Innit interesting

How folks will jump all over anonymous and unsourced postings and statements about something from people if it meets their beliefs/validates their statements…but can’t wait to point out how unreliable anonymous postings are when it doesn’t meet their beliefs?

Funny that.


So much fun

watching Liberals castigate a company or a wealthy individual for “Not doing enough” then asking said liberal what THEY have done to help the same organization/downtrodden segment of society/ country, etc.


They get all pissed off when you apply their own metric for judgement to them.


Hey, I gotta get my laughs where I can….

So are we to believe

That suddenly, just after the Chinese Spy Balloon was so poorly handled that “Suddenly” there are “UFO’s” flying over the United States and Canada? That they were not there before, (or at least the Air Force/Norad) wasn’t aware of them and/or (the story changes often) were unable to do anything about it (but now they are able to somehow, suddenly, shoot them down)?

Something smells here. Something doesn’t make sense. I’m not sure what IS happening, but I don’t think it is what they are telling us.

Flew yesterday

An Arrow. Nice plane, 200 HP. Pretty basic. One working 430, the other Nav/Com was not.

It was/is a fun airplane to fly. Retract gear makes for some speed, so there is that. Had to do a Checkride before I can rent and fly it by myself.

Did 2 touch and goes. First landing was…firm. Apologized to the instructor. He thought the landing was acceptable and asked what I considered a “Good” landing. On the second landing I showed him. Wind was a 30 degree crosswind, so a bit of a challenge. But I greased it in, on centerline, on the called mark, upwind wing up ,…No “Thump” , barely a chirp as the tires hit the pavement….an excellent crosswind landing if I do say so myself. “That is an acceptable landing” I said. He agreed.


We then did 3 approaches to minimum so I could maintain my currency. I did well on all three. Was gonna do a VOR approach at a nearby airport, but they have deleted that and it is no longer available. I guess the FAA doesn’t think anyone is ever gonna need those now that everyone has GPS.

1.5. 3 approaches. 3 landings. A good day.

I guess they just want the free shit……

I mean, all those single men from Latin America….the ones bussed to NYC from the southern border. They made themselves unwelcome in New York City so they were given a free ride to Canada…a place where there were jobs available, where they were safe from the “Oppression” they claimed they were fleeing from…A place to start a new life…..

But no, Canada is too cold, and has too much snow.

So they are going back to New York…where these single males “Migrants” will continue to be a problem for the people of New York…..(You know, that city that claimed to welcome “Migrants” but really didn’t want to take care of them…) They didn’t like the accommodations once they had to leve the free hotel rooms that the city gave them…they didn’t like the food that the city gave them…..and they didn’t like the new accommodations that the city found for them in Brooklyn…..

Kinda shitty of these people, innit? I mean, free shit, free food, a free place to stay, free travel to a place where they can get jobs….and they still aren’t happy and demand more.

They should be given the option of being returned to the shithole they claim to have fled from, or finding a job…..(personally, since they are here illegally I’d send ’em back by the busload, but that is just me).

But we are seeing why the shithole they came from is a shithole. People like that are not productive citizens. Why would we want ungrateful leeches here in the US?

340 update:

So we called Ram engines today to see what the status was. They say it will be another 3 months before I can get my engines back. “Supply chain issues” with cylinders and crank bearings.

There may be a way to go with new, rather than reground crankshafts, but that will depend on Continental having those available for purchase…..of course, that will be an upcharge, but they can’t tell me what that upcharge will be yet, or even if the new crankshafts will be available.

So I wait. An exercise in personal growth and all that.


The good news is the rental place has finally gotten their Arrow back from maintenance, so I will be going up Sunday for a checkride and to do some approaches to stay current. I will be able to rent the Arrow for more than 2 hour slots. It isn’t that fast, but it is available, although spendy.

Christ I miss my plane.

Every time I hear a Democrat say

Pay their Fair Share of taxes” I wanna hit ’em in the kneecap with a ball-pein hammer.

I’m sure it sounds good, but it isn’t the truth.

When I sold my business, I paid more in taxes, after 20+ years of hard work…in ONE year…. than most people pay in a lifetime.  Anyone who sells a business will do the same. Anyone who does well in the stock market pays HUGE taxes. But they get accused of “Not paying their Fair Share” and the Democrats want to raise taxes AGAIN….

Fair share my ass. They aren’t paying their fair share. A rich person pays more in taxes than a poor person. A rich person likely uses less police, gets no free anything from the government, and gets no subsidies…. plus pays a much greater amount of taxes. Why should he/she pay a greater percentage of their income if they are successful than some schmoe who isn’t successful or doesn’t even try?

If the Feds need more money they can stop spending so much on people who choose not to work, who squander their money on drugs and cheap fashion, who reproduce willy-nilly (and often without a father@)…stop spending money on “green” bullshit that enriches already rich people and corporations…Stop giving billions to people who cross our borders illegally and live here illegally….and stop sending money to Ukraine (and lots of other countries) where it is unaccounted for. Keep it at home.

But if you say “fair share” I’m gonna find you and throw up in your lap.


@(Note: a higher number unwed white mothers than black mothers exist, so fuck that racism shit)

I swear, if Joe Biden (or folks of his ilk) were on fire at my feet, I’d not unzip to put them out.

Turkey and Syria earthquake:

Does anyone know a relief organization that I can donate to where the majority of the money will go to relief of the poor folks affected by the earthquake, and not be mostly siphoned off in graft and other payments? Where the money will get to those who need it?

If so, feel free to tell me in comments.

I just don’t wanna donate and have all the money disappear as it wends it’s way to those who actually need it…..I don’t wanna enrich some government officials that don’t need nor deserve it.