Sometimes I should just keep my mouth shut

So I overhear this asshole bloviating loudly (In public) about how “MAGA assholes” cannot seriously be considering voting for Trump for President again? Loudly and in public, telling anyone in earshot about how voting for Trump is voting for a criminal and the downfall of the country…..


And I should have just kept my pie-hole firmly closed and picked up my food and left the take-out place…..But no.

I asked him to explain how assholes like him could consider voting for a jerk like Biden (or, for that matter, Hillary) who so obviously was selling the office of the presidency (and vice presidency) and that of Secretary of State to foreign powers and special interests….I bought up Barry’s most obvious kickback scheme from the founders of Solyndra  and how much that cost the Taxpayers but enriched the founders of the company…..

“Yet you assholes keep voting for them, and people like them because they are “Democrats”, who also want to reduce our freedoms and the things that made this country the best in the world………, so why is it unreasonable for the MAGA people to vote for greater freedoms and for someone who wants to “Make America Great Again”? How come it is all one sided?”

I thought for a minute he was gonna cry. But lucky for me, about then my food was ready, so I left.


(note that I still hope we can find a leader that isn’t Trump, mind you….But when push comes to shove when it comes down to two…he may be the best of the bad choices)

Have ya noticed?

(Do take the time to follow the links)


Have you noticed the subtle indications that Covid 2.0 panic is being implemented?


The gentle reminders on TV and radio that “The Pandemic may be over, but Covid isn’t” and “you may be done with Covid but it isn’t done with you” , and “Covid is still the 5th leading cause of death” in the advertisements by the US department of Health and the CDC….

The gentle slide back to the old ways….some institutions requiring masks…Morris College wants masks in Hallways and lecture halls (but nowhere else?)  Seattle requiring masks in Healthcare facilities….

Some studios in Hollywood requiring masks in their offices…

The subtle messaging in the media about the upcoming Covid season. of several new strains

The fact that they know Covid is invading the US again from other countries but won’t do anything to stop it, much like last time when they allowed folks from China to still fly to the US and enter without any quarantine…. If they think these new variants are an issue, then why not test every person entering the country from elsewhere for ANY covid? ? Why not do basic prevention to keep Covid out of the country? UNless they want another set of panic….

I guess those folks in government need more money

I fully expect that there will be another “Two Weeks to flatten the curve” emergency that will (again) last for a few months.

Adjust your prep plans accordingly….. Beat the rush, stock up on TP flour, yeast and such early…..(what else did we run out of in the stores?)

And remember what happened to the financial markets last time and adjust your investments to plan for that….minimize the damage…. You might even be able to make money long term if you plan it right.

But whatever, expect some level of Covid Panic/Lockdown again. Plan accordingly.


We are a “sanctuary city.”… but please put those dirty homeless people somewhere else…..

We worry about our safety, our children. Put those homeless in someone else’s neighborhood!

Funny, innit, how these Blue folks never want to share the pain they wish on others….


Be it migrants in Martha’s Vineyard, windmills off Long Island, or homeless people being housed in affluent San Francisco neighborhoods…..Always Not In My BackYard….

That’s the way you do it.

So SumDude decided he needed the contents of the cash register more than the proprietor did..

He arms himself with a box cutter and announces the robbery.

Customer decided this is not gonna happen. Pulls his gat and takes 7 shots to protect the clerk from bodily harm.

He pulls his firearm and just as calm as hell takes aim and fires. First shot misses, but the other six hit SumDude. Note that he never let go of the 6 pack of bottles while shooting. (ETA: And it wasn’t Bud Light)

Ne then goes to his car for another magazine and holds Mr. SumDude until the cops get there. SumDude did not attain room temperature.

6 for seven under stress with one hand. And he never dropped the bottles. Pretty nice.

Obviously a small caliber handgun, but it still did the job.

First rule of gunfights: Have a gun. Second rule: Be able to use it.


“Often when you think you are at the end of something, you are really at the beginning of something else”

Fred Rogers.


Funny how ALL the National News Media seems to have missed this…

Of course, he was (WAS!) a muslim, so that probably explains the silence….Since JULY 14…..

Bodycam footage shows Fargo police take down Syrian asylum seeker Mohamad Barakat who was on his way to commit ‘mass casualty attack’

Kudos to the officer who stopped the threat. He concentrated on the threat rather than the officer already down and neutralized the terrorist. Excellent work. And he got his initial hits from what looks like about 30 yards away, as well….under stress. Even more excellent.

My condolences to the fatally wounded officer’s family.

Pretty good shape, for the shape I’m in….

So I hadda go in for my FAA medical. Every two years for me ’cause I am over 40…


And, apparently, I am still healthy enough to hold a medical certificate to fly, despite my age and infirmities.

The doc said “Yer in pretty good shape for a guy your age…..Of course, “Round” is a shape too”. Then he advised me to lose 10 lbs (not gonna happen) and lay off the easy women and cheap booze….and get more exercise (I asked him how I was ‘spozed to get that exercise if I wasn’t chasing the easy women?)

So I am apparently reasonably healthy. Although my eyes are getting pretty bad.



‘Twas pointed out to me today

That NOTHING Donald Trump is accused of is missing from the list of things that Al Gore tried in 2000 when he and the DNC tried to discredit the 2000 election results….especially in Florida.


The only difference is the name and party affiliation of the candidates….

And the fact that challenging the Official tally is now criminalized. It was once honorable to challenge the vote tally if it was close……But now it has become a criminal act to question the highly irregular vote tally.

Think about this. Seriously.

This is indeed a step towards losing our Republic. The DOJ and the Democrats are complicit in this.



Trash Panda overload

Germany’s cities are,  apparently,  overrun with feral Raccoons, who are doing a great deal of damage to houses, apartments and offices.

They do thousands of dollars of damage to peoples homes, and settle down in the kitchen and eat the food and drink the beers.

Nothing that a couple of air rifles couldn’t stop in a week or two, but the government won’t allow hunting.