
Most Congressional and Senatorial business are largely bullshit….

And this “Trial” for impeachement is moreso than most.

A blind man can see that this is not Constitutional, That this is a Show Trial…..a Kangaroo Court.

The outcome of the vote to impeach was never in doubt. It is a Witch Hunt, at best.

Donald Trump may have been smarter to not bother to respond. Not deigned to recognize the charges. Simply ignored them.

If they had wished to charge him with Sedition, perhaps….(not that they could make it endure)…But this is merely an attempt to make sure he is not a threat again in the future, and a way of damaging him in the present. At the end of it, the Congress (and now the Senate) is showing that they are not a body of honorable statesmen (and women) but rather a group of partisan hacks. Twisting the Constitution in such a manner, for vindictiveness, will not gain them any credibility, except with those who are completely partisan and uninformed (which may be a large part of their base).

No matter what the outcome, they have damaged their own credibility, not only in the eye of folks like me, but in their own Faithful.

Further, if they have no repsect for the rule of law, or the Constitution, why should I have any respect for them? Why should they, whose authority derives from that same Constitution have any authority over me and my fellows? Since they care not for the Rule of Law as derived from that document, why should I give that deliberative body any credence? Cede any authority to them?

In the end, whether they actually impeach President Trump or not, they lose.

A valid issue to think about

Wrongspeak is now something to fear.

Oddly, those same folks used to uphold the First Amendment. Now, not so much….


And it isn’t just what folks are saying NOW…but what they might have said in the past….


If I had a facebook (or any other Social Media) account, and worked for someone else, I’d delete the whole thing immediately for fear that the Mob might find something to take offense at….and destroy my livelihood out of spite, simply because they disagree with me. Even moreso if I were military.


Holy fuck

They are REALLY pushing the whole Black Lives Matter agenda in the runup to the SuperBowl, aren’t they?

Never mind that very few of those folks who have bad interactions with police are nice people….almost none are Model Citizens. Few are anything but repeat offenders…thugs. (not a zero number, but very close)


“Unity” is one thing, propaganda and pushing the BLM agenda is another.

I don’t know if I can watch the game if they keep this up.

Holy fuck, and they’ve totally mucked up the Anthem.

Freezer levels of cold

Outside it is -7 degrees fahrenheit. Minus SEVEN.

Colder, actually, than my kitchen freezer.

The News folks keep telling us how this is the coldest we have had in years. Perhaps the coldest on THIS calender day, but not an unusual cold. We get this cold or colder most winters. It isn’t an unusual event. Thankfully, the wind is not high.

That doesn’t mean I am going outside any sooner than I have to though.

I have the woodstove going and the house is 70-ish.


Seems that the military in Myanmar has had enough:

The armed forces had backed the opposition, who were demanding a rerun of the vote, claiming widespread fraud.

The election commission said there was “no evidence” to support these claims……

That is, in effect, the difference between the US and other Myanmar.

The military has chosen NOT to watch as their country is taken away from them with  obvious voter fraud.  They wanted a revote, and the “Election Comission” said that there was “No Evidence”…(much like here, wherein no one bothered to look in the right places for the fraud that happened. They couldn’t find it ’cause they didn’t look for it. Thye just recounted the votes, including the fraudulent ones). In Myanmar, this causes a coup….

I am of two minds here, on the one hand, I am glad (and proud) that OUR (the US) military chose not to take sides in our election issues….on the other hand, we had as many and as blatant issues as Myanmar and our military stood by and let it happen…..

I’m not sure which is worse, really.


And “Pete”: STFU, I don’t want to hear your mealy mouthed bullshit.

Shnowmangeedon, part 2, the sequel……revenge of Gaia

So the media has been (again) hyping the next “Winter Storm”.

This time, it might actually be something….Rain, Freezing rain, snow and then more snow.

It’s actually coming down at a rate of over 2 inches per hour.

And tonight we should get 40 mph winds.

This time the hype and warnings might actually have been valid.


ETA 18:24: Yep, rain, sleet freezing rain, and HUGE snowflakes…about 2.5 inches of snow, then it slowed.

I cannot wait for the 48 MPH winds forecast for early morning.

Like Global Warming

I will believe that the Covid-19 is a threat to mankind when people and the authorities start acting like it is.

For all the hype about how Covid is still the number one cause of death, and may soon kill 1/3 of the people in the contry, in a few days they are going to allow over 20.000 people to congregate in a stadium (and the lines leading INTO the stadium) to watch the Superbowl. Yes, “social Distancing” and masks and all that…but the best way to prevent this disease is to not allow all those folks to travel from wherever their homes are….and don’t let them congregate and mingle. Simple.

If the threat was a real and severe as they claim, why would they allow so many people to congregate……I mean, they keep crying “SuperSpreader!” whenever a few HUNDRED people show up at a protest, or whenever there is a meeting or ceremony of any kind (among conservatives, anyway)….

Seriously, if the threat is as real as they claim, how could they allow anyone to enter the stadium and congregate there as spectators for the duration of the game?

Cries for her ouster

ANd we have the Media and the Democrats crying for the “ouster” of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene…who is an outspoken woman who supports Trump….And whose words are being “viewed with alarm” by a bunch of people with Faux Outrage….

Her remarks are, perhaps, outside of the mainstream, but hardly terriibly bad.

And Innit odd how these same folks calling for her to leave her position didn’t decry all those Democrat politicians who called for violence and protest and civil unrest……

Funny how that works.