The beginning:

Today, in 1775, colonists chose to stand up and say “NO!” to the King of England’s administrators….and the army which enforced their rules.

They chose not to be disarmed, not to allow their powder and shot and cannon to be confiscated, and to fight the authority that thought that it was OK to take it. To lose their means to resist. They chose, instead, to keep that means to resist, to defend what was theirs, to have the ability to continue to say “Enough!” to the authorities.

They stood, and fought. While I doubt those colonists wanted a war, they were presented with the choice to either have a war, and stand as free people, or to knuckle under and be serfs. They chose the former.

From their actions that day began the birth of the country that became the United State of America. Like most births, there was blood and pain and mess….but birth a new nation they did.

Sending the soldiers of the King away in defeat, hounding them back to their barracks, sent a message that the colonies would not be ruled from afar, would not be taxed to ruin by a monarch from across an ocean, and would instead choose their own destiny.

That battle that began on Lexington Green…. happened 247 years ago today, in 1775.

Parker’s words at Lexington Green: “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”

Good words then, and good words today.


Democrat double standards

(yeah, I know, what a surprise)

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren demands a criminal investigation into Jared Kushner getting $2billion investment from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman six months after leaving the White House


Yet there is no outcry against Then VP Biden working to pressure the Ukrainian government to remove prosecutors that were investigating the energy  firms, nor his his son getting paid insane amounts of money from businesses in Ukraine, China and other countries for doing nothing….except getting his dad to help with pressure and influence.

Now that was cool:

Moved the plane to Fort Wayne the other day. (just a short turnaround flight).

Upon landing, was told to turn off the runway and “Follow the A-10’s”.

Which I did.

(Air National Guard based at Fort Wayne, 122nd Fighter Wing, “Blacksnakes”).

It was fun watching them take off. I need that kind of power (and maneuverability) in my plane.


I tried video, but it sucked as I was too busy taxiing the airplane, so still photos is all I got.


Let me be the first to say this: “Michael Sussmann did not kill himself”

You know, just in case there might be a sudden outbreak of “Arkancide


So it seems that Mr. Sussman is gonna stand trial for Lying to the FBI about the supposed connections of Candidate Trump to the Russian government, (personally, I think everyone who was involved should pay for the investigation costs, including the Impeachment and the Mueller report) and for lying about the fact that he was representing the Clinton Campaign when he did so.

Now, he is in a bind. If he lies on the stand, he will go to jail….if he tells the truth, he implicates Hillary and her supplicants and supporters….which is not known to be good for one’s health.

There is a history of folks who suddenly have “health” issues, fatal ones, when they can compromise Hillary (and Bill) and were I Mr. Sussman, I’d make sure my Life Insurance was in order (and that there was a pile of evidence with a Deadman switch on it……)


Just sayin’ If he “Has an accident”  or “commits suicide” or in any way his health takes a sudden turn towards Terminal, then be suspicious….very, very, suspicious.

Not “Police shoot a man resisting lawful stop who fought police”

But all the headlines read essentially the same:

video shows Michigan cop fatally shooting black man

Why does his race matter? He was driving a car with plates that did not match the car. (Either stolen plates or stolen car?) and then ran, fought, and tried to take the policeman’s Tazer…..the cop was trying to subdue him, to take him into custody WTHOUT lethal force……I really think that had the man been white he would have been treated the same way had he acted the same.

But all the press can say is “Cop shot a BLACK MAN“.

Enough of this race baiting. The headline should, instead, read “Cop shot man who fought him and tried to escape while resisting arrest after lawful stop”….But that headline won’t sell many papers, will it?

Don’t wanna get shot? Here is a lesson in what NOT to do:

Don’t drive a car where the plates don’t match the car.

Don’t exit the car when told not to

Don’t try to run.

Don’t fight the officer when he catches you.

Above all, don’t do illegal things.

Those who do the above, generally greatly increase their chances of being shot. It really doesn’t matter what hue your epidermis is…….And those who DON’T do the above things generally don’t get shot, no matter what race you are or where your ancestors came from.

(and if you have a warrant, deal with it …if you don’t want the cops to arrest you after being stopped….).



Shame they won’t trumpet it as loudly

No, really, they barely have mentioned it at all.

A federal jury failed to convict four men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Funny how in the weeks before the election the Media couldn’t stop mentioning the fact that these men had been arrested for the (supposed) plot…but now that the election is over it barely gets even a mention at all. And they kept trying to link these folks to Trump voters somehow…..

Funny, that, innit?

Of course, like most of these so called Militia movements where the FBI claims to have uncovered some plot, it is usually one Federal agency informing on another Federal Agency….

Plus pre election propaganda.

If you can’t see that you are blind, and possibly dumber than a fish bobber.



Something odd about the NYC subway attack

I’m talking about the subway attack on 4/12/22.

Dude left the keys to his rented van at the scene? Really? And the cops knew to process that evidence first? I mean, lots of evidence that he might have left behind, but generally keys stay in a pocket. (how did they link the keys to him in the chaos of the aftermath of the shooting?) All the backpacks and purses and parcels and coats and such….but they fouced on the keys (conveniently) left behind….And those keys led the investigators directly to the rented van……

And he was wearing a high visibility “Construction Vest” ….do people wear these on the Subway to and from work? Or was it to mark him to the other participants?

And, oddly (and coincidentally), the security cameras in the subway were again not working. How convenient.

And no one was killed. 10 shot, but no one killed…shot in a subway car. Close range. . Strange. No one bled out, desopite being shot at close range. No one.

Funny how these coincidences all happened at the same time, innit?

Perhaps it is just the reporting, but I don’t think so….I am thinking there is more to this story than just a deranged black man. Like false flag.

This smells as much as the Epstein “suicide”

ETA 3:15 PM Central: And the “suspect” was just wandering around New York waiting to be caught…..Not in any way distancing himself from the scene. Again, really strange.

What with all the above, I fully expect there to be a “Ghost Gun” in the mix and new legislation regarding gun control to “coincidentally” pop up in the very near future….

So Economics overwhelms Environment….It matters until it doesn’t.

The double standards of the DNC types never ceases to amaze me.

Air quality standards were important….until they aren’t. The Environment matters…then it doesn’t.

They matter until the price of gasoline starts to damage their popularity in the polls, then those standards …..change. Become less important.

For years, the EPA disallowed the sale of E-15 gas in the warmer months (and outright banned it in some places) because it is more volatile than “regular” pump gas, and “May contribute to Smog” and other supposed environmental issues. They claimed that keeping the air quality standards kept tens of thousands of people from having health issues and that poor air quality contributed to thousands of deaths….. Regulations that cost the American people thousands of dollars every year. Because It Was Important. They told us so.

Until, of course, the price of gasoline at the pump got high enough that people started to become angry at the Biden Administration for those high prices….and the polls showed that his already declining popularity numbers were falling even more.

Then the EPA decided that cheaper gas meant more than the supposed Air Quality standards that they had been ruthlessly enforcing for many years. 

Funny how that works, innit? It was a matter of life and death that we kept our environment and Air Quality standards up, even at the price of more expensive gas….for over 20 years…..until it became an impediment to the DNC…then it suddenly no longer mattered. Suddenly.

If it weren’t for Double Standards, I really don’t think they’d have any standards at all.