Pictures of what can happen when the populace is disarmed…

And someone decides to slaughter the sheep...(somewhat graphic, deal with it or don’t click the link)

Remember, this is from the “religion of peace”.

Not saying that one “good guy with a gun” could have stopped this slaughter….but then again, he (or she) could have possibly cut down on the number of victims…4 men did this atrocity. 1 man with a spare magazine could have suppressed their fire.

Most concert venues here in the US are “Gun free Zones” too.

So the word of the day on CBS

is “Radicalized”.

Seems that we can blame whomever “Radicalized” these Frenchmen French Muslims who were part of the terror attack.

Why is it that it is only the Muslims that get “Radicalized”? It isn’t the German Lutherans who go all Radical….isn’t the Catholics, nor the Protestants nor the Buddists nor the Wicccans nor the Druids …

What is it about the Muslim faith that lends itself to “Radicalization”?

Yes, I know it is a small percentage of Muslims that “radicalize”. What percentage of a population is it acceptable wherein that percentage may go nuts and kill you? If 1% of dogs went nuts every year and attacked and killed people, we would have no dogs in this country….1/2% ? Is that acceptable? Maybe .001% of muslims  Can be Radicalized?? I dunno..

How many is too much of a danger?

Coming soon to a city near you

Yeah, so some folks might consider me racist for the below. I don’t care. I don’t want to see my fellow citizens slaughtered. And let us all face the truth. When we heard that there were coordinated attacks happening in Paris, we all thought “Followers of Muhammad”. We all knew, with near 100% certainty that these were not Buddhists. We knew who it had to be, even if we wouldn’t talk about it….

So there are approximately 100,000 “Refugees” coming to the US. HERE are the cities to which they will be distributed. 

Not all, I am sure, are terrorists. But Paris though for sure NONE of their refugees would be terrorists either, and yet, some were, and they have at least 150 people dead because of that assumption.

How man of your friends and neighbors are you willing to sacrifice?

Why would we want to bring snakes into our midst?

Wonder how many of these “refugees” are horrified at the deaths of so many infidels? How many of these “refugees” decry the actions of the murderers in Paris?


I feel sorry for the folks in Paris. My prayers are with the families.  But they were a terribly easy target to attack (again).

Much of the talk last night in the venue where I was socializing was that it could be tried here, but looking at the crowd of 200+, there were (that I know of) at least 30 firearms, and we would be, at least, a much harder target. Hard to do much about Suicide Bombers, but bullets would seem to work well against gunmen.

This is true of nearly every state in the west and midwest (west coast states excluded, of course) and much of the south, but the East coast would be as soft a target as the unarmed French were.

One wonders if these attackers arrived in the recent wave of immigrants. For those who are truly seeking a better life, I hope not……I fear that the borders of the EU are going to close with a bang.

And sometimes, Justice starts to happen:

These town Marshalls are held under $1,000,000 bail in the shooting death of that 6 year old boy in Louisiana….Charged with second degree Murder.

The father is still in the hospital.

Bodycam video purportedly shows the father, Chris Few, had his hands up when the Marshalls opened fire, killing his son, 6 year old Jeremy Mardis, in his car seat. 

If true, then they should be jailed for life. As Murphy points out, cops have a bit more latitude because of their job. The other side of that is that they should be held to a higher standard of behavior and even harsher punishment for wrongdoing….

It will be interesting to see what the investigation brings….But I find it interesting that the State Police arrested them, and the local District Attorney wants no part of this case….

Sooo. I think things are gonna get SPORTY very soon…

Seems reports say Russia has pulled over 12,000 of it’s citizens from Egypt in the past day, with another 24,000 to go…

When that is done, expect things to get …interesting….for the folks that Russia thinks are responsible for the bombing of the civilian airliner…(Cough, ISIS,Cough)

Methinks that there will be a lesson taught, and a retribution paid….And I will give you 3:5 that Russian citizens are not targeted bu ISIS in this or the next generation.

Now if only the folks we have in charge of our countries response will take notes as to how to deal with people who indiscriminately kill our citizens….