
Was the Secret Service shooting at Biden’s Granddaughter’s home legal?


Apparently (the narrative says so, anyway) that there was no threat, that the “criminals” were simply breaking into a car.…no threat to life or safety of anyone. If this is the case, was shooting at the thieves a legal act?

It isn’t in most jurisdictions, for either gun owners or for cops. Maybe Secret Service is different, their ROE might allow it…. but I don’t think so. Without a threat to life or safety of someone, then this is simple theft, shooting isn’t legal.


You’d thing that, at some point, the News Anchors would just look up at the producers and say:

“Fuck no, I’m not saying that”.

If they had a shred of integrity, they would….CBS/NBC/ABC/CNN/(we know the MSNBC folks will say anything for money)/ FOX….all of ’em.


Have you noticed?

That None, absolutely Zero, of the major news outlets have addressed the fact that they all had stringer reporters embedded in with the Hamas terrorists that began the current war with Israel by slaughtering innocent civilians in a surprise attack?

None of them have condemned the fact that their reporters all had previous knowledge of the impending attack and yet chose to stay silent just to get a story. How many lives could have been saved, both Israeli as well as “Palestinian”?

I’ll say it again. None have condemned the reporters. None.

Think about that.


I fully expect riots from this

I mean Whites should go and burn things, loot black stores, trash black neighborhoods….right? Isn’t that how it’s done?

Isn’t rioting and looting a viable and accepted form of protest when it is a race based killing and all that?

Group of black “teens” beat 17 year old white kid to death for standing up for his friend.

(Of course, the Media won’t use the description “Black” in the same manner that they always use “white”….but the photos tell the story)

All I can say is that it’s a damned good thing (for them) that white people don’t act like black people in situations like this.

Iffin ya fold the tinfoil Juuust Right……

(shiny side out, of course, and never have more than 2  90 degree angles intersect at the folds…….) when you make that hat…

Then you might be able to follow this chain of logic and see where this is going.

Maybe. If you are off your meds and are not particularly well connected to reality from the get-go.

It is amazing what some people can construct with a grain of truth and a a bit of imagination and a dash of psychosis added to a pinch of paranoia…


Awesome: Citizenry in action

So the government of Green Charter Township backed a Chinese backed EV Battery plant that wanted to open there. It would have meant about 2500 jobs.

The citizens? Not so much. 3200 or so citizens were against it.

But the Township Board members chose to push the plant.

The township citizens voted them out…all 5 of them. 

We need more of this. All across the country. Local,County, State and especially Federal government.