If ever there was evidence that we have been invaded

Simply go to a Lowes home improvement store.

The signs are all in Spanish and English.

I mean, I have no issue with people coming to this country (legally) and wanting a better life. I have no issues that they retain and honor the culture from which they came.

But for god’s sake, after you choose to live here, learn the native language.

I have known many immigrants, Polish, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Indonesian, Russians…….they all chose to learn english. . I worked for an Italian immigrant when I was in high school, washing dishes in his pizza restaurant. While his english wasn’t good, HE SPOKE ENGLISH.  He learned to speak the language of his native country. I do business with a guy who is a motor repairman. He is German (Very Cherman) Yet he speaks english, because HE LIVES HERE AND IT IS HIS COUNTRY.

Not so, these new people. They speak only spanish, and there are enough of them that places like the Banks and now Lowes are catering to them, with Spanish language signage and even spanish language clerks.

I foresee a day, however, when this will backfire upon these businesses. People are getting tired of the pandering to those who are invaders, not citizens. 
I predict there will come a day when those businesses who pander to these invaders will be burned and their property trashed, Where they will be afraid to show spanish language signage.And I will support such actions.

Biased news

Watching the news this morning, I see that the media is still condemning Israel for targeting sites in Gaza that shoot missiles into Israel.

Oddly enough, when these missiles are shot from areas where there are civilians (which is nearly always), then the return fire damages the civilians homes.Sometimes the Israeli airstrikes hurt other people as well.

No one points out that:

 1. History shows being anywhere near the area where Hamas is shooting missiles is bad for your health…the smart person leaves home when Hamas shows up and begins setting up their missile tubes.

2. Israeli civilians are targeted by Hamas missiles.

3. Strangely, Israel doesn’t shoot or bomb into Gaza when there isn’t anyone shooting at Israel.

Instead, the reporters, generally female and with a quasi British accent, mournfully (while breathlessly narrating) show the damaged concrete boxes  apartments and injured “Palestinian” children and families….and never blame the folks that start this mess…the Hamas nissileeers.

Has anyone else noticed

That since the We Wanna Take Everyone’s Scary Guns Away crowd has more or less given up until the next legislative group comes in at the end of 2014, that the number of mass shootings by heavily drugged psychotic individuals has dropped to …well…..zero? No more Adam Lanzas with a long history of mental illness and drug treatment or James Holmes and Jared Laughners that had serious mental illness but somehow were unreported and allowed to purchase firearms and go on a rampage.

Odd that, isn’t it??

Now I’m not one for tinfoil helmets (shiny side out please) and I hate to think that there would be a group that wants to disarm us so bad that they would sacrifice innocent people and children  and a US Senator just to make their agenda move forward but..Hell Yes I think that.  Since the gun control legislation went down in flames, there hasn’t been a mass shooting of any note. And those who have tried to commit such atrocities since then were, strangely, not long term users of psychotropic drugs.

Odd that, Innit?

How to do it right, customer service edition:

So about 12+ years ago I purchased a GPI
fuel transfer pump. I have several diesel vehicles and I needed a pump
to transfer stored diesel to the appropriate vehicles. I generally buy
diesel from the stations when the price is down (I might buy 150 gallons
at a time if the price drops far enough) and store it for when the
price jumps or when I just need to fuel the tractor or generator or

Now, this fuel pump has worked well for me
for several years. It replaced a hand powered pump because I just got too
lazy to pump 20 gallons or so of diesel by hand (do you know how many
strokes of a hand pump that is?) I’d bet that this pump has moved in
excess of 5 thousand gallons, both into and out of the fuel tanks.

earlier this year, the pump no longer moved fuel. The electric motor
would run but no movement of fuel. For a while,I was using a different
pump I had because I was too busy to take the broken pump down and open
it up to see what was wrong.

I got an exploded parts
breakdown off the website and took the time to observe the pump and
determine what parts I needed. When I called GPI to see where I could
buy the parts, the conversation went like this:

“Hi, I need to order a gear and key set for a 150S pump. “


“and a gasket kit for the gear plate.”


“And any other parts you think I need”

“Does the pump prime?”


“then I’ll send you a poppet valve kit too….I need your address”

“123 XXXYYY City state”

“Cool, I’ll get those out today”

“How much will that be?”

“I’ll send them to you”

“Yes, I got that, how much and do you take Visa?”

“I’ll send them to you”

“yes, and what are the charges?”

‘I am sending them to you at no charge. “

“Oh, Thank you”

expect that, and the pump is 12+ years old. I doubt that the parts cost
them that much to make, but still, this is well beyond what I expected
as customer service. Hell, I’d have at least expected to have to pay for

Oh, and BTW… these fuel pumps are MADE IN AMERICA.


If the team name “Redskins” is so terribly offensive to “Native Americans” that we have to renege on trademark protection (which is bullshit)…..

Then is the Army going to rename all of the aircraft that they have that bear some sort of Indian like name?





I might have missed some, but I think that these are the ones in current use.

And are they going to go after Piper (Cheyenne, Seneca, Seminole,and Comanche, etc) Aircraft too ?

How about the Navy? They have many ships with Indian names, as do the Coast Guard.  

Where does this political correctness stop? 

Someone has to pay…and the BLM doesn’t want to take the heat…

Of course, no one can seem to find any law that Cliven Bundy broke regarding the protests and the subsequent intimidation of the BLM (if they were actually BLM officers and not outside contractors in BLM uniforms) by the protestors.

U.S. Bureau of Land Management officials say they agree with a Nevada sheriff’s position that rancher Cliven Bundy must be held accountable for his role in an April standoff between his supporters and the federal agency

Really? What law did Mr. Bundy break?  Where is his responsibility? The land was either Interstate highways, State roads, or BLM land that Mr. Bundy leased for grazing and that the BLM had states was no longer his to do anything with. It wasn’t (according the BLM) his property to control.

How was Mr. Bundy ever, in any way, responsible for the thousands of people who supported him in his face off of the BLM? Yes, it was his fight that they rallied to, but I never saw any video, nor heard any stories, about him exhorting people to “point rifles at” nor shoot the Feds.

And I still have to ask why, if there was a true case against Mr. Bundy, he is not under arrest and his possessions confiscated by the Feds under a federal judges order (hint: there is no order because no judge will give the BLM one)

And if the Sheriff felt that the BLM was out of line, then WHY didn’t he exercise his powers as a county Sheriff and exclude them(the feds) from the area? The Sheriff has that right, but instead he chose not to be there at all.

And if the Feds had any case against Cliven Bundy or any of the protesters, they’d have made arrests already. Cliven Bundy may or may not owe the Feds any money. A judge has heard the case, and while he did allow the removal of cattle, he did not make any judgement against Mr. Bundy regarding his other assets. IF there was a case, Mr. Bundy would be under arrest and his personal property seized.

Hasn’t happened.

So this statement by the Feds and the Sheriff is just hot air.

BTTT….Og has taken

A nebulous idea that I had and run with it.

We are, slowly, refining it.

YOU SHOULD READ his post, and contribute ideas and publicity. If you have a blog, link to his post. We really could make this happen. If enough people participated it’d make the Bundy thing look like a kids bithday party.

We could make this a movement. In fact, I suggested in a comment either here or there that we should find a way to make it a tax deductible donation (501c(3)?) so as to screw the government twice…once by putting up a fence and second by deducting the materials as a tax deduction….Likely we could also deduct fuel and food and lodging as well.

I can see it now…THOUSANDS of men and women arriving at the border with posthole diggers and trailerloads of fence materials, gloves and hats and boots, ready to work…working for a week or so, and then returning home. Daring the government to do something about it.

Leaving in their wake, a more secure border.

I am up for it…are you? I am sure that later this year I could find a week or so to improve our countries border security.