
If you have too much ammo, or too many rifles, you might be arrested….

(around here, “he was a beginner” and “underprepared”….and certainly needed more ammo….)

But in New York, he was, apparently, a serious threat…..although I doubt any of the charges stick, seeing as all the guns were legal. And Smokeless powder is a propellant, not an explosive. At best they will get him for “improper storage”.


Today, I saw a flock of sandhill cranes flying northward.

A sure sign of spring.

Geese are one thing, Young robin scouts another.

Sandhill cranes are certain signs.

Herons soon.


“I’ll take you home”.  Army Veteran Julio Munoz is reunited with his dog, Ben,  that he served in Afghanistan with.

Read it.  Dusty in here, ain’t it?

The dogs adoptive family did the right thing. I am sure that it was hard on them. Kudos to the family for making the hard, but right, decision.

K2 Solutions and the Pentagon should be beaten, then tarred and feathered….then really punished. Anyone in that chain who has made the decision to give the dogs up for adoption without offering them to their handlers first needs to lose their job (or funding) and be barred from such positions of authority for life.


“The duties of the Senate are set forth in the US Constitution….Nowhere in that document does it state that the Senate has a duty to give Presidential appointees a vote”.
     Harry Reid, 2005

Yet now:

“We have that nasty Constitution that says that they are OBLIGATED to hold hearings and OBLIGATED to vote. “
     Harry Reid, 2016.

Odd what 11 years (and a shift in political power) does to people’s understanding of things, innit?