
Sorry, The Free Ice Cream machine is down and waiting on parts……

read the folks on the sidebar >>>>>>



The difference, of course, is that the BLM folks didn’t scare the legislators

Y’know, those folks in our government who are SUPPOSED to be representing us…..and thought that their actions would have no consequences,,,,they got REALLY SCARED when a bunch of unwashed people dared to break into their sacred chambers and threaten their safety.

So they are having the DOJ punish each and every person they can identify.

On the other hand, those BLM thugs, well, that stuff happened in the streets and didn’t affect those legislators so it really didn’t matter to them as to how (or even IF) those folks were punished.

Disparity in prosecution be damned. 

After all, they expect black people to riot every few years. Lets them blow off steam, right?

An example of what is wrong with Liberals:

So the city gave the property to the Community Activist to use for Murals for “Beautification”….so there were Murals painted (and not for free) on the walls of a viaduct.

And now, surprise, surprise, surprise, the murals on the walls are covered in…pigeon shit as the pigeons that roost along the top of the walls the murals are painted upon do what pigeons do….

And she (the community activist) seems to think that this is the responsibility of the City of Chicago to clean up so that everyone can see the murals that she raised money to pay the mural artist to paint. Not her responsibility, but either the city or the railroad that runs over the viaduct. It is someone else’s responsibility to clean up. She was able to get someone to donate money for the “Beautification” of the neighborhood, but she can’t get enough of the neighborhood residents together to spray the walls clean. And she never planned for maintenance so she is whining to the city (and the News Media) to fix the issue…Typical Liberal. Can’t take responsibility for anything.

Of course, this is Pilsen, on the South Side, primarily non-white, so it fits the pattern we see everywhere….in the larger cities in the US and all across the world. The people of the community can’t be bothered to get off their ass and even keep their own area clean.  can’t get together and spray the walls clean and push a broom to clean the detritus off the sidewalk…..

Here is the CBS 2 website report. 



How many?

I mean, a fairly warm weekend here in the greater Chicago area.

So I bet the South Side gets a toal of 28 shot, 6 killed….

And the police won’t have to kill any black person ’cause they will kill each other.

D Day

Just think of those brave servicemen waiting in the Higgins boats and other transportation….waiting to assault their beaches. Knowing that they might (and likely wouldn’t) make it.

Balls. those men had balls.


Few are alive today. Fewer every year.

Heroes, each and every one.

Everyone in Europe who doesn’t have to speak German today should be thankful for their sacrifice.


If the Media and the Social Media and most of the Federal Agencies that knew about 8 months ago what they are releasing/admitting today….that the China/Wuhan virus was created by China and likely released accidentally (or not) from the lab….

We’d likely not have to deal with Biden’s gaffes nor would we be making jokes about “Joe and the Ho” nor would we have had the election controversey…nor would we still have to listen to the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) yammer on about the “Kapitol Insurrexxion!!!!!”

In other words, we’d likely have Trump as President right now.

But the Media the Left (but again, repeating) and much of the agencies tasked with finding out and telling us the truth failed to inform us of China’s responsibilities in ths global crisis.

If yer Reynolds Wrap Kippah seems too tight, then you might think all of the above failure to tell us the truth had been done for a reason….and we got Creepy Slow Joe and Willie Brown’s side piece as out Executive Branch.

Not that the Gaia folks will see or care about the truth:

But this is a great slam, with facts, on North Face for their stupid and hypocritical stand against the “Oil and Gas Industry”.

Seems that North Face refused to sell their products, specifically jackets, to a Petroleum supplier. Because reasons. Taking a stand against the eveil petroleum industry and all that.

BUT…..It seems that their products are nearly 90% made from fibers and other materials derived from…..petroleum!

Kinda hypocritical, innit?  Of course most of their customers will applaud the stand that North Face took and not realize that they, being customer and consumers of North Face Products are themselveves willing (if ignorant) co-consirators..

Watch THIS


Found via The Pirates Cove


They think less of them, apparently

the impact that overdraft fees have on Black and Latino households, which are historically poorer than their white counterparts and are hit with overdraft fees more often

So Black and brown people can’t manage their finances, so we will remove the incentive to not overdraw your account in the interest of appearing non-racist…..

Another way to look at it is that they believe that Black (and brown) people are too stupid to handle their finances. And too stupid to follow the rules that the rest of us learn to follow.


Me, I think it is more a cultural thing…..and that some folks will (and some won’t) learn to follow the rules…no matter what their level of melanin or ancestry. To claim that a practice like bank fees or fees for not paying your car registrtion “Disporoprtianately impacts people of color” doesn’t mean it is racist….

Why won’t you get the covid shot?

Well, I don’t trust it….Not eve now that half the country has been injected.

I don’t trust the people who say it is safe.

Those are the people that told us that other treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were ineffective, even when studies showed otherwise…and those drugs are being used to good effect in India right now.

Those are the people that told us thre was no reason to close our borders early….and then, when it was too late, cried that the borders hadn’t been closed….(playing politics with people’s lives makes me untrustful….)

These are the people that told us that they had investigated the origins of the virus, and assured us it came from bats from 200 miles from the “wet market” where people bought them and then ate them….despite the fact that the people in the area where the bats originated from didn’t get the disease….and assured me that this could have nothing to do with the bioweapons lab that existed nearby. These same people told us that the virus could nto have escaped from the lab, even accidentally,,,,And that the fact that the lab we studying the Coronavirus was coincidence….but that the lab had not been weaponizing working to “gain of function” it.

Now we find that pretty much all of the above paragraph is a lie….(not that that is a surprise). and it appears that these people are working for China as much (or more) than for the United States and her citizens.

The advice and information from the people that tell me that the Covid Jab is safe has so far been more , shading the tuth, and otherwise politicized information aimed to either hide the truth or to mitigate public anger towards China or our own Federeal Government people who are supposed to protect us (not China).

I should believe these people?