Much trooth:

Go here. (You should read Phil daily anyway, so you may have seen it already):



It’s like…no one that I know of ever risked their life to get to Cuba, either….And no one ever risked death to get INTO East Germany across the Berlin Wall (for you millenials, you’ll have to ask Siri what I am talking about)

Might be best to do your Christmas shopping early

It would seem that there is a lack of shipping and the fact that the ports aren’t working 24/7 because even if they did, there is no way to move shipping containers FROM the ports to where their destinations are….No trucks and while trains are running, there is nobody to unload them (and, again, no trucks to move them the last few miles)


Lots of stuff is running out. and lots of Christmas stuff isn’t getting to the warehouses when there is a 1 month backlog of ships waiting to be unloaded…

And as Peter pointed out, lots of consumables for cars are simply not available. Lots of things like filters, belts and hoses cannot be found. I generally stock 3 oil changes worth of supplies, but am down to two right now as the filters that I generally use for the cars are backordered…..

Expect more and more issues to crop up in the near term.

I’ve gone to what I call “Socialism Mode”…When shopping, if something I use is available, I buy MORE than I need…or buy one even if I don’t need one right now (if it is shelf stable)…..What I need, and at least one spare. Not only goods, but foodstuffs as well. Yes, I know that doing so helps cause shortages, but I’d rather have and not need than need and not have. I don’t go crazy and buy way more than I need, but an extra item or two ensures that I have a few extra on hand.

I strongly suggest you do the same. Not just with toilet paper, but with foodstuffs. And car consumables. And socks and other clothing items….hygiene supplies….filters for your home. belts for critical machinery, etc. I am advised that things like garbage bags and other plastic based items may be difficult to get soon, as the raw materials are sourced form overseas. So I stock stuff like that, as it is relatively shelf stable.

The Covid debacle has repercussions and will for some time. Add the fact that lots of people are choosing not to work (’cause free money makes us lazy) and the mismanagement by our current President and Congress and you have the making of a disaster…

Prepare, if you can, be wise……The days of easy availability will likely return, but not for a while yet.

I’ll believe it is a crisis when they start acting like it is a crisis

I mean, really. Travelers coming into the US via plane or boat (at actual CBP Points of Entry) have to show all sorts of documentation in order to enter the US. Generally  having to provide proof of vaccination or a least a negative covid test

And yet, none of those 12,000 “Hatian” people who illegally entered the United States and were given some form of asylum have been tested…nor are they being required to show any proof of either a negative test nor vaccination.

Yet these folks have been spread out across the US, left to mingle with ordinary Americans, in many geographical locations….Do they Have Covid? I don’t know, and neither does our government. Are they a danger to US citizens? I don’t know one way or the other and neither do you.

Yet one has to ask…if the Federal Government felt the need to require testing and vaccination for so many American citizens that it pushed a mandate for vaccination on employees of businesses with over 100 employees  (except, of course for the Postal Service and members of Congress and a few other special groups) then why not for these migrants? Why not at least a negative covid test before being released into the wild across the United States?

Is there a crisis, or is there not a crisis? Is testing and mandated vaccination worthwhile or isn’t it? If so, then why aren’t these folks being tested and inoculated at least to the level that is required of many Americans?




Have ya noticed???

The stadiums are full of people watching football on Sunday….As was the (rained out) NASCAR race….Yet we are told that the pandemic is getting worse (because of the unvaccinated!!) despite the fact that nearly 70% (once the benchmark for “Herd Immunity”) of the country has been “Vaccinated”…..

Odd, that, doncha think? One might have thought that if the number of cases was “Skyrocketing” to the point that “Hospitals are overwhelmed” as the Media keeps telling us that the folks doing public health might have taken steps to stop such gatherings for fear of making the “Pandemic” even worse……

And why when hospitals are “Overwhelmed with Covid Patients” would those same hospitals be firing staff? Nurses and Doctors and such…when they are “Overwhelmed” ?  Strange, innit?

Something stinks here. The message does not meet reality…..Methinks someone is lying.

ETA: Perhaps the goal is this:



Illogical and confusing:


So the media (and by that I mean not only the Mainstream print and broadcast media, but also providers like YouTube and such) are censoring any information contrary to the Government position on the Covid “Vaccine” and absolutely refusing any information regarding alternate treatments (like Ivermectin, even though the new Pfizer anti-covid pill uses compounds that work EXACTLY the same way as Ivermectin does (protease inhibitor)….and that “horse pill” (Ivermectin) was first developed for and still is used for humans as well as livestock)…We know the safe dosage, and that is is safe for cosumption by humans….so even if it doesn’t work, it won’t do harm…But the FDA and CDC have done all they can to prohibit the use of Ivermectin….Yet Pfizer has a similar drug that (of course) costs more……. They have censored almost all data statistics and such on places like YouTube and Google pushes any non approved sites down several pages, so the first few pages show only sites that repeat the government psition….plus Facesbook and such…all in the intent to remove “Disinformation”….(and often that Disinformation is correct, as we have seen in the past)…

It is almost as if there is a conspiracy to hide all the data….Like hiding it and following the government line on Covid  and the “Vaccine”is gonna get the folks that haven’t already gotten the “Vaccine” to take it…anyone who wants to be vaccinated already has been. At this point it is a waste of time and money to push this…unless there is a reason other than the stated one.

(And if being vaccinated is so important, why give “exemptions” to people based on religious beliefs…and why exempt businesses under 100 employees and especially the Postal Service folks from a vaccine mandate??? If it is important to have people vaccinated, why do ANY exemptions? If it matters, why let politics get in the way??) Either having everyone vaccinated is important for public health or it isn’t. Pick one.


It is almost like someone or some agency is coordinting not only the flow of information, but also the message itself…pushing people to get a vaccine that apparently doesn’t work  very well but has some significant side effects…..and something smells here.

The more the Powers That Be push this Covid mRNA stuff, the less I am inclined to take it….The part of me that really likes tinfoil fedoras just can’t help but wonder why the incredibly hard push…I mean, this disease is over 99.5% survivable….and yet the number of dollars being spent to “Vaccinate” everyone across the world is incredible. There has to be a real reason….one other than public health. Is it nefarious? I dunno. Is it misguided? Perhaps. Is there information about the Covid-19 organism that they aren’t telling us? Possibly. But something simply doesn’t make sense. I fear the people in power and their possible agendas worse than I fear the disease at this point. Something simply fails to make sense. Not to get all conspiratorial or anything, but Something Is Up and there has to be another reason for this push for the “Vaccine”….. Is it profit for the pharmaceutical companies? Perhaps. Is it something else? I Possibly, and just as likely. I dunno.  But I don’t like what I am smelling. …My tinfoil beanie is getting shinier by the day….and that scares me.  I once scoffed at the people that said that there was something in the Covid shots that we would not like……something bad…I wrote them off as crazy conspiracy theory nutballs….Now I am not so sure they were crazy…..What with the attempt to bury all the alternative (and apparently, effective) treatments, the political games, the overwhelming drive to get a shot in everyone’s arm, the suppression of stories that fail to meet the standard of whomever chooses what the media and the internet folks publish and allow, I am just feeling ….unsettled. Am I crazy? Maybe. Doesn’t mean I am wrong in seeing the oddness.

Look around, and tell me if I am not at least partially correct.