
So we are now getting stories about how “Federal Workers” are not only not spending money eating out and buying things (smart) affecting local businesses whose customer base is largely from that demographic, but in addition, how these same employees are having to pawn collectibles and recreational toys just to make ends meet…….Note that their paycheck didn’t come LAST FRIDAY….
So 2 working days into the missed paychecks and these folks have to begin pawning stuff? Really?

And now comes the cry…”is the Wall worth the havoc the Shutdown is causing”?

I would ask the same thing pointed the other way…..”is refusing to fund the Wall (pretty much a rounding error when it comes to Federal Government expenses) worth the damage the DNC is doing to the country?”


I dunno if it is true, wishful thinking, or just plain cojecture.

But, Via Kenney, I found THIS.

“In only five more days of the already “longest government shutdown in history” (25 days and counting, as of today), a heretofore obscure threshold will be reached, enabling permanent layoffs of bureaucrats furloughed 30 days or more.

I dunno, it sounds too easy.

Now, in most federal government offices, the ratio of 15/85 is probably pretty accurate. And reducing the size of our Federal Workforce is probably a pretty good idea. And it can be difficult to get rid of an employee once they are hired by the GSA.

Will it be that easy? Can we keep the 15 and lose the 85? Or will we end up with a lower number of employees with the same ratio?

Back Pay

Government employees.


Why should Federal Government employees be paid for days where they are not working?

I have friends who work for Federal agencies. some of them are out of work…”Furloughed” is the term used.
And, as of last Friday, they have not received a paycheck. This is a hardship for them….I understand this. I feel for them. They are not working due to no fault of their own. (I’ve offered all of them loans to help out if they need it….They are good credit risks: I know they will get paid eventually.) 

But when a private employee is laid off…Say a worker at a steel mill, or at a car plant, or nearly any manufacturing…..When those folks are “Furloughed” “Laid off” (also not by their choice), they are not given back pay for days where they do not work. No work (for any reason), no pay.

Why should Federal employees be paid for days where they do not work? What makes them special? What makes them any different than their private sector counterparts? Simply their employers?
Why, if they are not working, are they paid? (even if at a later date)….

I mean, I understand, that these folks (some of them, at least) are not allowed to find other work in the meantime, unlike private sector workers…. But many can work elsewhere, it’s just a hassle for them to find temporary employment.
But here’s the thing:
If they are gonna get paid either way (once the pissing match budget battle is over), then why the charade? Why not just let ’em work? Why not let them do their jobs unless (until) their department/agency is defunded and/or eliminated eliminated? Why the game of “No work/No pay”  but then give them pay afterwards?
Is is just to create havoc and chaos? Just for leverage? (hint to the politicians: It doesn’t work….you get no leverage from this.) Just for a show of power, much like Barry did when he closed the parks last time? Create havoc and pain (another hint: most people served by “The Government” are unaffected in the short run by these “shutdowns”)

If these folks are gonna get paid, then they should be working.  IF not, then they should be free to act as any other citizen, and take work where they can find it.
Why can’t the American people get some value for the money their taxes are going for? We will be paying for work not done,…value not received.

End of rant. 


Are the folks doing the Mueller investigation laid off/Furloughed?

If not, why not? The “Government” is “Shut Down”. I cannot see where they are “Essential” personnel.

Inquiring minds, and all that….

“Asking for a friend”

If I go to a Gunshow can I, what with the federal government shut down and all (or at least the 20% that is ACTUALLY shut down, anyway) still get a NICS check done?

Just wondering. I’d call that an “essential” service, but still….

I’m asking ’cause I might go to the Indy 1500 in Indianapolis and don’t wanna brave the snowpocalypse they are predicting for that area. 

You’d never have known:

Joe points out in comments that YESTERDAY, Friday the 11th of January, 2019, is the FIRST day of missed paychecks for Federal workers. due to the “government shutdown” over the border wall.

Yeah, one might have thought, according to news media, that these poor folks had gone for months without a paycheck. That they were eating scraped icebox and dishrag soup. Begging for scraps after bravely going to their terribly hard  “essential” Government jobs for 22 hours a day…

Odd, innit, all those interviews over the past week about the hardship when NOT ONE had yet suffered any hardship? About the mean and unsympathetic creditors…the loss of income…the terrible consequences for the children….All those tearful housewives wailing how hard it was…..

All bullshit. Battlespace preparation by the Left and their pet media, I suppose. But the Left voters Uneducated Audience ate that up.

It is interesting:

When Barry and the Democrats shut down the government, the Republicans were blamed…for standing fast, and refusing to negotiate…Because they would not capitulate to the wishes of the (then) President.

This time, the narrative is, of course (according to the Media), the shutdown is the fault of the (current) President to capitulate to the Congress…to the Democrats…..and for refusing to back down when THEY refuse to negotiate (“There Will Be No Wall”).

Interesting double standard, innit?

And I note that they are pushing this pretty hard in the Propaganda News, so it must not be flying with the public polls. 

I’m opposed

To the concept of declaring a national Emergency and using an Executive Order to find funding for the wall.

While I DO think we need a physical barrier in place on our southern border, I want it paid for in a straightforward manner and not by Decree…..In other words, I am opposed to using an Executive Order.

This is not what Executive Orders are for. Yes, lots of Presidents have abused them in the past. Stop doing so today and in the future.

I think one could make the case for Impeachment should Donnie (mis)use an Executive Order for such a purpose. Having said that, we should have impeached many past president for the same sort of Misuse….and I don;’t just mean Barry the O either.