So I fully expect the weasel

(excuse me), I meant Mr. Costas to go on and pontificate for 10 minutes about how cars are dangerous and drunk drivers even more so. 

How we need some sort of monitoring devices in cars to prevent them from being driven when the operator is, you know,  tanked.

I fully expect a pontification on the evils of alcohol and how society would be better if everyone didn’t have access to booze.

Bet he won’t mention impulse control…

Yeah, right.

Good advice:

Guard your mind. 

Can’t say I disagree with anything said here.

“But you ain’t dead so you got a chance to make things better”

I hold this thought dear to me. It was said to me by a man who knew much more, and had experienced much more that I likely ever will. Nice to see that someone else has heard it too.

Yer headed towards the wall at 100 MPH:

You have a car which is headed for the brick wall at 100 MPH. Accelerating quickly

You and those in the car are all aware of this, and understand the consequences.

Sadly, the folks in the front seat are arguing as to whether they should take their foot off the pedal halfway or just a bit more than that.

We have that scenario here is the US with the budget:

Obama wants higher taxes and some minuscule cuts for a deficit reduction and savings of 1.8 trillion over 10 years (likely weighted to ramp up after he is out of office. Mostly made up from higher taxes on the “rich”)

Boehner wants cuts of 2.2 trillion. (likely also weighted for later years) mostly through cuts in Medicaid and Social Security.

If we were to believe that the cuts were to begin immediately and were even for all ten years (not that this is true, these are phantom cuts which will not take place years down the road) then:

Obama cuts  $180 Billion from the yearly government budget.

Boehner cuts $220 Billion from the yearly budget.

WE HAVE A (yearly) DEFICIT OF 600 BILLION. Not a debt, WE ADD TO OUR DEBT BY $600 BILLION each year.

And so, the folks driving the car haven’t even begun to apply the brakes. They are, actually, arguing over which radio station should be playing on the radio.

We are so fucked. The Democrats want to spend. The Republicans really seem to want to spend too, just less and in different ways. 

No one is applying the brakes. No one is trying to do anything about the deficit. Not really. The cuts they propose are to take place years down the road. Meanwhile, they are going to raise the debt limit yet again, further diluting our savings and retirement.

We are so screwed.

I am so disgusted.

 Someone, somehow needs to do something. Can we charge them as traitors? They seem to be violating their oath of office.


I’ll not post what I am thinking. Don’t want a visit from the SS Secret Service, you know….

Rooftops.  You figure it out.

Thought for the day:

Since the liberals all claim that the Second Amendment is not about current firearms, and doesn’t apply to revolvers, autoloading pistols, rifles which fire more than one shot, and (especially) AR-15’s and Ak-47’s, since none of those types existed when the Constitution was written in 1776…. then one would wonder:

Will they apply the same logic to the First Amendment? After all, communication was verbal or by newspaper (printed on real paper!) in 1776….so, following their logic, the First should not apply to television, radio, printed t-shirts or the internet or speeches amplified with modern sound equipment, since they didn’t exist when the Constitution was written either.

Wonder how they’d like that idea. Not that (being liberals and all) they’d see the logic. 

Someday, it’s gonna be the wrong dog owner

and when the cop shoots the dog, he’s gonna get shot himself.

The gun and badge only gets you so much respect, and that is a line that it is bad to cross with some people. I loved my late dog as I love the rest of my family. Were a cop to have shot her, I’d react exactly as if it were my parents or a brother.

Yeah, I’d be in jail and a cop would have bullet wounds, or be dead. Wouldn’t help the dog, but I’d make damned sure that the cop didn’t ever shoot a dog on duty again.

But notice that these shooting generally happen where the populace is disarmed. Strange that it seldom happens where the people are likely to be armed at  the same level as the cops, innit?

Amnesty is only for brown people


No discrimination there,


No preference for brown people

No discrimination against white people.

Never happen.

Strange, innit? 

ETA: VDare has some sort of splash page up asking for donations. Sorry about that. 

Here is the gist: 21 year old white girl, a British national, brought to this country by her father (who is working in this country LEGALLY) at 14, will soon be deported on her 21st birthday. The De-Facto Amnesty policy Mr. Obama’s administration has put in place apparently doesn’t apply to non-hispanics like her, even though she meets all of the criteria for DACA. I guess being brought into the country legally disbars her from consideration. 

Small blurb HERE.

Holy Crap!! INDEED

I found this graphic via WRSA.

It really is worth the time to follow the link and absorb the meaning.


I mean, Holy Shit on a cracker. Put the way it is, I found it astonishing…I mean, really, I thought I had a handle on the magnitude and all that. I am an engineer by training, and I never work with anything even close to 1…Scientific notation is the only way I can handle most figures in the engineering that I used to do.  But I never looked at things like this. Bet you didn’t either.

But seriously.

Go, look, realize. Freak….. Take a deep breath.

Then share with others. Realize the depths of the damage they are doing to the country and your savings.

At the rate of things, I think you might really want to  mortgage your house for 30 more years, and invest in gold…. You’ll pay back expensive dollars borrowed today with essentially worthless dollars later…at a very low interest rate.

After looking at the graphic, you might understand why savings accounts and retirement savings are a losing proposition…

70 years ago

Enrico Fermi built the first “Nuclear Pile“… called a “pile” because bricks of graphite were literally piled up one on another with nuggets of uranium inserted into some of them until they began to react spontaneously. (yeah, for those who like to pick nits, I have left a LOT of details out….so sue me. 

Literally the first man made nuclear reactor. The first controlled nuclear fission reaction. His research led to much mathematics which led to even more research which led to what became the Manhattan Project.

Was he the father of the atomic bomb? Sorta. But the atomic bomb had MANY parents. But his research was groundbreaking.

Reading about this is interesting.  I suggest you start with “The making of the Atomic Bomb” by Richard Rhodes. The chapter about Fermi and his “pile” is interesting.

Surprisingly, self sustaining reactors actually happen in nature. But no one knew what to look for until Fermi and his team (and others) made the first one happen.