If yer a cop, you can get away with shooting someone in the back…sometimes.

Now, the best way not to get shot by a cop is not to run from them, and not present a threat….

Comply with the officer’s orders.

Usually that works.

Sometimes not. David Kassick apparently ran and that led, ultimately, to his demise…

I wasn’t there, and I didn’t see the whole thing and I wasn’t on the jury that acquitted Officer Lisa Mearkle of murder.

From the piece of video I saw at THIS link, I don’t think I could have acquitted her though.

I saw an officer shoot a man who, at that time, presented no threat. I heard her screaming and her orders were somewhat incoherent.

If that were you or me or any non-police gun owner, we’d have been tried for murder. And would be in prison for murder right now.

I’d like to hear the members of the Jury explain their decision. Perhaps they saw evidence that the rest of us didn’t….

SO where are all the protestors

and the Black Live Matter folks…Where is Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton?

I don’t hear Barry Obama saying “If I had a Son, He’d look a lot like Tayshawn”.

Why? Why aren’t they here on the South Side of Chicago Protesting and rioting and looting to protest the brutal murder of 9 year old Tayshawn Lee?

Because he was killed on the South Side of Chicago….and because Daddy is a gang banger and he was likely killed in retaliation for something Daddy did…

And we can add to that question why they aren’t protesting the killing of aspiring model Kaylin Pryor….a young girl who likely had found a way out of the hood…..Killed in a driveby in Englewood…

Chances are that the only race in these incidences is Black on Black…so the B.L.M. folks ignore it.

I guess only SOME black lives matter.

Range day!

Except it was a day of finishing the project of the burial of the new electric line that started almost 4 months ago. Likely the last decent day we have before spring for such escapades.

8 hours on a backhoe. (a small one)…. dig 7 feet, move the tractor, dig 7 feet move the tractor, etc, etc, etc.

Plus since the range was built on filled ground, there are all sorts of treasures that one finds. Metal, stones, bigger stones, oddly shaped bigger stones, more twisted metal pieces, something unidentifiable, then some other shit I don’t even want to know (I reburied it)….

The line is installed, and the outdoor range now has power for lights, and (eventually) the air compressor for the target turners that haven’t worked in 3+ years….(since last time I fixed ’em….before the power went wonky about 2 + years ago).

I have spent more time at the range not shooting these past 6 months than I have spent shooting.

I also had to give lessons to the others helping:

1.. Only one person can give directions to the guy on the tractor/backhoe. One. Otherwise the operator does nothing.

II..Don’t fuck around when giving directions. People get hurt that way.


Wanna have some real fun with your roommate?

Run into the bathroom while they are in the shower….

Yell “Roomath!!!,Wallonthamgro! Welmanthing regondo!”

Roll your eyes while being all wide eyes and such

Then run out of the room. Scram when you are halfway down the hall…

It works even better if you are wearing goggles and holding a baseball bat….Maybe wearing a rain slicker.

Don’t ask me how I know.

Interesting….and apparently legal

Seems that enterprising Saudi Arabian dairy farms are buying entire square miles of Arizona desert and are using the acreage (and the wells on those acres) to grow hay for export to farms overseas….

The thing is, they are drying up the aquifers because these areas have no restrictions on the usage of these wells….unlimited water. Which is why they bought those particular farms.

This sort of profligate use of water wells drained the aquifers in their home countries, so now they are moving here…

Fred Thompson

Has passed.

I really liked that guy.  Kinda a man’s man….married to a hotttie,  was, among other things,a Senator, an attorney, and a film star.

A good Senator too…

He must be taking testosterone shots

I’m talking about RNC chairman Reince Priebus….

Or maybe his testicles have suddenly dropped, after all these years.

I dunno. “The CNBC network is one of your media properties, and its handling of the debate was conducted in bad faith. We understand that NBC does not exercise full editorial control over CNBC’s journalistic approach. However, the network is an arm of your organization, and we need to ensure there is not a repeat performance.”

But at least the RNC and the Republican leadership is finally taking a stand.

Now, likely, they will fold when push comes to shove, but this is a start in the right direction…

If the candidates had a clue, they’d either livestream the debates themselves, or agree amongst themselves that if the moderators of the debates handle it like the last ones, they will all walk offstage together if say, 3 of them are ambushed as in the past…..Just all say, “This is bullshit” and walk off.