looks to be a terrible overreaction.

Then again, at moments here and there, I can’t help but wonder if those tin-foil hatted folks might not have a point that there is something more sinister to this….Some sort of “economic reset” type thing and the Wu-Flu is just a convenient vehicle to make it happen….That explanation would, perhaps, explain Trumps performance the other night when he made his wooden speech to all the American People……)

Another question:

(yeah, I was raised by my Dad and Mom (and a few other mentors) to ask a lot of questions. I question everything and I like to turn a lot of data over in my mind)

We get stats on the Media about “number of cases” of CororinaVirus, and we get stats for “number of deaths” (those I question…not that they are dead, but that they died from Covid-19…often they are already old, weak or otherwise compromised and have other complicating factors).

But one bit of data I don’t ever see is the number of people needing little or no care, or some level of hospitalization because of the effects of Covid-19. In fact, if you look, the data is pretty much only aimed at “deaths” and not much else.

Out of the several thousand cases for any one given area that have shown enough symptoms that they are tested, how many need any level of hospitalization?
I guess because they aren’t anything the media can sensationalize, they don’t give us any of that data.

I do think it would be a good bit of data though.

People showing symptoms and tested vs people tested showing positive vs people needing actual care vs people needing hospitalization vs people needing intensive care vs people dying.

I think the numbers would be not as terrible as the media and our governments might like you to think.

Then again, until I see some data I just don’t know.

Census tips

At least for the online version:

(I got my census the other day and did the online entering).

told ’em two people live here.

One male and one female.

The website kept trying for more info but if you keep hitting “enter” it eventually moves to the next page.

Fuck ’em they don’t need to know about my hispanic heritage.

They don’t need to know my age.

Nor the amount of money that I make
Nor anything else that their questions asked.

Legally, I gave ’em the answers that the Constitution demands. Anything else is not legal, no matter what they say.

2 adults, one male, one female. Unless they are gonna start counting black and Hispanic folks as 3/5 again or something, it shouldn’t matter. Despite the scary warnings, I don’t think they are gonna prosecute me because I chose not to tell them my income, nor my shoe size, nor the size of anything else (Ahem, Large, Ahem), how many cars I own, etc.

So if you get the online version, just hit enter a few times and it sill go to the next question.
At least it did for me.

Well, DUH

“now that Coronavirus test kits are widely available, the number of confirmed cases has skyrocketed”

Duh.  No shit? Prior to that, they couldn’t be confirmed.

There should be a minimal IQ level to be a newsweasel At least …70? 

“Aced” it.

As to why a lot of people (myself included) are not taking the “Panic! (Don’t panic) news about the CoronaVirus as seriously as the powers that govern us might like us to.

Apocalypse Fatigue

(He fails to mention the Swine Flu, which was supposed to leave diseased corpses stacked up in the streets around the hospitals as overworked Doctors and Nurses fell from exhaustion trying to Save Us All….)

Look: I think this is serious. I think closing the schools and large-ish gatherings is not a bad idea. Greater emphasis on personal hygiene..handwashing, sanitizing yer hands, etc. is probably a good idea that we should practice most Clold and Flu seasons…or any time, really.
Closing the roads and “Shelter in Place? I dunno. But I’m not a doctor.

If they really believed the predictions they quote, then the larger cities would stop mass transport.

But at the end of it, they, (the Media and/or the Government) have cried wolf too many times. No one knows what to believe. Should we REALLY panic THIS TIME? Or will it end up being a nothingburger like the last 57 or more times they told us to panic?

And now the politics takes precedence

So some folks are now getting their “profession” designated as “critical Infrastructure”.

Ferinstance: Flight schools are considered “critical” and are, therefore, mostly exempt from many regulations during the “Travel Ban” in California.

So now we see that the :Social Distancing, etc so much so that the Government of California and the United States, has decided that having flight students take 2 or three weeks off is a Bad Idea, even though the rest of the country is essentially crippling parts of our economy to (supposedly) keep this disease from spreading….and we are essentially stopping education for our children for the rest of the school year.

March 20, 2020

Flight Schools Remaining Open

On Thursday, March 19, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom of California issued an Executive Order (N-33-20) issuing a stay-at-home decree and the shuttering of all non-essential businesses in California. There are many questions from flight schools within California and elsewhere about the California Executive Order and how it affects whether a flight school can remain open.

The Executive Order States:

“The federal government has identified 16 critical infrastructure sectors whose assets, systems and networks, whether physical or virtual, are considered so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, economic security, public health or safety, or any combination thereof. I order that Californians working in these 16 critical infrastructure sectors may continue their work because of the importance of these sectors to Californians’ health and well-being.”

The Executive Order includes a link to the Department of Homeland Security’s Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) which identifies the 16 critical infrastructure sectors and detailed information of which businesses are included in these sectors. You will find that the Aviation sub-sector of the Transportation Systems Sector details the following:

“… the aviation mode includes commercial and recreational aircraft (manned and unmanned) and a wide variety of support services, such as repair stations, fueling facilities, navigation aids, and flight schools.”

If your flight school is a college or university program or works with a college or university, the definitions are less clear.

According to California Executive Order N-33-20, flight schools in California may remain open.

Why is this important to flight schools outside of California?

The California Executive Order is important to all flight schools because it specifically ties the list of businesses that may remain open to a federal agency, CISA. It is FSANA’s opinion that flight schools outside of California may also choose to remain open because of this very important designation. FSANA believes the CISA definition of critical infrastructure businesses should preempt any state or local declarations that are to the contrary.

If you decide to keep your flight school operational, FSANA strongly recommends following all CDC, WHO, and medical advisories regarding employee hygiene, aircraft and facility sanitization, social distancing, and any other precautionary measures that you deem necessary to keep your employees and students safe and healthy. FSANA is developing a set of recommended COVID-19 Precautions and Best Practices which we will provide in the coming days.

Flight Schools are “critical”.


One wonders what other “critical” activities have been designated that really….aren’t

Airport control towers:

Midway (MDW) and Las Vegas (LAS) control towers had personnel who tested positive for Covid-19.

The towers have been closed since late March 17.

Now, I can understand closing the towers for cleaning.

But one might think that they would be able to clean and disinfect the spaces in a few hours. Bleach and water, soap and water, disinfecting wipes, or even alcohol. I’ve been in the MDW tower, and it isn’t that large that it could not be sanitized by 2 or three people in an hour or so. And I mean wiped down, not just sprayed down.

One would think they’d have been able to do it three or 4 times by now.


I’m tempted to fly there  (MDW, not LAS) while the tower is closed just so I can say I did it without being cleared to land…..

If you aren’t doing it

And you can’t go to work and have some time on your hands….

Contact (maybe don’t visit in person though) your elderly or infirm neighbors and see if they need anything.

Perhaps go shopping for them, in order that they don’t have to expose themselves to the general public during the “Health Crisis”….minimize, in other words, their contact with the general public…..since they are most at risk.

Especially if you are going shopping anyway.