Really good advice for my readers in the south:

If you rarely drive on snow, just pretend you’re taking your grandma to church. There’s a platter of biscuits and 2 gallons of sweet tea in glass jars in the back seat. She’s wearing a new dress and holding a crock pot full of gravy. @KevinHarned @BGoodeWAVE3



Yes, it is from 2018, but it is still true today.

Or even better: Just stay the hell home and that way you won’t damage your car, yourself, or anything or anyone else. You southern types (mostly) really just can’t drive in ice and snow, so don’t try…..

We have the same sort of carnage (to a lesser degree),  the first really slippery day here in the north until people remember to slow down and leave more space in front of them….

after a week of thinking about it….

So I figure that the advertising on the Sooper Bowl….

Is giving me a good bit of direction as to where I will spend my money:

I sure as hell ain’t gonna be with any of those “woke” companies who did those “woke” commericals.

They, obviously, have different attitudes towards the country, the citizens, and the culture than I do. Why should I support them? Why should I buy their products? I’d rather not give then any profits that they could give to organizations and groups that I oppose.

Lots of folks ready to take my money. All they have to do, most of the tie, is produce a product and not make me angry….

Price gouging

Remember back when…when the pandemic/Covid -19 panic happened and people had a hard time finding hand sanitizer and the price for it shot up? Remember the screaming about “Price Gouging” by the Liberals? There were, in fact, criminal charges brought against some folks who cornered a supply and profited from their wisdom. There were attempts to control the price of sanitizer legislatively….

So where are those folks today? Where are the cries of Price Gouging for ammunition? I mean, prices are high, and some folks have made a killing, having bought large supplies early and now selling them at a great profit. Where is the charges of Price Gouging? I don’t see any attempt to legislate the price of ammo by our legislators….(and I hope we don’t, either, for any items)

Yes, prices are high. We know that. We also know why….a relatively inelastic supply and a rising demand…..Economics 101. Same thing happened with Hand Sanitizer…But the the Liberals cried and the governments jumped in….why not this time?

(By the way, it is easy to make your own sanitizer…..(and ammo, if you are prepared) yet all these liberals whined because they couldn’t buy Purell at cheap prices…..)


So, the Senate has (as expected) acquitted Donald J Trump of “Incitement to insurrection”. (which was a Bullshit charge…)


I expect that the vote was more or less along party lines. (have you ever noticed how the Dems almost always vote with their party?)

At least this travesty is over.

Got this from someone who was there

He suggested that I might find it enlightening. Perhaps you might as well….

Watch…spend 11 minutes:


And next time you meet a Vet, say “Thank You”.

I do. You should as well.


To all our Vets, Pecetime or Wartime, Combat or Support, Land, Sea, or Air: Thank you.



Interesting Statistics

But, of course, they are ….racist. ‘Cause they tell the story that most of us who work with, live near, and interact with have seen with our own eyes.

Ask any cop, andy social worker, anyone who in any way interacts with folks of all races. They’ll tell you the same story. But folks like us, who actually SEE the real world….we too are racist., At least we are to those poeple who dislike the truth and who refuse to face it.

Via Kenny, we have this report, which (once again) shows us the REAL numbers….and the numbers have not really changed in most of my lifetime. Facts are harsh, but in the end, the reality is what it is, face it or not. The issue isn’t racism, it is the people committing the crimes.


And if you have to drive at all when there is Freezing Rain, STAY OFF THE INTERSTATE. It might not be your driving which makes youa part of an accident….

This is true in the nothern states, and especially so in places like Texas, where they can barely drive on wet roads and have zero skills for driving on ice and snow.

My condolences to those who lost loved ones in this pileup and sympathy for those who were caught up in it.

Mask fatigue

So I walked into a tire store yesterday, dropping off a tractor tire that needed to be replaced. The tire had been ordered, had arrived, and needed to be mounted on the rim.

Now, this is in an area where, 2 months prior, one could generally see folks AWAYS wearing masks in public. Often wearing masks while driving alone in a car. If one were seen wiothout a mask, the social pressure was significant. One did not dare enter a store without some form of face covering. People were actually calling the police if they saw you without a mask. COmpliance was very nearly 100%. Store owners, for fear of being shut down, insisted on masks….

When I walked into the tire store, there were 11 people in the waiting area, 2 at the counter.

Only one of them was wearing a mask.


The NeverEnding lie:

You should read THIS.

it has been a year, a year of ever changing narrative, of evercahngin metrics, and a year of ever changing goalposts.

One wonders….why? What is the real reason?

At what point do we say “No!” to all this manipulation?

Typical Liberals

Using emotion where fact would serve better….

So telling us how “terrible” and “traumatizing” the Capitol Riot was (although for folks like AOC who weren’t there, the Trauma may be imaginary) does not show us how Donald Trump is to blame for said riot.

Usually, if ther is a case to be made, this haooens AFTER the prosecutor lays out the actual, you know, crime.

So far, all we have is testimony  a bunch of scared and traumatized legislators and their aides….but nothing actually linking anyone to the instigation of the riot.