It is rumored

That President Lincoln has been misquoted as saying:

‘If you read it on the Internet then in must be true”

Oddly, I cannot verify this through Google.


Exactly correct

What, exactly, has changed by the removal on the Confederate flag?

What has been fixed?

I still fail to see where the flag hurt anyone, and I fail to see where this is gonna fix things for the Black culture and for black people.

The flag didn’t cause their problems, and removing it changes nothing.

It isn’t white Confederates that keep Black people poor and depending on the Government for help… It is poor Black Culture that does it…..

So tell me. What, really, has been accomplished by removing that flag?

Sanctuary cities

These are cities where, for some reason, the flouting of immigration laws is accepted… the people, by the lawmakers, by the police, by the state governments in which they exist, and by the Federal Government…


Why is the flouting of any law acceptable? It isn’t that the law is illegal….It isn’t that the laws are not enforced elsewhere in that state or in the country…..just in certain cities where the Mayor or whatever they call the leader of that municipality has “Decreed” that these Federal and State laws will not be enforced……..

In other words, the Mayor of San Francisco has declared that we can ignore certain laws…

And the higher governments accept it, and acquiesce….They, by failing to enforce the laws, agree that it is acceptable to break them.

What if a municipality (or a state) were to decide that other Federal laws were acceptable to ignore?

Say gun laws, or marriage laws. O laws regarding finance?

Or, say, tax laws?

What would happen then? If it came about that the city of, say, Ottumwa, Iowa decided that all laws regarding the manufacture (or transfer) of firearms were null and void, would the Federal government look the other way? How about the State?
How about if Reno, Nevada decided that there need be no licences to handle nuclear materials? How about if Ogden,Utah decided that there need be no currency or banking laws, and allowed anyone to deposit any amount of money in a bank, with no records as to where it came from? What if the town of Athens,Georgia outlawed homosexuality…Made it an offense punishable by a year in jail?

Would the Feds just shrug and look the other way?

While I do feel that there are too many laws, and many are unconstitutional, these are laws. Either enforce them, or take ’em off the books.

Why does the Federal Government fail to enforce their own laws in “Progressive” cities? Why is that acceptable?

Prudence? Or unrealistic fears?

Or just more gun control propaganda?

So the Plainfield, Illinois police were called because some kids were playing with airsoft rifles. 

They confronted the kids, This we know.

The officers claim the kids pointed the rifles at them, and they reacted (as they should have, if their version of the story is true) and nearly shot one of the kids.

The kids claim they were playing in the woods, and never pointed the rifles at the officers., who drew on them immediately….

Which story is true? We don’t know. Kids tend to bend the truth….but so do officers these days….Hard to judge.

But these were kids, not adults. Plainfield is a fairly affluent suburb of Chicago. Not an inner city shithole.  Kids. Fairly young men, not adults, or even adult sized kids.

One would expect officers of the law to have a bit more sense.

This coulda been ugly…very ugly.

Methinks the officers overreacted just a bit…..Perhaps. Pointing a gun shaped object, orange tipped or not, at anyone is not a good idea. How would you react?

Now, having said that, the difference in appearance between an airsoft rifle and a real one is the orange tip, which can be painted on a real rifle for less than $5.00. Can of paint and some tape and 10 minutes, plus dry time.

I am glad everyone went home that day with no extra holes in their body.

And another example

Of the courts doing social activism rather than adjudicating … know….laws…

Federal Judge Orders Cancellation of Redskins Trademark

THis is as bad as the judge releasing Bill Cosby’s testimony because he was “moralizing”….it was punishment, plain and simple, because the judge didn’t like Cosby’s message.

THese judges need to be recalled….Judges shouldn’t be activists, they should be JURISTS…..if they can’t be jusrists first then they should be removed…..or shot for failing those they serve.

Food for thought?

I bet this breaks the race thing WIDE OPEN.

Lower class welfare type black economically disadvantaged people moving to upscale neighborhoods. Those same neighborhoods being forced to diversify by adding “lower income housing”

Yeah, that’ll make things all hunky-dorey. Lowlifes are lowlifes, no matter what the melanin content. Those “Progressives” will quickly learn why lower income people of all races live in shitholes….

It ain’t free

Was talking with a dude about what we did this weekend.

Mentioned that I had split a rick (8′ X 4′) and half of wood. Got my exercise.

“Oh, you heat with wood? Cool!”….”Must be nice to have all that free heat…wish I could do that”.

Well, first of all, you could “do that”, if you own a home….and chose to.

Second, it isn’t free. There is the sunk cost of the chainsaw, axes wedges, sledge, racks, etc. Plus the stove itself.

Then there is the sweat. Lots and lots of that. (not that I don’t need the exercise… and, as far as I know, no one ever drowned in sweat). But sweat there is, in plenty.

Sweat when you cut it after the thunderstorm that brought it down….

Sweat when you haul it home.

Sweat when you stack it so it can cure.

Sweat when you split it.

Sweat when you stack it so it will dry after it is in stove sized pieces.

Sweat when you bring it inside to burn.

And it is nice when you burn it. And it keeps me in shape.

But it ain’t “free”. Not by a long chalk.

It occurs to me….

That our Founding Fathers, and the rest of the colonials that fought the British Army (of occupation, really) committed what was, essentially, treason,  for far fewer transgressions of rights than we experience today from our own government(s).

Methinks that August has too few Holidays. Perhaps we should add another….the Second Day when we celebrate Independance…a day to commemorate when the American People rose up and said “enough!” and threw off the yoke that our current government has imposed upon us. Perhaps, on this first day of Independence, we should consider their example.

I am thinking 8/8 has a nice ring to it……

Something to think about.

Our forefathers would have revolted a long time ago, doncha think?