
Yesterday, I was asked who I favor for the upcoming primary election:

Now, this person knows full well that it ain’t gonna be Bernie or Hillary.

Knew that Rubio would be dropping out soon (happened Tuesday evening, actually)

So that really only leaves Cruz and the Donald.

I pointed out that picking the best of them was like trying to find the clean end of a turd.

Dude one table over blew an entire 4 Oz of coffee through his left nostril.

Hey, it’s a start.

Chaffetz wants to take guns away from BLM and Forest Service agents.

While I do think that SOME of these personnel have a need and a reason to carry a firearm, most don’t.

If they need to do law enforcement things, then they should get law enforcement support.

Much like the Department of Education fielding a SWAT team, there is overreach…not only are they redundant, they are wasting our money on both personnel and training and equipment.  Some agents of the government actually do need to be armed. This does not mean all do.

FAA inspectors seldom have need for a firearm. Same Same Fisheries agents. Same Dept of Energy.

Not sure where the BLM folks fall. I did think that hiring contractors for the Bundy ranch thing a few years ago was kinda stupid. Was more a job for the Sheriff or the State Police.

I can never see the BLM or the Forest Service or Parks Department needing a subgun.


Next time a leftist or a communist (yeah, I know, redundant) wants to speak, do we conservatives get to shout and riot and defy the police to keep ’em from speaking? Will the Mayor of Chicago keep the police on a leash and prevent them from enforcing the rule of law as was done in Chicago over the Trump incident on Friday? Or will the standards change again and will we be arrested for disturbing the peace? Will the press ignore it if we buss in hundreds of paid protesters and provide them all with shirts and signs?

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How about the next time some Allah Ackbar! type wants to speak in a mosque? Can we shout and protest (and employ violence) in order to keep him from preaching violence against the infidel? Or will the Powers decide that that is again protected free speech (as it should be) and arrest people who protest?

Who is behind it?

“CBS Sunday Morning” had a REALLY biased “story on the “Proliferation” of guns in America.

Biased “experts” telling us about the history of guns in America and their “influence” on our culture.

Real stories about people defending themselves…..Totally biased coverage. Using things like, when telling the story saying “And she claims that” when telling the story, in tones implying disbelief.

Look: I don’t care if you do an Op-Ed about anything. Don’t, however, disguise propaganda as news.

Thing is, I doubt that it changed anyone’s mind. Didn’t influence anyone one way or another, really. The haters still hate, and the gun people are still gun people.

All it did was erode (further) the Media’s credibility….and make me wonder who is behind it.

Especially wonder who is behind it.

‘Tis primary season in Chicago

And while I live in Indiana, our television stations are Chicago based.

I expect the Attack Ads every election season, that is part of the Chicago way.  Aimed at the low information voter and the Party Faithful, they are mean spirited….”So and so is a terrible person, they eat children and hate puppies and rainbows”

I didn’t expect the Trump attack ads though. Not in the primary.

On “poor” and the “Wage Gap”.

most disadvantaged have a car, a television, a cell phone and plenty to eat. What they now bleat about is income disparity, completely ignoring the truth that capitalism, while perhaps increasing the gap between the richest and poorest, has managed to increase the absolute wealth of everyone.

But that isn’t what the Liberal/Progressives want:

The Iron Lady said it best: