So once again we see that Blue governments

Simply cannot respond to anything in an emergency……


In Lahaina, it appears that the local and State people simply waited for the Feds to show up with aid….food, water, and shelter.

Stories of 2 or more days without water and food…until people got to a Federal aid station. No food and no water or any support from the State.

It appears that the situation is reminiscent of the poor response by the State of Louisiana (blue)  (as compared to Mississippi(red)) during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

I am sure that the government of Hawaii and that of Maui will blame the Feds for not feeding and sheltering the fire victims, but it really isn’t the Feds job to get there immediately….it is the States.

And like Katrina, this is a Hard Fail for the Blue folks.

So the way I see it…..

They Left and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) are so terribly afraid of the Donald that they are stacking indictment on indictment just to be sure to tar him as much as possible, and in the hope that at least Something sticks….they have failed every other time…..And they are getting desperate.

So desperate, in fact, that they really don’t care what the average Man-in-the-Street thinks…they don’t care that nearly every conservative voter and fully half of the Leftist voters see this as nothing more than an attempt to Do Something to Keep Trump From Running in 2024 (Or keep him so busy with his trials that he doesn’t have time to campaign).

The prosecutors aren’t even pretending to be impartial, or that they are looking for the Truth or to do the Right Thing. Fully, blatantly, clearly partisan.


Sad what desperate people will do, innit?

If only the Left could come up with a candidate people would vote FOR,,,,,and one that they could elect without blatant electoral fraud.

I’d prefer someone besides Trump, but even I can see what is happening.


When I was a little boy, at dinner time, my Mom always told me I had to eat everything on my plate “Because little kids are starving in Africa….so I ate everything.


But as I got older, I started to think…..How did eating this plate of food in any way help those “Starving Kids in Africa”?


Of course, asking that question of my parents was not happy making for me. But they still never answered it….

Thing is, despite all the aid over 50+ years, both US taxpayer aid, UN extorted dollars as aid, or private aid, there is still starvation in those same countries in Africa…..

WIth or without clean plates on US dinner tables.

Sea level update

This time, Juneau, Alaska.

seal level is DROPPING. Should be 4 feet lower a hundred years from now. So much for the dreaded “Sea Level Rise” due to melting ice at the poles.


Before Budweiser went “Woke”

They stood for something:  pride, country, family, honor, decency and the USA.

Now, not so much.


Let’s look back at their advertising from years past and see what they once were: (It’s a short 5 minutes, but worth it)


Those ads sold a lot of beer because they talked about values that the average American wants to stand for,,,

Not some caricature of a man wanting to be a woman.

Lesson from Maui and Lahaina

We’ve seen it in forest fires in AZ and California. Now Maui as well….


Leave Early. Especially if you have children or pets…..moreso if you want to save horses or the like.

Beat the rush, GTFO as soon as the threat becomes real. Don’t get trapped in a traffic jam, don’t be part of the refugee flood.


Lots of people waited too long. 30 + people are known to have died in the fire, likely more in the traffic jam of burned cars Others barely escaped the traffic jam that ended up with them losing their cars and contents as well as their homes.

Beat the rush, panic early.

Pack up early and be ready. Don’t hesitate to leave.


Greatest line I think I ever heard

At a grocery store:

Kid gets pushed aside by a Punk. Punk says “Watch it kid”

Kid’s dad takes offence at this.

Punk says “You think I’m  ‘sposed to be afraid of you?” (while getting close to Dad in a most threatening manner) “You wanna go?”

Dad (unfazed) says “Nope, but if you don’t apologize to my son, it’s gonna be bad.”

Punk says “You gonna call the cops? You think I afraid of goin’ to jail, man?”

Dad says, “Nope, you’re afraid for what they are gonna take ME to jail for”. (While getting really far into the punk’s personal space)

Pregnant pause.

Punk swallows…backs up. Looks at the kid. Says “Sorry” ….nods to Dad, and walks, (carefully) away. Didn’t run, but didn’t take his time, either.

‘Twas awesome to witness.