So the Feds are are asking you to be vigilant

this weekend.

Not a bad idea.

But Srsly, folks, you should be vigilant EVERY DAY.

Not just when good old Uncle says so.

Pay attention every day, every moment.

Be aware of your surroundings, who is there and what they are doing….Look at body language. Groups. Singletons. Odd behaviors….people out of place. Actions that are not normal for the area…

Just friggin’ pay attention. Not just The 4th and maybe the 5th…Every day.

Were I a terrorist, I’d skip[ this weekend and do something on Wed.

Independence Day

People should call it that….. not “the Fourth of July”.

The day our forefathers the people who made this country, said “Fuck You” to the king.

And signed their names to the document.

That took balls.

Don’t let what they gave us get all tossed around by a bunch of whiney Liberal assholes who think they know better.

Don’t let em fuck up what is, still, the best damned country on this mudball.


I have things to get done today, I be having Friday and Saturday off, and therefore haveta get all of my stuff done on Friday ’cause Saturday is like a special day…..According to the sale paper, anyway.


Just not feeling it.

Aaaannndd… you knew it was coming

“It’s about marriage equality,” Nathan Collier told reporters in Montana on Wednesday, using the term supporters of same-sex marriage prefer to advocate for their cause. “You can’t have this without polygamy.”

Look: I don’t care if you have a relationship with your lawnmower (as long as the lawnmower can consent and is of legal age….), but really, we all knew that this was coming as soon as the Gay Marriage case was adjudicated. I personally think the State should only record the contract between consenting partie(s) for legal purposes (next of kin, consent/healthcare decisions, inheritance, etc) and leave “marriage” to other organizations to solemnize. 

It does, however,  appear to be an attack on “Marriage” in our culture.