I hope it works this time

So there is apparently going to be another boycott of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.

This time, for backing Black Lives Matter.

I dunno. it is because of their support of liberal social change groups that I choose not to buy their products. Other people choose to buy ’em, and that is ok too.

I’ve never seen a boycott work, at least not in the long term. People have short attention spans.



and HERE


Fact is, real men(sometimes) talk to other men about women in ways that aren’t always approved by women or the PC liberal WhinePussies. Real women talk about men in ways that we men wouldn’t generally approve of either. (Real Men don’t care though…we are strong enough to deal with it…I think real women are strong enough to deal with it too)

Also, Trump is rich…he was then, too. Lots of ladies throw themselves at Real Men….more when he is rich. What do they use for bait? Yeop, their bodies and beauty. But that is different, innit?

“you loot, we shoot”

Yeah, it happened for real near Daytona Beach.

Organized by Black Lives Matter, it resulted in 31 (Yep, Thirty One People) dead and others wounded. (I have no idea as to the races of those shot, nor what race the looters were, nor the shopkeepers…I can suspect, but I have no reports)

Hope that there was something worth dying over in those stores…either worth dying to steal, or dying to defend.

‘Twasn’t white folks who organized this attempt at organized looting. No one is saying the race of the looters……draw your own conclusions (bet they aren’t as pale as me).

I wonder what kind of hay the race baiters are gonna try to make out of this?


If you are stuck line trying to buy gas or are bemoaning the fact that there is no water or bread or other food on the shelves at the stores in Florida…(and if you have the time to discuss it with the news media)…..

I really don’t feel sorry for you.

Anyone with 2 synapses to rub together has known for at least the past 4 days that Hurricane Matthew would be impacting the state of Florida in some manner. At a minimum you were gonna get some high winds and significant rainfall.

The fact that you didn’t bother to begin to prepare until 36 hours before the lanndfall, and are now stuck trying to find (nonexistant) supplies that everyone else bought 48 hours ago, and are stuck in a line trying to buy gasoline (either to bug out or for a generator) does not raise any sympathy with me. None.

“Failure to plan is planning to fail”

Now you are likely to take the time for some First Responder or force the county or state to find space in a shelter for your sorry ass.

I’d let you drown or starve. It’d be better for the Human Race.

Very wierd

And creepy…

And, of course, the pussies are wetting themselves….Demanding the police “Do Something”…The police ARE increasing patrols, but not much else. Some parents are all upset, which is what the posters want…

‘Clowns’ posting threats to schools on social media.

ME? I’d make sure each kid walking to school had a baseball bat, and that they walked in groups. Or (better) accompany MY kid to school…Properly armed.

A couple of beaten, dead “clowns” with smoking holes in them would stop this shit really quickly.

ETA: Apparently this shit is happening in a lot of places?

Discrimination by Color and Race

Can you imagine if some White Fraternity chose to discriminate based on race?

“No Blacks Allowed”. Can you hear the screams? The cries of” Racisss” The complaints that this is discrimination?

Yet Columbia University is helping Black Students hold a Black Only (No Whites Allowed) “Leadership Retreat”. 

Now, I despise the double standard. But more importantly, the University, while a private institution, takes Federal and state money in the form of grants and scholorships…Which means that they cannot and should not help discriminate.

Enough is enough. Discrimination is bad. I agree. But why is it only bad when White people do it? Whites have reason not to want Blacks around. Valid reasons. So, I would assume, do Blacks have reasons not to want Whites around. Valid ones…

But if we, as whites, can’t discriminate or exclude based on color or race, then neither can they.

Enough of this shit. Allowing discrimination isn’t gonna right any wrongs, perceived or otherwise, that may or may not have occurred in the past. It is only gonna make more of it happen.