Odd, that

I got pulled over yesterday afternoon.
I rolled a stop sign: slowed, and since no one was at any of the other three points, touched the brakes but didn’t stop and kept going…… just like the car in front of me.

The cop three cars back saw it, and pulled me over. Fair. Reason to stop me.

I signaled to indicate that I was pulling over, and slowed down and rolled for about a quarter mile until there was a place where I could pull over (steep ditches along the right side of the road for a while). I turned the motor off and waited for him.

The Hispanic officer walked up to the car. I looked back out of the (already opened) window and greeted him……hands on the wheel so he knew I wasn’t gonna shoot him (hands empty). He greeted me and asked for my license and registration. Told me why he pulled me over. I acknowledged that it was a fair stop. I was polite. He was polite. I had to get the registration from the glovebox, told him what I was gonna do, and that I had a pistol on my hip. He was cool with all of the above and I retrieved the document without trouble and handed it to him.

He took my paperwork, went back to the car, and later returned.

Oddly, no one got shot, he didn’t feel the need to call another officer for help, didn’t pull me out of the car, arrest me, nor search the car because he smelled pot or anything else…..and at the end of it, we both went on our way.

Why? I acted decently…. politely. Acknowledged the fact that I had broken a law. Wasn’t rude. He too, was polite and professional. I had no warrants, no unpaid fines, nothing to make him have a reason to arrest or detain me any longer than to verify my license and registration and give me verbal warning.

How one acts CAN determine the outcome. We BOTH chose to make it a peaceful stop. Plus, I am square with the law, so no reason for him to go farther.

Was it ’cause I was white? I doubt it. I think that my behavior (and lack of criminality) determined the outcome.

Innit interesting?

One can get arrested for failing to Social Distance, for opening up an “unapproved” business (Say a Barbershop, when a Walmart would be OK)  or going to church….but letting a bunch of people gather in protest and fail to Social Distance (as well as minor crimes like Looting, Property Damage, Theft, Arson, and such) are more or less ignored.

But that is, of course, different. Because…?

Taken down?

Apparently WRSA (Western Rifle Shooters Association) (see the sidebar) has been taken down for posting something that pissed off the WordPress folks.

I’m not sure if he posted something unapproved or he has simply pissed them off by telling the truth.

I’m gonna leave the link up for now, in case he works it out. If me moves, I’ll update the link and make notes of that.

(ETA: A message at Kenny’s place…)


“Why not?”

I’m not gonna “Lend you a gun” just because some people are rioting 30 miles away.

A Gun is not a talisman. It won’t protect you just by being there.
You have no idea how to use one. Never learned how to safely use one, be it a pistol or a rifle or shotgun.
You have no idea how to use one safely.
You have no clue as to when you can and cannot use one to protect your home, you family or yourself. 

And, honestly, you are likely to hesitate and have it taken away from you. You’d be likely to brandish it to scare people away but not use it when brandishing didn’t scare them off.

So no, I won’t lend you a firearm, of any kind.

Good luck. 

Taking a lesson from the Koreans

Seems that the residents, the hispanic ones, that is, of Cicero Illinois are taking matters into their own hands.  (about 1:00 into the clip)

The cops, after all, are afraid to do anything because of the bad press….so they let the looting and such happen.

The Hispanic people of Cicero, along with others, are taking to the rooftops to stop riots and looting. I mostly worked last night….

Of course, the cops discourage it.

“They know we are here” said one rooftop watcher.

I’d bet serious coin that nothing happens in those streets tonight. Hell, I’ll give you 3:7 odds, nothing happens where the folks are hanging out “just watching” the streets. 

One good thing about the riots

It has, at least pushed the Coronavirus reporting back a notch or two.

I gotta say that, for me at least, it is an almost even trade. Wall to Wall coronavirus panic reporting is coming to an end, overshadowed by the riot reporting and the stories.

Why we need….

We need an AR-15 (or equivalent) in every household Just for the sort of riot we saw these past few days…..just in case we or our property becomes a target of the Mob. (think “Roof Koreans”)

We need our own transportation, in case the state or local Governments decide for whatever reason (like to keep the rioters from moving from one place to the other, spreading mayhem as they go) as they have in this case shutting down that oft-revered “Public Transportation”
If one is in the Burbs, or a collar community, and had no car, today you were screwed, as the State of Indiana and the City of Chicago shut down the trains to keep people from travelling FROM  the Burbs to do mayhem and to keep people from travelling TO the city for protests that could turn ugly.

Trust in Government only works when they can (and are willing) to keep us all safe and able to move. But that only works when those they govern behave…..

Me? I trust myself, a select few, and I trust my government and those who rail against the perceived failures of the Government to provide not at all. Especially when they want to rend and destroy and steal, and blame me for their own failings and the failure of their culture. And who feel that they can redistribute my earnings and possessions or damage me and people near and/or dear to me because of their “rage”….

If ever there is a reason for an armed populace, the latest riots “protests” are a good example.

“tis ineresting…

When they want to, the media can find video from 20 years ago about someone they dislike….usually within hours.

Yet they have chosen NOT to show us the videos of the entire George Floyd incident with the police.

I think they are deliberately choosing not to find the video, or, if they have it, they are not showing it so the riots “protests” will continue.

Just as they are lowballing the coroner’s reports  that say that Mr. Floyd was NOT killed by having a knee on his neck, (nor what his trachea crushed) nor was he killed by suffocation, but rather the cause of death appears to be heart failure, exacerbated by Methamphetamines and Fentayl, possibly aggravated by the stress of his arrest.
Odd that they aren’t trumpeting this fact as loudly and as often as they did the video of his arrest, innit?

If you think that this civil unrest was not planned, and Mr. Floyd’s death (on video!) was not just an excuse to have it (if it would not have been this, it would have been another), then you might be interested in a bridge I have for sale….Cheap. Used bills please, and cash only.

What better way

To protest the death of George Floyd?

Hey, lets loot and burn, and show people that we are just as much the animals you claim that they treat you as.  Show them that you are criminals and thieves and prone to violence.

Yeah, that will get you the treatment that you wish from the rest of society.

I feel sorry for every decent, hard working black person. They are gonna be judged in a different light by the other folks with less melanin they work and other wise associate with after this weekend, And most probably don’t deserve to be painted with that brush.