
 So the “protest” happened. 

Thousands or more people showed up. Made their dispeasure heard. 

And it amounted to NOTHING. 

The electoral votes were counted as legitimate. Joe Biden was acknowledged as the incoming President-Elect. 

And the Media spin makes all those patriotic protestors look like fools. 

There was no different outcome than if the protest had not happened. At the end of it, it made no difference. 

I applaud the efforts, but it was a foregone conclusion that it would make no difference.

I’m thinking they are surprised

 The Media is surprised, shocked and a little afraid:

This time, they have seen the folks on the Right, usually peaceful and law abiding, using tactics that are generally reserved for the Left.

I think it makes them afraid. Afraid that the tactics that are generally reserved for their side used against them. Tactics used by folks that are usually law abiding. Afraid of the monster that they have unleased, even if only a little bit. Afraid that the people being “civilly disobedient” might actually stand up and decide that unlawfulness, usually the tactic of the Left, might be a good idea. Afraid that these folks, smarter, more thoughtful, and better armed for conflict might just do something that could harm them. That this protest might just bear fruit. That this protest, composed of people that are gnerally better behaved, might endanger them. 

I think they are afraid. Very afraid. 


Remember what Hillary said:

 For all you folks in the leftist (but that is obvious) media Remember what your darling Hillary once said:

” Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”

Or does that only apply to thos with whom you agree? 

Someone grabbed the electorals

 And they are, apparently, safe.

Wouldn’t it be a hoot though, if during the protest and the confusion, someone swapped or changed the electoral votes to make Trump win when they were opened and counted? 

Can you imagine the outcry and the claims of “Fraud!!” that would ensue? Stolen elections are like that, though. 

‘Tis interesting:

(and this is what “Mostly Peaceful” really looks like, BTW)

The folks this summer, who trashed blocks and blocks in protest of a criminal who was killed resisting arrest were feted by the Media as heroes, as “brave protesters”. 

The folks today, who protested a stolen election, are described as “criminals” and “terrible people”.

If only the police had been as eager to stop the riots this summer….DC police are getting help from other states, fer chrissake. IF they’d brought in more police this summer in those blue cites toen by protests, Millions and millions of dollars of damage would have been prevented. 

These folks today are far more legitimate in their protest than the rioters this summer. If only they were treated in the same manner. Of course, they aren’t protesting an “approved” cause…

They aren’t stealing property…in fact, it cost most of them to be there in DC. Big difference. 

I do think that it is a good thing that these Legislators got a taste of what the general citizenry has endured over the past year….that they learned that the Halls of Government are not sacrosanct, nor are they inviolate. 

Sadly, I don’t think that these brave protesters will change the outcome, though. 

They’re hiding something:

 China has blocked the arrival of a team from the World Health Organization investigating the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, claiming that their visas had not yet been approved even as some members of the group were on their way

They don’t want anyone to know that this disease originated in a lab, and that, accidentally or not, it escaped and killed MILLIONS. 

I think they are afraid of reprisals once the Covid crisis is over. 

To all those folks attending the protest in DC on Wed:

 I applaud you. It takes guts to go to a place where the Police, the city government, and most of the residents actively hate you. 

I don’t think, sadly, that your actions will make any difference. 

And I think you are foolish to place yourself in a situation where you are at that level of risk in such a hostile environment. for nearly no chance of making a difference.

Having said that, I wish you good luck and safe passage.