
20+ people killed…. many of them children

The press is in full “We must have an assault weapon ban!”mode.

As I watch, CBS is discussing the “large caliber .223 assault weapon with high capacity magazine” firearm used in the shooting (then they state that this is unconfirmed).

I cannot wonder, again, if this is not planned and executed as a means of further enacting gun control by demonizing these weapons in the minds of the public.

I find the thought that I can consider this of my politicians and other leaders to be disturbing.

Yet, it is true. I cannot discount my suspicion that some people could help perpetrate such a tragedy to gain their ends.

More details may change my mind. We really don’t know enough to decide anything yet.

My prayers are with the families and survivors.

Fixing union violence

When the protests were happening in Lansing, Michigan, there sere some innocent bystanders caught up in the melee.

Now, on the one hand, the viewpoint of the union thugs protesters is that it is a binary solution set. There are those who agree with the union viewpoint, and those who don’t. I am sure that in the mind of the protesters, anyone associated in any way with the opposition viewpoint was fair game. Mr Tarver was hired to hand out hot dogs by the opposing side, American For Prosperity.

This is, sadly, not true. Were it, then I would have the ability to trash the homes and property of every owner that displays “Proud Union Home” on their front lawn. I don’t have that right. No one does. They have a right to belong to a union, and their choice should not enable or justify others to do violence against them for their choices.

The union members protesting the choice of the people’s representatives to allow free and open workplaces (rather than forcing people whose workplaces may or may not have a union which claims to represent everyone from joining said union) felt, with justification, that they could get away with such public violence. (Why they do get away with it is another discussion, for another time).

Sadly, the individuals who perpetrated this sort of violence will, indeed, likely find that there are no consequences to their actions. This will likely continue until the rest of us have had enough and decide to take our gloves off and confront the bullies and make them understand that their actions will not be tolerated. Until they find out that being part of a union has negative consequences for their daily lives. Luckily for them, the rest of us are better behaved than they are.

Having said that, I am proud that the rest of the citizens of the city and state (and, in fact elsewhere) chose to help Mr. Tarver (who was just trying to make a decent living) recover from the damages wrought by the union thugs and bullyboys proud Union members that day.

Having had my own experiences with threats of violence from people who think that just because they were members of a union they could dictate terms on a jobsite, and having a friend who brought this current incident to my attention (and who, for her own reasons (violence, lies, and threats), felt that she should not blog about this) I felt that I should bring this to your attention. She (and I) have donated (anonymously) a few bucks to help Mr.Tarver recover from this. I hope, in fact, that the donations are more than his losses, so that he can expand his business, and stick a finger in the eye of the unions and their members who showed their character that day.

If you feel like it, and have a buck or two to spare, think about donating. Stick a finger in the eye of the thugs.

ETA: some good commentary on the incident HERE

I gotta wonder

The mall shooting near Portland has striking similarities to the Aurora shootings.

Face mask, “Assault weapon” (specifically an AR) and body armor. Hmmm. One wonders

Name of shooter currently (as of posting) withheld.

Weapon jammed.

All, strangely, details also in the Aurora CO shooting. With a mask, no one can be sure who was actually doing the shooting…..


If one were a suspicious type of person, who sees conspiracies in such things, one might wonder.

Especially in light of the Fast and Furious debacle. I have wondered if the Aurora shooter was also supposed to wind up dead as well.

Interesting witness quotes:

“I couldn’t count because they were going off so quick,” Referring to the speed of the shots

 “He looked like a teenager wearing a gun, like a bullet-proof vest and
he had a machine, like an assault rifle and a white mask and he looked
at me,” she said.

One might wonder if they (the witness statements) were scripted…… If one were willing to see things like that. 

How many eggs must the gun grabbers break in order to make that omelet? Just wondering….

I’d bet that there is legislation waiting in the wings. Legislation to restrict the possession of AR (or “high capacity” “assault weapons”.   Already at hand….Just a coincidence, of course.

Look: I am not making light of this tragedy. But the coincidences keep piling up.
And I don’t trust our government not to lie to us, nor manipulate us, nor to protect our freedoms.

ETA: I am not the only one who sees this.

Texas Jeans Company

100% Made in the USA!

Texas Jeans Company (made in Asheboro NC) are 100% made in the USA.  All components are sourced from vendors in the USA. Fabric, buttons, zippers etc are sourced from US vendors.

These are good jeans. well made, double stitched, well made buttonholes etc. Like Levis used to be.

I found that the sizing was slightly smaller than what I normally wear. I had to go up a size or two, but other than that, they are perfect for me.

Pricing is excellent, at $29.99 for the basic jeans Some as low as $19.99. ($45.99 for the concealed carry jeans and the flannel lined version) Shipping is reasonable. You’ll find that even with shipping, the price is comparable to what you’ll buy in stores for a comparable pair of jeans.

Check them out!

(cross posted to both MiddleofTheRight and Made in America)

A look into the mind of

Government officials

Seems that some emergency management folks have this thought that in an emergency, your preps should be given to others. Taken from you and given to others that is.

Now if you prepare, you no doubt have struggled with the question of what to do for people who choose not to prepare, but rather spend their money on other things…Trips, cars, jet skis, beer , etc. Who have no plan for when if things go bad and life isn’t “normal”…., be it a day, a week or a year…..
People who have less than a few days worth of food in the house…no lights, no means of self defense, you know, the folks down the block…The guy who says “I’ll just come to YOUR house!”. I know what I will do….and that is my decision. Yours may be different.

Yet, in the eyes of (at lest some) emergency managers, the fact that you don’t already have a plan to distribute your goods, paid for with your money, and in many cases, paid for by NOT purchasing fun stuff like jet skis and newer cars and other adult toys and such, is proof that you are selfish.

The selfish people are the ones that make no preparation for when things are not “normal” and therefore need help immediately. But that isn’t the thought of the emergency management culture in the US, apparently. We, the folks who are prepared, who haven’t done enough for the rest of the community are selfish. Especially if we don’t plan on sharing it all, if and when.

Much like the Democrats (and some RHINO’s Republicans), who believe that  those who make good choices SHOULD be forced to help those who make bad ones.

Are you your brothers keeper?


If your neighbors house burns down, through no fault of his own, then yes, you should likely offer them shelter until they can make other arrangements. I have no issues with this sort of help for things that really can’t be prepared for.  However:

If he fails to buy gas for his mower, would you give him some? Up to you. How about air for his tire that he won’t get fixed? Gas money at the end of the pay period? Food for his kids, when he spent it buying beer?

If he decides to spend all of his money on beer and can’t pay the rent, should you help him out? Again, up to you. What if he does it several times a year? Then what? Maybe if he used it for an above ground pool, or a 4-wheeler? THen what?

So what about the folks who refuse to prepare for even a small disruption in their life? Who can’t be bothered to stock up a few weeks worth of food. Who can’t be bothered to learn any skills that might be useful in an emergency. Who decide to spend their money, not on any preparation, but on frivolous toys and then expects you to cover him and his family when things go sour? You gonna feed him and his family? Gonna take ’em in and keep ’em warm too. Share shelter and food? Even though they wouldn’t help themselves?

People like Valerie Lucus-McEwen believe that they should be helped by others, even at the expense of those who choose to spend their money on preparations, and if you don’t/wont, then you are selfish. It’s the old “Ant vs Grasshopper” issue.

The scary part is that she worked in the emergency management field. She’s probably a Democrat. She thinks that people who stock up BEFORE there is a perceived need are “hoarders”. Especially if they don’t plan to distribute their goods to the community as a whole if and when. Forget the fact that people make choices and choose how to spend their money.She thinks that because you prepare for YOURSELF and YOUR FAMILY and not the community as a whole you are being selfish. Me, I see it that the guy who has all of the toys and no preps is the selfish one, because he and his family are going to need help immediately, provided by the governments (state, local or federal) and paid for with OUR tax dollars.

Kinda like the Democrat ideal has been as long as I can remember. “We must help those who make bad choices by taking from those who make good choices”.

Are we responsible to feed those who chose not to prepare? Or are we responsible for ourselves only? Where is the line?  Are you willing to starve sooner, or let your family go hungry so you can feed the large numbers of Grasshoppers out there if and when?

And this thinking frightens me…Do they think it will be OK to take what is yours to feed/house/clothe others if and when? If you have gasoline and someone else needs it, or if your home is intact and they feel that it could house a few others, or you have a 4WD pickup and they need it, or perhaps your generator or…..