And now I gotta cancel my subscription

 To Forbes as well.

Here’s why

So the Leftists have invaded the WSJ, the Economist, and now Forbes. All of which Used -to-Be non political  financial analysis rags which did well that way. 

Now they are simply another facet of the DNC. 

They will end up being out of business in about 5 years. 

Sad. Bad management, really. But there is a LOT of that out there. 


 That’s Multi Engine Private Pilot.

Took my (twice delayed due to weather) checkride today. 


I didn’t think it was gonna happen. AWC forecast was for 1500 overcast or so…all day. But Foreflight said scattered 1500 clear below 12K. It started out like the AWC forecast so we delayed an hour. Then aother one. Then we cancelled…..And an hour later it cleared and the other forecast was correct… WX brief insited that it was an anomaly, but it lasted all day)

Either way, The examiner drove down and we did the exam.

It wasn’t too bad. The oral portion of the exam was 2 hours, and was pretty thorough…I had it all down except for one question….the answer to which was found in Part 61 of the FAR’s. 

The flying portion went well. Sadly, not perfect, but good enough (I HATE Steep Turns… Can’t do ’em well in any airplane, especially to the right. But I did it (just) to specifications). The ILS on one engine (surprise!) wasn’t bad, if not the best one I ever did.  The rest was good. The short field landing may have been the best I ever did, single or multi engine plane. Total of 1.1 hours of flying, but it seemed much longer. 

All in all, I didn’t screw up badly enough to fail the checkride. Now I get a new license..hopefully the photo on it this time won’t make me look like Wilbur Wright….

I gotta say

 That if Donald Trump does not show up to congratulate Joe Biden on his Coronation inaguration ceremony, that is is a childish act. 

Yes, we know that Joe is an illegitimate President, elected with Fraululent Votes. (and yes, I do believe that)…however, for the next four years (or until Kamala and her people find him incomptent or he is killed suddenly dies), he is the legal President of the United States. 

Not showing up is kinda childish. 

Having said that, so is the idiotic call for impeachement under the 25th amendment. They REALLY hate him, don’t they? 

It depends on what you are protesting, apparently:

 “Please, show me where it says protests have to be polite and peaceful.”

Chris Cuomo on the riots last summer.

Of course, that was DIFFERENT than the boughaha at the Capitol…beacuse, that’s why.

And beside, these weren’t protesters or rioters, these were Undocumented Entrants…..

It would have been nice

 IF the FBI and other Law ENforcement agencies would have taken even half the time and manpower to ID, find, and arrest those folks who did hundreds of millions of dollars of damage over the summer of 2019 in the mostly peaceful “protests”  looting/burning sprees that occured in many large (and Democratically run) cities as they have spent finding those folks who invaded the Capitol building…and are, at most, guilty of Criminal Trespass and minor vandalism. …

But, double standards. Leftist protests Good, Right leaning ones, Bad. 

Didja notice?

 It was pointed out to me that the folks “assaulting” the Capitol were wearing an unusually high number of BRAND NEW red Make America Great Again hats. 

I did a quick perusal of the videos early and later in the day, and found that that observaton appeared to be true: the hats worn by the earlier crowd were almost all well worn Later, their hats were nearly all brand new. 

Take from that what you will. 

Like I care

 NBC is showing the reacton of “World Leaders” to the “riot” that happened Jan 6th 2019 at the Capitol building. 

WTF should I care what other world leaders think? Where were they when the E;lection Fraud was taking place? When the courts and the legisators would not even bother to look? 

Why should I care what the leaders of other countries think? 

For those of you

 who think that the events at the Capitol yesterday were a “False Flag” event…..

You may be correct:

I just spoke, in person, with a lady who was there yesterday. She said that the crowd was decent, well behaved and peaceful…Until about 1:30 PM. 

Then the others arrived.

These folks were…different. Less well behaved, dressed differently than the original crowd….Rowdier. More on edge. Apparently at that point, many of the original crowd left, as they were uncomfortable.

And shortly after that, events went Pear Shaped.

So…False Flag? I don’t know. 

I do know that I trust this woman, and her observations…