And again

Fog, this time…..

and there were no afternoon slots available for aircraft. Except the Baron, and I am not ready for dual.

The Forecast for tomorrow is much better. So there is that.

1.1 Hours

Of heavier than air flight.

Yep, I started private pilot school yesterday.

I got a lot of work to do. Lots of things to learn. And unlearn.

Turns were ok…. for some reason a coordinated turn is easy for me. Straight and level, I have issues. I tend to climb slightly.

But hey, one hour and 6 minutes. Lots more to do.

It was fun. And I learned a fair bit.

I wasn’t the great car driver I am today the first time I tried that, either.

Thanks to StinsonGal and Aaron and others who inspired me to get off my ass and do this.


I know it is racist and all;

And maybe it is just media bias in that they only show the one kind and all.

But in all the hurricane aftermath coverage, it appears that there are no Asian looters. No Hispanic looters. No White looters.

Odd that.

How come only the Black folks get their portion of  “15 minutes of fame”?

I think it is terrible that they won’t show all the other looters in Florida. Those folks deserve their fame too.


Today is the 16th anniversary.
Yep, 16 years.

I haven’t forgotten.

Have you?

How many folks that you know HAVE forgotten?
How many think we still are not at war?  Think that the folks high in the culture of and governments of counties where the state is Islam still want us all dead because we are “unbelievers”? Still think that the fundamentalists still don’t want our country to be a part of their Caliphate?
How many still think that most Muslims are moderate? That they don’t want to colonize the US? To bring Sharia law to this country?

Sadly, many folks that I know all think that we aren’t at war, that the Caliphate is a myth…..That most Muslims are moderate. That Sharia law can coexist with our laws. That one can be a good, practicing Muslim and still obey the laws of the United States.  That our Constitution can coexist with Islam.

It just isn’t so. And I know many Muslims, some of whom ARE moderate. Nice folks. Decent people (by their own lights)….But they are Muslims first, Americans second. Their values are NOT ours. And if you are an unbeliever, then they have NO regard for you….Period.

And remember, it isn’t Bhuddist monks who do suicide attacks. It isn’t (generally) Irish terrorists who target children to blow them up. It isn’t Basque separatists that explode themselves in crowded markets. It isn’t Hindus who drive car bombs full of propane and gasoline into stores full of innocents. It isn’t Black Lives Matter folks who use their grievances to destroy themselves while taking tens or hundreds with them. It isn’t South Africans Christian that make pressure cooker bombs and plant them in crowds… ’tis only those touched by the stain of Islam.

Can you help?

Got a few bucks you can spare? One of our own is hurtin’. Harvey did him a bad one.

Read HERE.

Not a fan of GoFundMe. But if that is your way, his account is HERE.

Soon as he sends me an address, he’s gettin’ a check from me.

If you can, toss a few bucks his way.

ETA 7:06. My check is, literally, in the mailbox at this time. 

But I don’t see the minefield….

It is interesting

How the Liberals like to re-write history. And how they fight when losing an argument.

The Democrats were always for black people. Always.
In fact, it isn’t true. The Dems were for Whites and accused the Republicans of being led by and dominated by blacks….even as late as 1970.

But the current meme is that the Dems are the champions of blacks and all Republicans are racist. And it seems that most of their believers actually believe it, despite the historical record.
Of course, the opposite is true. But the media lets the Democratic meme play loudly and often. Especially when the Republican just wants to cut off freebies for lazy folks who simply take advantage of the system.

And when you point the truth out to (some) Liberals, they try to twist what you say, and eventually retreat to “Racist!” even when evidence would show otherwise. But accusing someone of being racist is the last “defense” of a liberal when they know they are losing.