April 19th

Let us not forget government agencies run amok, all for the political gain, or so one or more persons could get publicity and/or promotions.

Today, 17 years ago, was the end of the siege near Waco, Texas at the Branch Davidian ranch. While the stories vary, they all point to one thing. This was the culmination of a significant series of blunders that the FBI and ATF made that resulted in the deaths of 76 people.

While no one knows exactly what happened in the beginning, nor what the motivation of the raid that started this debacle, it ended on this day in the fiery deaths that could have been avoided.

What is the lesson here?

Watch our government closely. Do something to stop it before it oversteps its bounds. Do what we must to contain the demon of overzealous law enforcement before things get out of hand.

And remember this day. Do not let it happen again.

“For if we do not stand together, then we shall hang separately”.


Is Patriots’ day.

To go along with the preceding post, let us not forget this day, or those who made it special.

Be glad you were born in (or have the privilege to live in) this country. Thank those who made our country happen.

If you feel differently, then perhaps you should find a country whose social and legal base is more to your liking….and move there. 

Listen my children

And you shall hear…..

Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere. 

One of many freedom fighters and patriots. Immortalized in poetry and legend by Longfellow, the fact remains that this simple silversmith risked much to free his country. While the “Midnight Ride” was not his alone, that ride and his other exploits suffice to make him a legend in his own right. A hero of the American Revolution. Someone who cared enough to risk it all to make his not yet formed country free.

Without him, and others of his mold and character, would we have our country today? Or would we still be a colony of the queen? (or would we have followed England into decline and socialism by now?)

What might those patriots, those men who fought the war that we read about in history books as the Revolutionary War think today? Would they spit upon us for nearly losing (and we may yet lose!) that country for which they sacrificed and died?  That struggle in which many lost their livelihoods? What would they think of us today?

They gave to us, through their efforts and sacrifice, a legacy and a country that is the beacon of freedom and democracy to the world! Are we willing to let such a sacrifice go in vain? Will we let their legacy fade into history, to be replaced by a socialist state?

WILL WE SQUANDER THEIR SACRIFICE AND THEIR EFFORTS? Will we fail to retain that ideal for which those patriots fought 235 years ago? Or will we find some vestige of the gumption, the fortitude, the strength and perseverance, which lived in those men and women, and fight to retain that which they left us for a birthright?

I say to you fellow Americans, if we lose this struggle we should be hounded out of the afterlife by those patriots who sacrificed, fought, and in some cases, died to make this country.

I intend to face them, if and when, with my head high, my chin up, and my gaze level, after trying my best.

Will you? WILL YOU? Or will you fail to follow their example and accept what your betters shall deign to give you?


Or will you stand in their stead, and defend that which they wrought, beginning on this day 235 years ago?

Remember those who fought on this day. Remember that this day was the opening salvo of the fight for this country, beginning on the road from Boston to Concord. Never forget those who fought the first battle to make this country what it is today.

Many over the years have sacrificed their lives on the altar of freedom. Sacrificed their lives and their fortunes to defend an idea that is now the US. Today, let us remember those who were first.

The Revolutionary War began tonight. The hours of darkness between the 18th and the 19th of April, 1775. One might well say that this was the beginning of our country.

Remember this day.

Decide if you will allow it to be squandered.


Range day

Spent the afternoon turning money into smoke, noise, and dead bowling pins.

I missed connections with Og, was gonna shoot with him. We were gonna shoot .22 rifles, but since he and I missed connections, I and Midwest Chick shot at non threatening, yet somehow menacing bowling pins with pistols…… I practiced my reload drills. Next time I am gonna have someone load the first mag with random numbers of cartridges to make my reloads happen more often, or even have them load a snap cap in order to get my malf drills up to speed.

Range was windy and cool, but nice. No one else there.

It always amazes me how much abuse a bowling pin will withstand.

Home now to clean the pistols.

Sorry Og…. next time…You have my cell # now, so you can call.

Can anyone explain how  an email can get held up for 3+ hours between AOL and Yahoo?

Religion of peace my white hairy ass


Me, I’d learn to carry, up my Situational Awareness, and shoot anyone who looked muslim who came within 20 feet of me and acted in any way threatening….. But then they’d win.

Lucky for me, I am not they. And no one (so far) has issued a fatwah against me (at least, as far as I know).

So much for the religion of peace. 

Coming soon to a country near you….

Bet on it.

While we are noit quite yet at the stage that Argentina is, (yet) we are following a similar path.

soon, THIS will happen here too. Not today, and not tomorrow. But not too far in the future either.

Look at the parallels in the history. Bet it happens elsewhere Europe too. All in the name of public welfare, public good, or collective fairness.

Think it is impossible? So did those who thought their gold coins were safe in their safe deposit boxes in 1933. Not to mention the subsequent devaluation of the dollar. How many people got shafted by FDR when his executive order 6102 went into effect? How many people saw their saving cut nearly in half overnight, all in the name of the welfare of the US?

Will it happen here? Who knows? But I’d rather have my money in an IRA rather than a pension fund anyway, for several reasons. Or even NOT in an IRA….