Happy Birthday

Today, really, was the birthday of what we have as a nation today.

Today, 240 years ago, our ancestors and forebears began the war which led to the birth of our nation. This was the day, 240 years ago, when they fought  the British,…..and, essentially, opened the ball in the Revolutionary war.

Raise a glass, take some time, and think about those brave men who took to arms to keep their way of life, and who eventually told the King of England to piss off.

“Stand yer ground, Don’t fire unless fired upon.
But if they mean to have a war, then let it begin here”

CPT John Parker. 4/19/1775

A thought:

If William Dawes name had rhymed better, then he might well have been memorialized instead of Paul Revere. 

Glad someone else noticed:

Someone who has enough clout to get this Police Officer, Clarence Habersham, who lied and helped to cover up a murder tossed off the force. Yes, a Police officer who lied and tried to cover up a murder by a fellow officer.

Thing here is, if he lied about the incident between Mr. Scott (dead, not talking) and Officer Michael Slager (whose story was totally refuted by the video), what else has he lied about? ALL of his prior testimony is suspect. Each and every time he arrested someone, every time he testified in court, all of it is now suspect.

And apparently, there is another officer who lied…Sargent James Gann.

Police bleed blue and all that. When is a crime enough that they will break ranks?

Not all police are bad. I know several that I respect, and if they told me that the sky had turned yellow I’d believe them. But some are bad. Very bad. Liars thieves and cheats.  And they stain the good officer’s uniforms as well.

You could easily fix that….. Just change your lifestyle:

     The reality is I am a hypocrite. My life is completely infused with greenhouse gases and fossil           fuel pollution. No matter how I try to untether myself from the system–abstaining from air             travel in North America and buying carbon offset when I visit family in South Africa, changing       all the lightbulbs in our house and hang drying clothes in the attic, walking or biking instead of       driving–still I am responsible for over 13 tons of carbon pollution every year simply because I         live in the USA. According to the World Bank, the average American is responsible for 17.6 tons       of carbon pollution each year, while the world average per person is 5 tons. Why is this?

The answer is convenience. And simplicity. We like our lifestyle. We like the ease of heating our homes with Natural Gas. We like the fact that when we flip a switch that a light comes on. That we don’t have to worry about spoiling food (because the Fridge keeps it cold)…that we don’t have to pump our own water, because electricity keeps it flowing to our homes and faucets. That we don’t have to wash our clothes by hand, because the electricity makes the washer and dryer work. We like not having to walk, or bicycle, or having to hitch up a horse to a cart…(and just keeping a horse is work)…

I know people who do live a truly “Low Carbon” lifestyle. But it is work, and they don’t have all the modern conveniences…..and they never (or at lest very seldom) go anywhere. I heat my house (about 75% ) with wood and I gotta tell you, it is work. You gotta cut up the tree (so far, for 20 years, Mother Nature has damaged enough trees that I haven’t had to cut down a perfectly good one, only ones that come down in storms) haul it, season it, split it, stack it, and then feed the woodstove. There is more than just turning up the thermostat. You also have to look forward and make sure that you have enough wood for the season, and further look to see that you have enough inside to feed the stove for the evening…… Same goes for those who burn vegetable oil in a diesel car, or who make their own ethanol (which, BTW, makes a LOT of CO2 in the fermentation process)

But Mr. Toscano isn’t willing to have that kind of lifestyle. He still likes to travel, he likes all of his modern conveniences. He’s not willing to find and cut and haul wood to heat his home and his water and his food. He’s not willing to pump water by hand, and he likes those imported fruits and vegetables in February, when they aren’t available when grown locally. He won’t shut off his gas heat and won’t stop driving (or riding) in fossil fuel driven automobiles. He hasn’t unplugged his electric meter either.

In short, he IS the hypocrite he admits to being.

And since he can’t wean himself off that “High Carbon” lifestyle, he wants the Federal Government to force him (and, of course, everyone else in the US) to change their lifestyle. To raise the price of carbon dioxide production in order that we will (supposedly) produce less.

Now, the question of Global Warming (and the effect of all that terrible nasty Carbon Dioxide) aside (yeah, I know, but that is argument for another day) he feels that if we only had to pay more, we’d produce less. Yet it hasn’t worked with gasoline, and it hasn’t worked with natural gas nor electricity. Those prices for those items have risen dramatically, yet we, as a nation, aren’t using less per person.

He is right, in that if you want people to use less, then it should be more expensive. It does work for some things. But most people, like him, like that lifestyle that energy brings us. Not having to stoke a woodstove, or having to pump water, or haul wood….

Have you ever noticed that the Green folks always want a Statist solution….and that that solution is ALWAYS something that brings the productivity and level of lifestyle down for the US? That the solutions almost ALWAYS mirror the Socialist plan for the US? That the changes in lifestyle should always be done by Someone Else (but not them)?

So that officer?

You know, the one that killed the guy who was running away from him, who shot at him something like 8 times….and who killed the man?

The one who claims that the guy tried to steal his Tazer and use it against him.

Yeah, that cop.

The one who is shown on the video (apparently) dropping the same Tazer at the lifeless body of the man he just shot?

Yeah, that’s not the guy I am gonna talk about here.

What I want to know is what about the other cops, the ones that corroborated the first (above) one’s story? The ones that were there when he dropped the “evidence” at the body? The ones that filed a false police report. The ones that supported their fellow officer even when he committed murder…Are they still police officers?

If so, why? Why aren’t they in jail, charged with conspiracy after the fact? Conspiracy to conceal a murder? Conspiracy to hide the planting of evidence? Filing a false police report? Conspiracy in the filing of a false police report. (remember, there were TWO other officers…both of whom lied. 3 people, 3 SWORN POLICE OFFICERS lied in their reports. 3 sworn officers conspired to cover up a murder. Yet only one is charged.

hmmmm. How to answer?

Sometime a question needs a preface.

So….. one of the ladies on my staff has moved from semi-Urban to mostly rural area…

She has issues with large furry rodents in her stream in her backyard and needs help identifying them.

This morning: Her: “do you know what a beaver looks like?”.

Me: Poleaxed look. Not sure how to answer. (“Danger!, Will Robinson,  Danger!!”)

She: Realizes what she might have implied. “No, that’s not what I meant”.

Me: “Well, yes, I’ve seen a beaver or two in my time”.

(Not saying: “some are tasty too”….or “some are hairy and some are bald…”. ) But I wanted to SO badly…

Nope I didn’t go there, I just found something else to do elsewhere…

Got alternate comms?

Yes, this is somewhat “tinfoil hat”  and all that…

But, apparently, there IS a plan for the Feds (and, apparently, the State and Local governments too) to stop cell phone service in the event of a “Critical Emergency” or other “good reason”.

Now, I’m not sure who they could justify shutting the cell service off….it’d be the Kiss of Death for any politician who ordered it,  (and it’d throw the entire country into chaos) but the law is still on the books…

Have ya got at least short range comms? Something so you can communicate with some people?  What if the “critical Emergency” is that you, or others are resisting the government? Say, like they did in Athens TN. (look it up…maybe” McCain county war”), Yeah it was a long time ago, but there is nothing to keep a new set of lowlifes from doing the same thing as in 1946.

How will you communicate if the Feds or the State shut down the cell network? What if those folks in China should do it?

Can you keep your plan in place without cells? I can. I have the tools to do so. Not as well as with cells phones, but I will still be able to communicate.

Will you?