Now that we all agree that the Laptop is real

(I mean, even the FBI now admits that Hunter’s laptop is real, and that they have known for 4 years…..

I have a question:


Are they gonna prosecute those FBI agents and DOJ officials who hid that fact for the past 4 years? Who LIED to the American public? Who did their best to obfuscate and hide that fact…especially in the months prior to the election?


Who goes to jail for concealing evidence?

If no one is punished (and I mean real punishment, like jail time and fines and losing their job and retirement benefits…) for the malfeasance of how the Laptop was handled then how can we ever trust anyone in the Department of Justice or the FBI ever again? At this point their credibility is hover close to, if not below, zero.

If they “Punish” someone like the punished Ray Epps (who was NOT A Fed) then it won’t help. We need Jail Time for those who helped hide the dealings of Joseph Biden and his son. Jail time for those who were aware that agents were hiding the truth.

Nothing less will do, if only “pour encourager les autres” for ay other government agents who might be considering what was, effectively, election interference.

Heads must Roll. Anyone who was involved, even peripherally, anyone who know and kept silent….and anyone who supervised those people….these people need to be removed from government service, barred form any Civil Service Job……for life. Jail time should not be ruled out…..if only for politicizing the Justice System.

Judicial misconduct

Seems the judge thinks he is a Social Justice Warrior with the power to enforce his rulings and make housing policy for municipalities. .

The city should tell him to pound sand, kick rocks, and just go fuck himself for this overreach.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Curtis A. Kin has placed a permit moratorium for existing residents in Beverly Hills until the city gets it’s affordable housing in line. 

This is not the purview of a judge, nor is it his right to do so as a judge. He is supposed to adjudicate the law, not be a Social Justice ruler.

Acts like this should lead to a judge being disbarred.


A liberal supporter realizes the truth:

Jamie Dimon (CEO of JPMorgan-Chase and a BIG liberal supporter) , admits that Trump was Right:

“‘If you look at, just take a step back, be honest. He’s [Trump] kind of right about NATO. Kind of right about immigration. He grew the economy quite well. Tax reform worked. He was right about some with China,’ said Dimon.”

Sadly, most Democrats, (just like most women) would rather live in a fantasy-land, and never face the truth…rather live in a land of Feels and wishes and no consequences…… Which is how we got Barry Obama from Indonesia and Joe Biden as leaders….(along with a bunch of cheating during the election process)…

Of course, the Democrats have done their damage to the US now, and it’ll take years, if not decades, to undo and/or heal it….


But it is still interesting to see a liberal supporter like Mr Dimon to admit something like this.

(normally, with liberals, it’s more like this….)….Courtesy of Midwest Chick

A note to the NRA board:

If you ever want to see another dime from me, then get your shit together and get rid of ALL the grifters that were in Wayne’s orbit.

Each and every one of them.


Do NOT appoint one of his cronies to replace WLP. Bring in some new blood and some decent, honest management.

If you continue the legacy of WLP, you might as well shut down the NRA, as it will not survive.

Enough. Clean out the stables. .Fix this shit. It is your duty. Failing that, resign so we can get some other’s in who will do the job.

Advice to the ladies:

A woman I know was discussing her issues with her man….she’s been (her words) “Keepin’ him in the doghouse for a while”. :

She’s gonna “outstubborn” him.

My advice to her:

“Keep him in the doghouse too long and you’ll find him in some cathouse sooner or later…..or some other kitty’s house”….You aren’t gonna like how this ends”.

Men will only put up with so much shit from women. Women need to realize that.

Further, (and here’s a big one) Ladies: if yer ashamed of your behavior, or embarrassed or get your feelings hurt when someone points it out, then that means you know it is wrong. If you are aware that it is wrong, THEN STOP IT.