Yep, that’s the threat….

Domestic violent right wing extremists plot to disrupt, damage US power supply. 


Hint for the Feebies and the Biden Admin:

The ones who talk about it online are not the ones you need to worry about. (a good chance they are the ATF talking to the US Marshalls about recruiting the FBI anyway) and the ones you don’t know about won’t do it for fun, only for a good reason, and you’ll never know about them until it happens…. and they do it in the opening phases of the real Insurrection. And all your folks won’t stop it.

They are less of a threat than you folks might think. They like their electricity and the comforts it brings. If they shut down your grid, it’ll be because you went to war on them.

If only law enforcement would focus on actual, imminent, threats rather than making them up.

Minus twelve

Fahrenheit, of course.

Coldest day of the season so far.

But the woodstove does such a great job of keeping the house warm.

I didn’t linger outside.




Sorry, but “NO”

Ukraine is about to get itself invaded by Russia (Biden pretty much gave the green light  Putin a few days ago)…..and I feel really sorry for the citizens of Ukraine…


But they chose not to become part of NATO, and the US should not enter that conflict…..Again, I feel for the people of Ukraine, but their elected leaders have made the choice….

If their neighbors think that there needs to be some intervention, let THEM take action. If the other NATO nations feel the need, let them feel free to enter the fray (hint: Most NATO nations have neither the personnel nor the materiel (nor the budget) to wage a conflict of any kind….they’ve been hiding behind the US’s skirts for decades) and could easily be defeated by even small countries like Nambibia….

The US has no real interests in Ukraine, and none worth our military boys and girls dying for. Unfair for the Ukrainian people. perhaps, but there it is.

Let Europe deal with the invader…if any of them have the ability.

Happy Birthday JMB

John Moses Browning was born on this day in 1855.

Arguably the father of the modern handgun, his designs are relevant today, and nearly every handgun manufactured today is a derivation of his design.

His many rifles, shotguns, and weapons of war revolutionized the firearms industry, and many are still produced today.

What might a genius like him create today, with modern manufacturing techniques and methods…..Rather than the technique of the day….which was “Take a chunk of steel and carve away anything that doesn’t look like a gun”….? With modern materials?

Really, Really, poor planning

And an overwhelmingly great lack of foresight will often lead to your death.

As in this instance:

Russian woman jumps into hole in ice in river to mark Epiphany is swept away beneath ice by current. Body not found. 

At night too, to add to the list of screwups.

No safety line, in a high current, Plus farging cold water. Those who have ice dived are shuddering at the list of failures in planning and execution. You’d think people would be smarter….

One can only hope unconsciousness was quick due to the cold. I doubt drowning in an ice cold dark river is high on the “Best ways to die” list.

Have you noticed?

I mean, much of the Left often said that Trump was Putin’s “puppet”….

But if one takes a logical look  (I knw, expecting logic from Liberal Leftists….) at the actions of both Barry Obama and Joe Biden as well as Donald Trump when it comes to foreign policy , one would have to realistically believe that both Obama and Biden are working for (or at least WITH) Putin to further Russia’s plans, rather than thwart them….

One almost could make a case for Projection…